
It had been three weeks since the run in with the man from Orion who's name was Aiden as Zorif told me Zorif still stayed with me during the day and went to the forest at night the Alpha wasn't happy about this but figured since I was queen he couldn't argue, yep life was good it had been nearly three months and i was enjoying it i had had a meeting with the councillors to make sure no girl was sold again they were more than happy as they all had children one councillor had already lost his daughter a few years ago it wasn't right there should be laws against it I also found out that the women on this planet were also bought from a planet called Arimas which i stopped.

I was currently in the library reading a book it was a biography written by someone who had lived on Enidan years ago so it gave me an insight to what planet was like before the monster took over.

There was a knock on the door followed by the handle twisting I groaned this was a downside to being queen you never got time to yourself

'You know you love it' it was Tony speaking in my head I smiled knowing he was right I wouldn't change this for the world or universe

"What's up?" i enquired as I stood up putting the book away hoping to read it later

"there is a problem, the councillors are here and the're waiting in the throne room" i frowned why would it be a problem that the councillors are here I shrugged nodded then blinked into the throne room right next to the throne when the councillors saw me they stood and bowed I nodded sitting down all the councillors followed my lead and they to sat down the man closest to me on my left had a laptop on his lap

"proceed, why am I here?" i asked trying to keep the irritation out of my voice the man with the laptop, Jack, stood

"If I may proceed" he nodded towards me I nodded he walked over to me and handed me the laptop it showed a paused video "press play your majesty" I did as he said. There was a man on the screen he had scruffy dirty blond hair and was wearing something blue i could only see the collar he had green eyes and a strong bone structure in his face then he started to talk and little by little i felt the colour drain from my face

"I am king Darren of Orion, I have spoken to my right hand man Aiden and found that you, the queen of Enidan, had hurt him with your powers" he was now red with anger "I will not tolerate this from a child" he bellowed "therefore Orion declares war on Enidan" he finished I could see Aiden in the back smirking he had a black eye that was barely open and a cut running down from his temple to the corner of his lip his nose also looked swollen and I only had one thought crap with a capital c. the councillor took the laptop off me

"We know you didn't hurt him" I looked up at the councillor still in a daze he carried on talking "we spoke to maids and butlers and every person that saw him leave saw no bruises or cuts or anything else that could say you hurt him" he went and took his seat whilst I digested what he said

"He lied I didn't touch him" i whispered but they all heard

"No your majesty" I nodded I should speak to this king

"I want to speak to the king of Orion" i said aloud the councillors looked at each other then at me

"We have tried to get a meeting but we don't think he wants to talk I think he's upset that the deal is off" we suddenly heard a bang coming from outside we looked at each other then blinked outside in the sky we could see ships they looked like cars with no wheels only bigger "there here" is all Jack said before something fell from the yellow sky and blew up near the meadow thank god there were no houses near by

"ahh bomb, they threw a bomb" I gasped the councillors nodded "how strong is our army?"

"we are 20 your majesty out of 40 planets" oh god is he serious

"and them" I asked pointing towards the sky at the ships

"uh five" Jack answered looking at his feet great just great "king Richard killed most of his army when they came back empty handed looking for your mother"

"ZORIF I NEED YOU" I shouted as I left the throne room going to the stairs I spotted Zorif coming down

'Yes my queen' he said bowing his head "we're under attack from Orion we need fighters and weapons" I told him in a hurry 'I shall let the animals know' he told me as he left I ran my hands down my face I couldn't believe this was happening. Just then I spotted Tony running towards me

"your majesty" he huffed out as he bent down putting his hands on his knees I would've laughed at him but couldn't he stood up straight "we're under attack" he announced I rolled my eyes

"amazing Sherlock" I said sarcastically whilst clapping Tony grinned sheepishly

"what are you doing about it?"

"gathering an army Zorif's gone asking the animals for help the councillors have gone to gather our army and I need you to ask everyone else in the kingdom if they will help ok?"

