No good title

A/N: As said before, I am trying to type at least 250 words a day and this is the result of that. Enjoy the chapter.

---------- Shirogane POV ----------

Shirogane was holding a clipboard while he watching the last moments of the game from his spot comfortably from above when he then felt someone right beside him. He turned his head to see that it was Shoei's coach. He had got up from the bench and came up to the balcony.

Seeing who it was, Shirogane looked back at the game, not caring for his presence.

Shoei's Coach: "Haaaa~. And I thought that with our two star players, we would sweep through the tournament this year."

Shirogane didn't reply.

Shoei's Coach: "Really. How you always manage to get such amazing recruits all the time? I really envy your luck."

Shirogane: "...What do you want coach Kiyoshi?"

Kiyoshi was the name of Shoei's coach. He had been with Shoei for over 25 years and was currently near retirement.

Kiyoshi: "Ma. Maaa~. You don't need to be so serious all the time. Lighten up. You'll stress yourself out if you continue on like that."

Shirogane: "...If you don't have anything to ask, then I'll be leaving."

Shirogane prepared to walk out.

Kiyoshi: "Just wait will you! Seriously, you youngsters are always in a rush."

Shirogane turned to face him.

Kiyoshi: "I just wanted to say thanks for what your player said to mine team. He probably saved all of their basketball careers. It would've been a real shame if my best players decided to retire then and there."

Shirogane humphed.

Shirogane: "I'm not the one you should be thanking. He did that all on his own. ...Really. What kind of player encourages the other team in the middle of a game? I guess I'm being too lenient towards him."

Kiyoshi laughed heartedly.

Kiyoshi: "Well, players of his caliber always have their quirks. Weren't you the same?"

Shirogane did not feel like he was obligated to respond to that question.

Kiyoshi chuckled and looked towards the court.

Kiyoshi: "Well, it looks like it's ending soon. Gotta go back before my boys start worry. We'll see each other again during Nationals and this time ... we will win."

Shirogane: "Good luck with that. I suggest you wait three years for that to happen. Teiko will not lose."

Kiyoshi: "Hahaha! I don't know about that. Experience is the greatest factor in any game."

Shoei's coach walked away while waving his hand behind his head.

Shirogane left the gym soon after with his clipboard. Attached to it was a pieces of papers with a list of all the first string players, including Akira's which had a check mark next to it.

---------- Akira POV ----------

The game ended in Teiko's win with the score being 104 - 62, seemingly breaking the notion that Teiko is at it's weakest at the start of every season. They won against last year's third place finalist by over 40 points.

Even when they knew that winning was no longer possible, Shoei really played their hearts out and probably performed the best they had ever had in their careers. Without a doubt, they would come back stronger at this year's junior nationals.

The referee blew his whistle.

Referee: "Line-up!"

The 10 players lined up in the center.

Referee: "Bow!"

Players: """"That you for the game!""""

After that, Akira calmly shook hands with the opposing players. He had scored 59 of those points, made 16 assists, and 12 steals. A feat that no rookie has every done in their first game.

Akira shook the point guard's hand.

Shoei PG: "You won this game, but we will win the next at nationals."

Akira smiled.

Akira: "Just make sure that you keep that spirit through the entire match next time. Wouldn't want to win too easily."

Shoei's center jumped in.

Shoei C: "Don't worry, we'll make it so that you'll have to be on your toes the entire game. This time we'll make you drown in despair."

Akira shook the center's hand.

Akira: "I look forward to it."

After the after game hand shakes, the Teiko team went back to the school's showers to wash up and change. After game analysis are conducted only after the starting members are chosen, so all the people that played could go home right after the game.

Unlike the rest of his team, Akira chose to head to the lockers saying that he would go later. Entering the empty room and closing the door, Akira dropped down on the floor gasping. Unlike his previous demeanor, he was now completely haggard.

Akira: "God damn! Although, I had a feeling this might happen, to get it all right after the game is killing me."

Akira's current situation was the result of him going all out for 3 straight quarters. The pain he didn't really notice due to the adrenaline was now hitting his body with every waking thought. He felt like he was being stabbed by thousands of knives every second.

Even with the years of physical conditioning he made himself go through, his body was not ready to handle long periods of constant pressure. And the pain was not all physical either.

Akira: "AAAAAH! My head is killing me! It's no use, I can't even think right now."

Since Akira was completely focused on the game, he was also focused on what he could do every second. Passing, dribbling, feinting, driving, stealing, shooting, dunking, any many more. All of these options were going through he head every second which overheated his brain, a result partly due to Perfect Vision.

