
In the spirit of Christmas, I, the almighty author of this fan-fict that you all have chosen to read (thank you to all of my readers), have chosen to grace you all with another chapter (Don't get used to it).

(In reality, the only reason why I am doing this is because I'm bored and have nothing to do due to COVID.)

And I shall also grace you all with another gift, how the story will play out when Akira has become a teacher (if it ever comes to that). Note that this is a rough draft and may look different when the story reaches this point.

I'm mainly doing this because I pretty much figured out how this section of the story will go and want to write it down in case I forget it or for reference.

If you care about spoilers, just skip to where the chapter formally begins or [ctrl-f] to "Chapter Start". The following marks are there to take up space for the non-spoiler wanting readers.

















Everyone was preparing themselves for the upcoming Inter-High tournament.

---------- Seirin High School Gymnasium ----------

Kagami: "Senpai, help me with my defense... please" (des - what Kagami says at the end of his sentences to his seniors)

Kiyoshi: "Hmm? Why?" (Nande?)

Kagami: "I figured that if I increased my defensive skills, you won't be shouldering the teams goal that much. I'll be there to help."

Kiyoshi smiled at that and so did everyone else in the gym.

Kiyoshi: "Sure. But as a warning, I won't hold back."

Kagami grinned.

Kagami: "Just what I want!"

As the two went off to practice, Hyuga looked around.

Hyuga: "Huh? Oi, coach. Where's Hayaba-sensei? I was going to ask him to help me improve my shooting percentage."

Riko: "Now that you mention it, I don't know? In fact, I don't think I've seen him all day."

Right on queue, the gym door opened and in walked Akira.

Akira: "Someone called?"

Everyone: "Hey!" (ossu~)

Nigou: "Arf!" (I'm calling the dog Nigou instead of Number 2)

Hyuga: "Sensei, where were you? Can you help me with my threes?"

Akira: "Sure, but first...".

Akira then went on stage and faced the team.

Akira: "Everyone listen up! I know that we are all getting ready for the Inter-High tournament, but I want to let everyone know another piece of information I've just received."

He held up a piece a paper.

Akira: "In my hand is a list of people who will be attending the training camp for U-17 international tournament."

The whole gym fell silent.

Everyone: "EHHHHHH!!!????"


















Spoiler End

---------- Chapter Start ----------

To those who responded to my request for help regarding ideas on implementing soccer into my story, thank you. I know it's only be up for a day, so there may have been some ideas not given and for that, I can only apologize. Previous chapter 8 has been deleted.

Moving on.

Most of the comments (well two really, there were only 6 comments and 1 was just an appreciation post and another was a comment on a comment) were about including Inazuma Eleven. I am sorry, but I will most-likely not include this anime due to the fact that it is a bit too supernatural for my story.

My fan-fict will be constricted to a setting of almost real life possibilities. Sure there can be unnatural abilities and skills like Emperor Eyes and Cyclone Smash (Echizen Ryoma's technique which should be physically impossible), but that's about it. Something like a golden glove manifesting to stop a ball is a bit too much. Plus that universe too fantasy-like.

In regards to the one comment about including Eyeshield-21, I was only asking for soccer animes. I only put in the word "football" in there because I noticed one reader who went out of his way to comment the word "boo" because he was from Europe.

Lastly for the comment regarding Hungry Heart, I like this anime too, but I would have prefered if you included an idea on how to integrate it into this world.

Well that's about it and thank you again for those that commented.

---------- Real Start ----------

It's been a few years since Akira and Nanjiro had their little talk. From then on, Nanjiro has been teaching Akira every weekend. Except the teachings were multiple set matches where Nanjiro was always dominating.

This was because Akira was under a strict rule to not use any technique that would heavily injure him until he was strong enough. It was only until recently that Akira started scoring points against Nanjiro, albeit only once or twice each set.

Nanjiro and Rinko's relationship also improved during these years and after a few months since they first met, they started going out. But that didn't stop him from occasionally leering at passing women with large busts. Whenever he did that, he would quickly be disciplined by Rinko as she put on a scary face, one that even scared Akira a bit.

The two eventually got married about two years into their relationship and I guess that he was holding back quite a bit because she got pregnant during their honeymoon. Immediately after they found out, they were filled with joy.

When they told Akira, he decided to have a little fun and asked what that meant. He never saw them so flustered before, trying to explain to him where babies came from. It was only until around 15 minutes in that Akira couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud. Needless to say, he got a major scolding and his matches against Nanjiro got way harder than before for the next couple weeks, but he believed that it was all worth it.

Skipping forward to the current moment, Nanjiro and Akira were playing tennis while Rinko was sitting on the side with a noticeable baby bump. They were playing at their home on their private tennis court. Nanjiro bought the place using his earnings from his continuous tournament victories. Of course, after seeing how he made a big decision without consulting Rinko, all his finances were now being withheld by his wife.

Akira had grown a bit taller and gotten much stronger. His growth made it much easier to return the ball without getting too tired compared to when they first played.

