Time for School

Apologies that it took this long, but I did warn you guys two weeks ago that I wasn't posting for a while.

School just started a couple weeks ago and it's taken a while to adjust to my classes. I also had to take 2 exams on the third week, just narrowly getting above 90% on both of them

[If any of you are wondering, I'm majoring in Computer Engineering.]

Also, I decided not to delete anymore chapters as of now. Although it kinds of irks me, it's not really that big of a deal.

Again, sorry for the long wait. Enjoy!


Akira started walking up to the three thugs surrounding the damsel in distress.

Girl: "Please just leave me alone!"

Thug 1: "C'mon. Why don't you hang out with us? We'll show you a good time."

Thug 2: "Yeah. I know a place where we can have fun."

They were trying to grab ahold of her, but she was desperately trying to slip away.

Girl: "No thank you, I'm fine by myself."

Thug 3: "Really? It's dangerous for a pretty girl like you to be alone at a time like this. You should just come with us... you know, for your protection."

This time one of them grabbed her hand and she couldn't shake him off.

Girl: "Let me go!"

Thug 1: "Aww. Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll be enjoy 'hanging out'."

The other two just chuckled evilly.

???: "Just to be sure. Do you need any help miss?"

And here comes our protagonist coming in like the ones you see in the stories. Akira arrived on the scene wearing a sweater and jeans, carrying bags of groceries, books, and other things. He honestly looked like a bit of a weirdo.

Thug 1: "Who the hell are you? Get lost kid. Don't stick your nose were it doesn't belong."

Thug 2: "Yeah. Get lost!"

He ignored them and only paid attention to the girl.

Akira: "I'll ask again. Do you need any help?"

She snapped out of it when he asked her again.

Girl: "Yes, please!"

Akira: "Alright then."

He dropped the many bags he was carrying and started walking over.

Thug 1: "Looks like we got ourselves a hero wannabe. Don't get ahead of yourself!"

One of them tried to catch him off guard and shot his fist towards his stomach. Akira was able to catch his movements, but stood still anyways. The thugs fist hit its target.

Thug 1: "SON OF A BITCH!"

But contrary to what the other thugs thought would happen, their companion was now hunched over holding his hand which he used to punch Akira.

Thug 2: "You bastard!"

Thug 3: "What did you do!?"

Akira didn't bother replying and and just curled his fingers, signifying 'come on'. However, the other two thugs were questioning whether they should, since they just saw their buddy in pain from his earlier attack.

Seeing that the other two didn't look like they were going to do anything, Akira dropped his hand and was about to speak.

Thug 1: "Don't look down on me!"

But not before thug 1 swung his other fist, this time aiming for Akira's head.

He easily dodged by twisting to the left and countered by kicking the thug's leg forward and pushing his body onto the floor. The thug hit his head on the way down and was knocked out. There was a good chance that he would wake up with a headache in the morning.

At this point Akira knew that the other two were just all talk given that all they did was fidget about. They were nothing without their leader.

Akira: "You two."

He pointed at the two wannabe thugs.

Akira: "Pick up your buddy and get lost."

Without skipping a beat, they quickly ran up and and darted away, all with a weird smile on their face and continuously nodding their heads saying sorry.

Seeing as the situation was now resolved, Akira walked back to pick up his bags before heading home. ...That was until, the saved damsel stopped him.

Damsel: "Wait!"

She hurried in front of him.

Akira: "What?"

She bowed.

Damsel: "Thank you for saving me."

Akira was cringing a bit experiencing this cliché event. At first he was a bit curious, now he was just feeling all weird.

Akira: "You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me."

He tried to leave again, but she side-stepped in front of him again.

Damsel: "Wait! At least let me repay to some how."

Akira: "I don't need it. I was just doing what any guy should do."

Damsel: "But still..."

Akira: 'This is taking too long.'

