Chapter 3: Morgan Le Fay The Destroyer

Chapter 3: Morgan Le Fay The Destroyer



There she is, the girl I was wondering ever since this morning is sitting at the table.

She has slightly blonde hair, milky white skin and a face that can be called picture of innocence and her emerald eyes filled with inmeasurable joy.

Since Artoria has yet to be born, the person that's eating "my food" with such joy can only be Morgan Le Fay...

I fell to my knees like someone killed my pet in front of me, I was surprised to find my eyes are tearing up, to think it would actually hurt to see someone else eating my food.

While I was despairing Gerald came and pat my back "Well, I wasn't expecting you'd cook something smelt good enough to get Lady Morgan's attention but you can forget about that plate lad, come on we'll get you some extra bread on the way we have work to do."

I nodded and get up not daring to look up to Morgan lest I start crying for real, while doing so I also missed the clear confusion on her face and a sneaky Merlin looking over the whole event with eyes full of amusement and curiosity.


(Merlin POV)

How curious, how exciting! Something happened to this little human and like a small pebble thrown in a lake, most of my prophecies has became invalid and I can't even see his future...

Ohh it's been a while since something exciting like this happened, let's see what kind of surprises he will bring but for now there are other things I must attend to...

"Merlin, why did that page fell to his knees like he lost something important?" I hear my adorable student asking.

"Dear Morgan I believe the food you were eating was his..." I tell her with a grave expression making her realize her blunder, also I can see that her fate is somehow stretching towards that kid how curious.

Sigh, who would think such innocent lady would turn evil later on but such is her fate for being born with that kind of magical energy.

Let's hope that little pebble at least can change the fate of at least one of my ill fated students.

I doubt he can help the chosen king I saw but maybe he can help Morgan, I am not asking for too much, am I?


(Ethan POV)

I am not sure if it's good or not but we're not in Camelot. I never asked the castle's name but turns out Camelot is in the process of being built.

Anyway I ate my loaf of bread with reluctance, to bait out Morgan with food is actually a good thing, now I know that being a foodie is a family trait, now I just need to strike up a conversation.

I mean I might be a page but I am still a Noble it shouldn't create any problems and if I play my cards right and draw the right kind of attention from Merlin I might just get myself a tutor on magecraft.

Well, my plan is based on me potentially having magic circuits but I mean it's medieval times, it's near the end of Age of Gods where mana was more abundant, so it wouldn't be surprising for random person on the streets to have magic circuits.

While I was monologuing by myself Gerald brought me to the armory, on top of having my first steel sword I am actually going to have my first decent armor as well, it's going to be hell to wear it most of the time even if it's leather but he says it builds character...

I have a feeling I was supposed to get the armor earlier but Gerald is old so it wouldn't be surprising that he forgot.

Anyway most of my day went by trying not to pass out from heat stroke and writing letters for Gerald then we played some chess which I finally destroyed him thanks to my now adult mind.

I am going to assume we won't be playing chess anymore...

We started finishing things up with a patrol around the castle on horses, it's not like there would be someone stupid enough to sneak in while there's still day light, it's mostly an excuse to teach me how to ride a horse which I still suck at.

After patrol I did another set of swings unfortunately with the armor, turns out Gerald really forgot about the armor this morning...

I honestly wasn't surprised to see fried chicken on dinner and it smelled better than mine too...

Unfortunately I still had to cook myself, at least no one stole my plate this time around.

After dinner I drew some more water and started heating it up over the fire, at least people bathe daily although lack of decent soap leaves me dissatisfied but I am not going to complain.

After bathing I went back to my room and collapsed on to my bed, my pillow acting as my guide I went to sleep, it would have been much better if I didn't dream about Merlin though.

It seems I have already been busted...


[Let's be real here Merlin is an Half Incubus, entering people's dreams are his nature and Merlin would totally check out Ethan due to him messing up his prophecies]


I started walking around in my house, to be honest I feel something is not right but whatever. It's Saturday so I have the whole day to myself I can figure it out later but...

"Why the fuck is Merlin reading novels on my PC?"

"Shhh this guy is about to romance a dragon."

"Ah sorry... Wait that's not it! You're reading a DxD fanfiction at least read the original first..." I feel like I am missing the point.

"No! I took a peek at that one Issei is terrible but look at this guy going down on Tiamat at chapter 3 now this is something else but it seems this Tiamat is different from the one I know hmm..."

Right I remember the problem.

"Why are you reading novels, aren't you supposed to be checking out if I am dangerous or not?"

"Someone who has all these harem novels cannot possibly be an enemy of mine." Merlin states with the most serious expression his face can make.

Too bad the content of the conversation is invalidates his expression. So I sat down next to him and pulled out a random fiction from my memory and started reading.

There's no way I am trying talking some sense into him so I might as well get the best out of this lucid dream.

After half an hour Merlin finished the book, his expression made him look like he achieved some kind of enlightenment.

"This was a good read, also I will talk with Uther and take you as my student this Occlumency stuff might help Morgan if you're willing to teach and I will ignore all those Rule 34 Artoria stuff back at your head... *cough* after taking some copies for myself of course *cough* Congratulations Ethan Grant the Reincarnated One you just became the student of the best magus of the current era." Merlin states while doing poses I can see that he somehow got JoJo Part 1 in his hand.

[Note that Artoria hasn't been born yet so he doesn't see her like a daughter yet.]

I just nodded indicating that I heard while trying to ignore him geeking out centuries early, thankfully he didn't stay for long and left letting me wake up at dawn once more.