Chapter 4: Living With Merlin Is Suffering

Chapter 4: Living With Merlin Is Suffering.



Next day, after I was finished with my morning training, I went to the kitchen once more. I wasn't surprised to see Merlin waiting there. He talked with Gerald about taking me as an apprentice.

Poor Gerald was sad to lose his last page but Merlin assured him that he can still teach me how to wield a sword and he will only be teaching me magecraft, how sad Merlin rocks with a sword it would have been both awesome and annoying to learn swordsmanship from him.

Anyway now that I am relieved from most of my duties as a page, Merlin guided me to his room with a smile that made me want to scream stranger danger, while lamenting things I do for power I entered his room.

His room was decorated with magenta colors and not surprisingly, flowers. I got seated on a chair after clearing the flowers off it.

"Now young Ethan, while it might have looked like I was fooling around in your dreams..."

"But you were fooling around." I point out.

"...*Coughing* I also took a peek at your memory to see how much you know by way of Magecraft, you already know the most of the basics so I will be jump starting your circuits, after that it's mostly reading and practice." Seeing me nod Merlin put his hand on my head and I felt a jolt going through my body.

Afterwards he started patting my head while I was reorienting myself, I kinda feel like he's treating me like a pet or a flower in a pot...

"50 magic circuits, if my calculations are correct which they are you should have an output of 2000 units, well. It's normal since most nobles had magus ancestry at some point, you're certainly not a genius compared to the people of this era but don't worry under my caring hands you will certainly flourish or I will just deny you being my student."

Saying all of these he finally stopped patting my head and gave me some book gesturing that I should start reading.

Let's see basics of magecraft that wasn't in Type-Moon Wiki and some basic spells like projection etc. basically the spells Shirou had when he was fighting the fifth grail war and some mental protection stuff.

Somehow I don't feel exited as I hoped.


I finished the books rather quickly, there wasn't much to read in them anyway, I just need some practice with the spells.

So I put the books Merlin gave to the side while I was going to reach for the bookshelf the door of the room was burst open revealing a heavy breathing Morgan.

"Merlin where's Ethan, what did you do to him?! I need to apologise for taking his food."

To this Merlin just pointed at me while saying. "I am surprised that you learned his name Morgan." Turning around Morgan found me taking a book from the bookshelf.

"Hi I'm Ethan..." I decided to pull a Kazuma move.

"Morgan Le Fay nice to meet you... that's not it! I am sorry I ate your food there I said it! I can finally relax."

Saying what she wanted to say Morgan just slumped on a chair looking kinda lost. I guess Pendragon family take their food really seriously if she went through all this trouble...

"Is she okay?" Not gonna lie she looks cute as hell with that involuntary pout but I have to ask.

"She has been looking for you for the past two hours for a simple apology, now that she said what she wanted. She doesn't have anything to keep the conversation going, give her a second."

"Merlin, why is Ethan here?" Morgan finally talked after some time.

"I took him as my student like you, he doesn't have your talent but he has an inborn spell that protects the mind from influence of others and different magical energies, so I offered to teach him in return he will be teaching you this Occlumency stuff since I don't need it." Sasuga Ainz-sama bullshitting his way like a pro... wait wrong anime.

"Really? How is it better than the spells you taught me anyway?"

"I assure you it's much better also you could use a friend since you keep scaring the ones coming to visit."

"It's not my fault, they look at me weirdly whenever we eat something." Well it's expected if your appetite is similar to your yet to be born sister as well.

"Well, you don't have to worry about Ethan and while both of you are here why not start learning this Occlumency I will watch over you."

Damn even Merlin avoids talking about how she devours food, for know let's practice Occlumency. It will help me keep out perverts out of my dreams as well.


We worked on Occlumency until afternoon, Morgan had to leave because she has other classes as a lady and Merlin shooed me out of his room while muttering something about keikaku.

I am already despairing the fact that I wasn't strong enough to keep him out of my mind.

Anyway now that I got nothing to do I went back to the training area to find Gerald, I can always use more training.

Unfortunately Gerald wasn't feeling like instructing me but he was in the mood to tell stories. So knowing that he will help me anyway, I wore my leather armor, took up a sword and started swinging while listening to him.

"So there was this one time some stupid lad tried to kill King Uther, foolish lad thought he can end the king with a swing of his sword since his back was open. I rushed at him with my hammer Gods I was strong then, caved in his chest..." Huh where did I heard that before?

Once again I stopped after my arms gave out, I kinda wish I had some proper knowledge on how to build up muscles since this doesn't seem like the healthiest way to do it but whatever let's do some running since I don't have work afterwards I can just collapse on my bed.



"Hey Ethan pass me some popcorn, I can sense the drama coming."


[Shirou, I am not like other girls. My body is filled with muscles and it's not as soft as Rin or Sakura, these hands only know how to kill] > TV

"Why is she so oblivious to her beauty who taught this girl!?"

"Well, you did."

"Nope as far as I am concerned that's an alternate time line."

"Sure Merlin let's say, it is."

-Some Episodes Later -

"Interesting, that Archer fellow is quite interesting..."

- More Episodes Later -

"What!? They skipped the threesome scene you talked about?"

"That's why I told you to play the visual novel first!"

"Fine but at least let's finish this first."

- Some Episodes Later Again-

"Ohh he actually had Avalon in him that explains so many things!"

"Yeah, what time is it by the way I still need to wake up at dawn."

"Don't worry about such trivial things let's finish Stay Night, we can watch UBW tomorrow."

"Weren't you going to play the visual novel?"

"Oh yeah!"

I am looking forward to the day I can keep him out of my dreams.