The Return of Jack 

Jack could only be silent when he heard the words of everyone in front of him, starting from Doctor Leo, Luis, and his grandfather, they each took turns trying to explain to Jack.

"Forgive me, Jack, forgive your grandfather's selfishness. I know what I have done is very cruel and unfair to you, but believe me there was no intention whatsoever from me to harm you. The first time Luis told Grandpa about you being unconscious after being rescued from the ocean, I was very surprised and happy because I still have one other surviving grandson, that's why I asked the doctors to save your life in various ways at that time, including stimulating your dying brain using your twin brother's memory," said Mr. David Clarke, ending his explanation. His voice was hoarse from crying.

Jack looked at everyone who was currently surrounding him in turn. "Then why are you telling me about this now?"