Nanjiro just scored a point against Akira.

Nanjiro: "And that's game. Your improving, but mada mada dana."

Akira was huffing and puffing compared to Nanjiro who looked like he just warmed up.

Akira: "Shut it old man. I'll beat you eventually."

They both walked back to Rinko who was waiting for them with a picnic basket.

Rinko: "Good work out there."

Akira: "And I thought I was close to figuring out his weakness."

He said as he sat down and chomped a sandwich from the basket.

Nanjiro: "And I'll have to thank you for that. It's amazing to know that I can still improve at my level."

Nanjiro wasn't kidding. During their weekly games and from Nanjiro's competitive matches, Akira was able to see very slight openings in Nanjiro's playstyle using his Perfect Vision. He used those openings to score again him, but Nanjiro quickly caught on and supplemented those gaps through his natural tennis abilities.

Akira clicked his mouth in response to Nanjiro, while Rinko just laughed.

Rinko: "He's really improving isn't he?"

Nanjiro: "Yeah. Just sucks that he doesn't have an inkling of motivation of wanting to go pro with his skills."

He turned to Akira.

Nanjiro: "You still haven't changed your mind about that?"

Akira just sighed.

Akira: "Hell no, I like my current life. And if no one is able to beat you in a tournament setting, there's not much fun I can expect even if I become a professional. The best opponent I can have is sitting right in front of me."

Nanjiro: "Ha! Cheeky brat, using me just to satisfy your fun."

Nanjiro smirked at him and Akira did the same right back.

Akira: "Aren't you the same?"

Rinko was just quietly listening with a smile. They sat in silence for a bit, feeling the breeze past through them. It was a beautiful day. But Akira broke that silence with a shocking request.

Akira: "Oh yeah, I forgot. Is it possible for me to move to Japan after I graduate?"

This threw off both Nanjiro and Rinko.

Nanjiro: "Haa!? Why do you want to do that?"

Rinko: "Yeah. What's wrong with living here? What brought this up?"

Akira: "I was just curious. There's nothing wrong with living here but, I've been already meaning to go there and I thought that after I graduate would be a good time to do so."

He paused for a bit.

Akira: "I also want to visit my parents' grave."

The group fell silent after hearing that, a completely different silence from the one before. This time, Nanjiro broke it.

Nanjiro: "...I don't see why not."

Rinko: "Huh? Nanjiro, what do you mean?"

Nanjiro: "I mean to let the kid do what he wants. If he wants to move to Japan, then let him go. He said that he wants to do it after graduating, so we have more than a year to work it out. That's plenty of time."

Rinko: "But..."

Nanjiro: "Rinko. This is something that Akira has decided for himself. Let him live out his life they way that he wants to. It's our jobs as his guardians to support him along the way."

Rinko paused a moment in response to a rare moment of maturity from Nanjiro.

Rinko: "...You're right."

She turned towards Akira.

Rinko: "Go and do what you want, we'll be behind you every step of the way. I shouldn't be too worried knowing this is you we're talking about here."

Akira smiled at their support.

Akira: "Thanks."

From then on, Akira started mentally preparing himself to be ushered into where most of the world's action will be starting from. He was getting a bit excited from the anticipation of meeting various famous characters and competing against various teams.


Time flew by and Akira had now just graduated from primary school a week ago. He was now at the airport where he would fly to Tokyo and settle in there. He had already said good-bye to his teammates and coach from his volley ball team and to the friends he made in school and on the street basketball court where he usually frequented.

Rinko: "You made sure that you have everything ready? Your ticket, your passport, your phone?"

Akira: "For the fifth time already, yes I do Rinko-nee. You even sifted through my luggage in the morning."

Rinko: "You never can be too careful and although you are smart, no one is perfect."

Nanjiro: "Except me."

He said with a smug grin.

Rinko: "You are definitely not perfect!"

Akira sighed.

Akira: "Well, I got to get going. My flights going to leave soon."

Rinko: "Alright dear, take care. Also be careful of strangers, don't go out when it is dark, make sure to brush your teeth everyday, clean up the house, ...."

She just kept going on and on, with her hands clutching him and Akira couldn't escape her grasp.

Nanjiro: "Rinko, just let the kid go. You knew this day was coming."

Rinko: "I know, I know, but..."

Akira: "I'll be fine. I know how to take care of myself."

Due to Nanjiro and Rinko's schedules, he would have to live alone for a while and occasionally be checked up on by Rinko's sister. Rinko had no other choice. Clenching her teeth she let go with tears about to fall.

Rinko: "Guuh... *Sniff*"

Nanjiro just ignored that.

Nanjiro: "See you later kid. We'll follow you soon."

Akira: "Yeah. See ya."

He turned to the baby in Nanjiro's arms.

Akira: "And I'll be seeing you again Ryoma."

Ryoma: "Gaah!"

He let out a joyful yelp.

Seeing that Akira smiled, turned, and headed deeper inside the airport.

Akira: 'Tokyo here I come.'