This was the consequence of power. Humans can only be humans, meaning that their lives were fragile. This is the reason why Akira spent one wish on making it so that he could become someone inhuman, as much as humanly possible.

After a couple minutes, the pain reached a level where it would be 'bearable'. Akira looked down to his raised, trembling hands.

Akira: "...It looks like I can't practice for at least a few days."

Clenching and unclenching it, he did the calculations.

Akira: "It seems like two quarters is the best I can do right now. Anymore and today will just repeat itself. *Sigh* And I thought that I was more developed than this. Looks like the road ahead is still ridiculously long."

Taking a minute to get his bearings, he got up, and finally started heading towards the showers. At least that was the plan until he saw who was behind the door and sighed again.

Akira: "Really, of all the people. How long have you been standing there?"

Rei: "Long enough to understand your situation."

Akira: "That's great."

He said sarcastically. Rei wanted to talk to Akira after the game so when she asked the rest of the team where he was, she went straight towards the locker room. She was about to knock until she moaning and grunting on the other side.

At first she was confused, but then she started to blush. However, after staying for a bit longer, she noticed something strange tone in his voice. She then decided to put her ear on the door and listen and then soon discovered what the noise was all about. So she just stood there waiting for him to come out.

Rei: "It seems like you aren't mister perfect after all."

Akira: "I never claimed to be."

She took a quick glance at his body.

Rei: "Are you going to be okay? From what I heard, you sound like you were in real pain. Do you need to see a doctor?"

He shook his head.

Akira: "I'm fine. I just can't exert myself for the next few days. Trust me, I've been through much worse."

Rei still looked concerned.

Rei: "You should still have a doctor check your condition. Somethings are not visible to the naked eye. My family has a doctor. We can see him after school at my house."

Akira: "I said you don't ha-"

He stopped when he saw Rei glaring at him. After a couple seconds of their staring contest, he relented.

Akira: "...Fine. But I'm telling you that he'll say exactly what I've been saying."

She smirked.

Rei: "We shall see. I'll see you at the gate."

She then walked away after pulling out her phone. Seeing her walked away, he sighed before finally going to the showers to wash off his sweat and the stickiness.

After he finished washing off and said his goodbyes, Akira walked towards the school gates. When it was in sight, he noticed that a small crowd was gathering there. He wondered why the students gathered there and when he pushed his way through, he found out.

Rei: "There you are. Get in and we can go."

In front of the school, there was a black limo parked there and from the sound of it, it belonged to Rei. From the surrounding, he could hear the other whisper.

Student A: "As expected of the princess."

Student B: "Are they going out or something."

Student C: "I guess the rumors were true."

Student D: "Guuuu~ I'm so jealous."

Akira stood there for a bit. He was obviously contemplating whether or not to get in.

Akira: "...Do you have to do this? We could've just walked, you know."

Rei: "Just get in. It wouldn't be good for you to walk long distances in your condition."

Wanting to deal with this situation as quickly as possible, Akira stepped into the limo, whose door was held open by the driver, and was followed by Rei. The driver closed the door, started the car, then they were off towards Rei's house.

For the whole ride, there was nothing but silence in the car. Rei didn't bring up anything because she knew that Akira was not in the mood for chatter.

They soon arrived at Rei's house and the limo passed by the gates and drove straight towards the front of the mansion. At the door there was a older guy dressed in a suit that opened the door for the two to get out.

Butler: "Good evening miss. Welcome home. As requested, the doctor has already arrived and is waiting in the lounge."

He took her bag.

Rei: "Excellent."

She turned towards Akira.

Rei: "Now let's go get you examined."

The butler also took Akira's bag.

Akira: "Fine... But once he confirms that I'm completely okay, I'm leaving."

Rei nodded since she knows that she has been far too forceful and she guided him towards the doctor.

The examination took about 8 minutes. The doctor checked his pulse, his breathing, his reflexes, took his temperature, rotated his limbs, and bent his joints before he came to the conclusion that Akira was just extremely exhausted and that he would need some rest.

Akira gave Rei a glance that said 'I told you so', before preparing to leave. However, it seemed like the anime gods did not want to let this cliché go unfulfilled and before Akira could go for the door, someone else opened it from the other side and stepped in.

The man looked at Akira who was stiff at the moment before turning to Rei.

???: "I had heard that you brought someone home with you. Is this him?"

He took off his fedora and held it to his chest.

???: "It's nice to meet you. I'm Rei's father."