"ok boss" Tony assured giving me a thumbs up quickly before heading for the door I looked down at my clothes and I was wearing a purple ball gown I couldn't fight in this so I blinked up to my room to change into something more comfy I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of jeans and a black fitted t-shirt I strapped my sword to my back. As soon as I was dressed I heard another bomb go off I blinked outside and saw more ships the animals were there and the army with all their weapons but I knew I needed a plan I quickly blinked back inside into the throne room I saw the laptop on one of the chairs I started looking through the information about Orion I went to read about the king fifteen minutes later I was outside ready to fight the army had cannons that they were shooting at the ships the animals were doing something that might look like leap frog they were jumping on each others back to reach the ships scratching at them to damage them, the ordinary people were using stones, tomatoes, even carrots to throw at the ships. Everyone was doing something which brought a smile to my face.

I was looking for the ship that was different the ship that belonged to the king of Orion all the ships were green in colour but his ship was blue

"got ya" I whispered with a smile I looked at the ship carefully straining my neck there seemed to be panel on the back "check" I whispered I made a fire ball and threw it at the panel hoping the driver didn't feel it, it was a small ball I threw another ball at same place then another then another the panel door soon melted and I could see many wires which wire to burn I pointed to each wire whilst whispering 'eeny meeny miny mo' then smiled and threw a fireball at the open space all the wires burned the king ejected from the seat before the ship went up in flames "checkmate" I whispered just as the king landed gracefully infront of me. He looked pretty angry by this time a lot of eyes were on us



"your planet?" he questioned I drew my sword from its holder

"queen of Enidan I would say it is an honour to meet you but I'd be lying" I took my fighting stance the king smiled again and drew out his sword from a holder on his belt god what century is he from? I smiled at the thought we started to fight as he came forward he tried to hit me but I blocked once twice thrice then I took a shot he blocked me moving backwards

"you're good... for a child"

"you're good...for an old man"

"touche" he smiled we kept at it no-one getting the upper hand but I wasn't worried I could read his mind to find out what his next move would be but suddenly as I moved back I tripped over a rock in the ground and fell on my bottom my sword fell from my hand as I sat up on my knees to retrieve it the king stood on it shaking his head he put his sword to the side of my neck "tut tut tut and I was enjoying that, oh well any last words?"

"yeah when you go to hell say hi to the ex king of Enidan" I smiled not the least bit worried

"oh you're going before me sweetheart" he answered he drew the sword back and I shut my eyes waiting for impact but it didn't come I opened my eyes to see what was happening Zorif had pinned him down and the king was struggling I got up and retrieved my sword

"my my my how the tables have turned" Zorif had bitten his shoulder I moved my head in one direction signaling Zorif to move he stood straight away and I sat on him straddling his stomach he tried to struggle more but I put my sword to his throat he stopped immediately I whistled as loud as I could everyone stopped

"LEAVE THIS PLANET OR YOUR KING DIES THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND LAST WARNING LEAVE NOW" I screamed the people of Orion that were fighting on land stopped and stared "I MEAN IT I'LL DO IT" I dug the sword a little deeper the king let out a little scream the Orions started to depart into their ships when they were all in their ships I shouted "NOW LEAVE YOUR KING WILL FOLLOW" The ships started to leave after they were gone I stood up off the king I put out my hand to help him up he looked at my hand skepticly "i won't bite" I assured he took my hand and I helped him stand he brushed himself off as I did "now let's talk" I offered, the king nodded we walked inside to the throne room I sat in my throne after he was seated "now may I ask the reason for this fight?" I asked in a calm voice

"You hurt Aiden" he shrugged

"but I didn't" I told him "ask anyone he was fine when he left here, I mean I was angry but I didn't hurt him"

"it is your word against his" he was right I frowned

"call him here we'll ask him together"

"very well" he took out a device I assumed was a phone

"call only Aiden and no-one else" the king just nodded

Fifteen minutes later Amanda bought Aiden into the throne room he looked smug he had a cut above his eye, his right arm was in a sling and his left ankle was bandaged therefore there was no shoe on that foot

"wow you look horrible" I stated taking in his appearance

"gee thanks" he answered sarcastically "you did this" he let me know I sighed

"I know" I told him he frowned

"you do?"

