Honesty Revealed

Since he was awakened from his stupor, Alan still didn't want to talk to Anne. He even blatantly tried to avoid her and it was felt by Anne.

"Does Grandpa know that I'm being treated?" Alan asked coldly when he was on the plane.

"No sir, the madam forbade us to tell him about your condition," replied a bodyguard with his head bowed.

"Ok, it's not your fault. Well then you can go back."

"Yes, sir."

Anne, who was sitting not far from her husband, could hear what they were talking about. She preferred to stay in her seat, looking at the clouds in the sky. Their journey still took another 30 minutes to arrive in Luxembourg, and during the flight, there was no conversation whatsoever between Anne and her husband. The bodyguards could only be silent when they realized the cold war between the master and their young mistress, unable to do anything about it.