Akira: "How about this. If we meet again, then we could talk about some form of compensation. I got some ice cream in the bag and I don't want them to melt before I get home. If that is all, then I got to go."

This time the girl didn't stop him, a bit in shock to find herself being turned down for a random reason of not wanting his ice cream to melt. She quickly snapped out of it and just stood there as she saw him walk away.

A couple seconds later a black sedan drove up to the park and out came a man in a black suit.

Man in suit: "Young miss, I finally found you. You had your parents worried when you went out by yourself."

The man in the suit was an attendant hired by the damsel's parents. He was sent to look for her when her parent found out that she went out at night.

Instead of replying she got into the car opened by the attendant who did it on instinct.

Damsel: "I need you to find someone for me."

It was at that time she noticed that she didn't ask for his name and could only sigh. Instead of caring about her parent's feelings, the only thing on her mind was man who just helped her.

Attendant: "Uhhh... Yes, young miss."


When Akira finally got home, he proceeded to first fill his refrigerator with all the groceries he bought, leaving out a few things to cook dinner with.

As he was doing this, he turned on the TV again thinking that the cooking would go faster if he had something to listen to even if wasn't that good. Pressing the power button, the first thing that came on was a show called Oha-Asa.

This confused by what he was seeing.

Akira: 'I thought that this show was played only in the mornings.'

[A/N: "The term 'Asa' translates into morning."]

He continued to watch while cooking out of curiosity. Apparently they also have a subprogram every Sunday night talking about the lucky items for the week for all the horoscope signs. Although there was a chance for those lucky items to be changed throughout the week, they didn't change around 80% of the time.

Time quickly passed as he finished up cooking himself a small meal and sat on the couch surfing through channels while eating, eventually stopping on a random sketch comedy channel to finish his food. It was probably because he was raised in America that he could find a lot of the things said funny.

He finished up and cleaned the dishes and tools that he used before he turned off the TV and walked up to his room carrying the other bags filled with supplies he bought before grocery shopping.

After putting things away and checking if he had all the things necessary for his new school he had nothing else to do so he decided to go to sleep early.

He starting taking off his clothes, revealing a vest under his sweater and bands on his wrist and ankles. The vest was a weight vest, weighing 25kg and the bands each weighing 5kg. This was the reason why getting punch in the stomach didn't do much to him.

He started wearing weights around a year ago and since then, he started improving physically at a much faster pace since he wore them wherever he went except for the matches he had with Nanjiro.


When he woke a few hours before sunrise, he proceeded to do the daily routine he did back in the states.

After putting on his weights and some sweats, he went out and started jogging around the neighborhood, getting a deeper understanding of the layout of the place. He returned home after almost 2 hours, starting his bath and watching Oha-Asa. Although he told himself he wasn't going to take it seriously, he couldn't help it as it was referenced almost too many times when he watched the anime.

Apparently Virgos were 6th place today with their lucky items being the same as last night. It also said to be careful of any Aries today as Virgos compatibility with them today was the worst. Akira felt a chill when he heard that.

He quickly took his bath to wash off all his sweat before dressing up and finally heading for school. The uniform color combination and design wasn't one that he hated, but there were a few others that he would have preferred. At least it was thick enough to cover the weight vest underneath.

After a couple minutes of walked he spotted some other students wearing the same white blazer, light blue dress shirt, and black pants/shirts. If that wasn't enough to give away that they were heading to the same school, the design on left chest of the blazer gave it away.

Soon, he found himself at the school gates and he just stared at the school's name that was stamped into the wall to the right of the gate.

Akira: "I finally arrived. It took some years, but I finally made it."

He read out the name.

Akira: "Teiko Middle School..."

He then started to get a bit excited knowing that he was finally at the starting point of his journey.

???: "It's you!"

But then he felt like a cold bucket of water was dropped onto him.

He turned around to see who it is to find the same brunette damsel that he saved last night. And after looking closely, he was immediately able to tell who she was.