"of course and let me just say I'm very sorry" he believed my fake apology and smiled

"yeah well I don't think I can forgive you" I wanted to roll my eyes

"well I can make it better, I have an ability that allows me to heel here let me heel you" I told him as I stood up

"n's fine" he stuttered taking a step back I smiled at the king he was just staring

"come on" said the king "let her heel you so we can leave" he said as he too stood up "I don't want to be here anymore than necessary" he was doing well but Aiden wouldn't have it

"KEEP AWAY FROM ME I'M WARNING YOU" I tilted my head to the side acting innocent

"what's wrong" I asked

"yeah take your dressings off so she can heel you then we can leave" the king told him standing next to him Aiden sighed

"alright" he huffed out taking off the dressings "I lied she didn't hurt me" the king and I smiled putting our hands on our hips

"You will be punished" the king stated he turned to me and apologized as they left I sighed glad to see the back of them I blinked outside to see the damage and let me tell you it wasn't pretty animals and people lay on the ground some were unconscious and some were crying some were whimpering but all seemed to be alive I got to work in healing my people and animals it was tiring I grew really tired from crying it wasn't easy for me as I didn't have much to cry about by the time I finished healing I found two people and three animals dead that made me cry but it was still tiring when I finished I collapsed on the floor I could hear people calling me but they seemed so far away.

I was at the stream near the meadow when a man walked up to me he smiled and I noticed he had long canines like vampires that's silly vampires don't exist but then again neither do warewolves and they exist I stood up as this man was talking I was stood far looking at the scene playing before me the man got down on one knee the other me had tears in her eyes

"Caitlin I have known you for a year now and I love you more than words can describe I will never meet anyone like you, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife" he had such an angelic voice he was gorgeous he had dirty blond hair and the most gorgeous green eyes he was wearing a tight black t-shirt and I could see his sexy six pack he obviously worked out

"yes yes" the girl answered the man stood up and took her into his arms they started to kiss and she looked happy they stopped for a breath when he slid the ring onto her finger it was a big diamond with little diamonds around it they kissed again with tongues soon they were on the floor she was moaning as he took off her red top suddenly I heard my name

"caitlin caitlin CAITLIN" I woke up sweating

"ow what" I asked wanting to go back to sleep I saw Tony standing over me looking very red I was in my bed how did I get here Tony must have carried me "what" I asked again a little worried

"uh well I uh woke you up coz well coz you were ...were, well you know moaning" he stated going a deeper shade of red

"crap I think I had a premonition" I told him

"I don't want to know" he told putting his hands up in a surrender manner I smiled embarrassed he quickly made for the exit I touched my face which was all clamy from where i had sweated so much

"i need a shower" I whispered to myself as I got out of bed I couldn't stop thinking about 'him' all through my shower I decided I should go for a run instead so I got dressed in track bottoms and a red t-shirt I tied my hair in a loose pony tail and made my way to my bedroom door I remembered Tony's face when he woke me that was embarrassing so instead I blinked to the forest I inhaled the beautiful smell of nature as I stretched then once I was done I started off with a jog gradually getting faster I was still thinking of him his sexy abs his rippling muscles his gorgeous green eyes and his hair oh his hair I could brush my fingers through his hair all night damn where did that come from? I stopped running realising the run wasn't helping I looked around and saw I wasn't in the forest anymore I was in the meadow near the stream 'oh crap' I thought I sat near the stream and washed my face the meadow looked different the grass was burnt in places and there was a fallen tree a bomb must of hit this place I lay down on my back near the water with my arm covering my face

"hi there" a familiar voice spoke I looked up to see Dylan smiling down at me

"hi" I answered as I sat up I looked at him carefully he had black hair and brown eyes I went down too his chest his t-shirt wasn't tight but I'm sure he didn't have a six pack

"uh" Dylan broke my concentration I looked at his face it was red

"sorry I was just ...thinking about ... the ... animals" well it wasnt a complete lie I was thinking what I would do with the man from my dream once I met him and trust me my thoughts were very animalistic he smiled seeming to except my answer

"ok cool" he ripped out a strand of grass and started twirling it around his fingers as he sat down "so any new laws that you're thinking of introducing?" I shook my head no

"no not at the moment" we sat quietly for a while then I said goodbye as I blinked back to the castle and straight to the kitchen to get something to eat I made myself a sandwich and ate it in peace I felt a presence near by my ability told me it was Tony I blinked with my plate to my room I know I was being immature but I really didn't want to see him.

Fact definition of this country is IN

like England is Eng