Chapter 2: Mistakes Were Made

Chapter 2: Mistakes Were Made



I woke up at dawn, it just felt right. I guess it's part of my daily life here since I am not a baby.

After taking a minute to gather my thoughts I started using Occlumency as instructed in my head to reorganize my memories and oh boy.

It seems I made a hasty escape out of fear and forgot that, that being was supposed to send me somewhere so right now I am not in the world I was supposed to be but that being was magnanimous enough to send me a ticket for that but that's not the problem here.

My name in this life is Ethan Grant, I am the 12 years old son of a minor noble, my mother apparently died at childbirth and my father wanted me out of his sight, apparently he blames me for mother's death so in the end here I am, training as a Page under a Knight named Gerald Williamson, who's a Knight under Uther Pendragon...

Oh yeah and things just keep coming, Morgan is at my age according to gossiping maids meaning she's still a child and thankfully still sane, also from what I heard she's learning magic under Merlin for the past half a year, there's no Arthur on sight yet.

Let's hope I am not in a terrible world based on some British TV Series, for now let's try and see what my Rudimentary System is offering.

-(Status)/Inventory/Random Reincarnation-


Name: Ethan Grant

Age: 12

Occupation: Page

Power Level: LOL You're a child.

World: Fate Grand Order


Fuck! Okay I can work with this but let's get out of bed first I still have work to do, I can have my existential crisis later.

Getting out of bed I changed my clothes to my official outfit as a Page and grabbed a bucket to draw water from the well like I have been doing for the past 4-5 years according to my memories and left my room.

Following the familiar cobblestone path leading out of the castle I reached the well, thankfully there's no line. It's weird having memories shoved into my head and it's even weirder to be able to get used to them this quickly.

Life as a Page is pretty repetitive, I work for the Knight I am under like fetching letters, food and water while doing minor cleaning but I am not allowed to clean armors or swords yet.

In return Gerald is teaching me how to read, fight, ride a horse and play Chess etc. You know Noble Class stuff and I will be his Squire at 14 and expected to fight alongside him while trying to impress him so he can recommend me to be Knighted, pretty straightforward so far.

According to my memories there's not much war happening at this time, my 12 years of experience is not enough to guess if there's a war coming but I think I am pretty safe until Artoria is born since from what I remember things have gone to shit during her childhood alongside Morgan going crazy.

Well, I am saying safe but it's as much safe as it can get during medieval times in Fate universe... Hold up let me check...

Yep, black hair, blue eyes, no purple hair or any distinguishing features, that's a good sign so far.

While I was thinking about all of these I already drew water from the well and brought it to Greald's room, I am a child of standards I always bring the water as he leaves the room.

Gerald is a older Knight, he's about 50 years old which is pretty good for current times his hair has long lost its color and he has a scar on his lip otherwise quite good looking for his age.

He has no wife or children that I know of but people says he likes to teach more than fighting so he has been given many Pages over the years but most of them never became a Squire and went back to their Noble Houses.

It appears that I will be his last page, potentially his last squire if nothing goes wrong since he's pretty old.

Gerald takes the water to wash his face while I am praying to Alaya in hopes that she won't send a Counter Guardian to kill me.

"Mornin kid, thanks for the water. Now come along, you learned your daily duties good enough also your progress with the wooden sword is adequate, it's time to put a real sword in your hands let you get used to it's weight. hehe"

I just nod and follow Gerald, I am actually pretty disappointed that his name isn't Geralt.

Getting to the practice field Gerald gave me a sword, put me in a now familiar stance and just told me to swing it like I have done for the past 4 years.

There were more stances and such but apparently I will be doing this for the next year alongside my normal work to get used to the weight of the steel, so I actually know how to fight just never fought anyone apart from Gerald.

Gerald actually uses a war hammer but he knows about swords enough to teach me.

Like I said being a Page is pretty repetitive. While I was swinging Gerald did his own training with other knights and corrected my stance from time to time.

After doing some non stop swinging my arms gave out which is the signal for me to stop, putting the sword back in it's scabbard and returning it I sat on a rock on the side, I need some rest before fetching breakfast.

While I was resting I watched other knights do their thing like running with their armor on or sparring with each other.

It's not like this is a gym there's not much to do by way of training but there are some archers making bets on number of bulls eye's they will shoot.

I can see squires sparring with each other unfortunately I am the only page in the castle at this time so I don't have anyone in my age group and other squires are around 17-18 years old.

By the time Gerald finished his training I was already rested, I also went to the kitchen to get his breakfast.

Normally I would have the food for both of us ready but yesterday Gerald said I will be cooking on my own now for a while, apparently it's a must skill to have as a knight.

So, after Gerald ate in front of me I went back to the kitchen with him and talked with the maids there and now I have the kitchen for myself while the whole staff is watching me.

No pressure...

(I am not sure if the following is accurate since I didn't look if said ingredients were available at medieval times, also this horrendous cooking description is a one time thing.)

As expected from medieval times, only spice they have is black pepper and there's no tomatoes I mean seriously...

My options are basically chicken, potatoes, lettuce, cheese, some eggs and flour, I can work with this.

First I thanked Alaya for cooking oil being available in this era even if it's just animal fat, it's better than nothing and I started melting it on a pan.

After that I cracked some eggs in a bowl, poured some flour in another bowl and dipped the chicken in egg then flour by that time the oil has already melted and ready to fry this guy.

While the chicken was frying I cut some potatoes and dropped them as well, I am not going to lie I am just doing all of these blind since most of my cooking experience consists of ordering food online.

After the chicken and potatoes became golden brown I got them out to a wooden plate and put some cheese on top of the chicken letting it melt on it. It's not the most appealing food by the looks since potatoes are cut in weird shapes but smell is good enough to prove that it will taste good.

Satisfied with my work I went to the table to eat, I am hungry enough to ignore the salivating maids, after putting my plate I went to get some water, after getting myself a mug of water and some bread I went to back to the table only to fall to my knees in despair due to what I saw...