Chapter 9: Camping Trip At The Lake

Chapter 9: Camping Trip At The Lake



I finally managed to make an ice cream that didn't turn into Cthulhu rip offs. Satisfied with my success I also made some sandwiches and checked if we still have some fruit juice.

Putting all the items into my inventory except the basket I left the kitchen seeking Morgan. I can't let her surprise me all the time, it's time for me to make a counter attack.

I found her leaving her room, it's noon so she's probably going to get something to eat.

"Hello Lady Morgan."

"Hello Sir Ethan, what are you planning for lunch?" Hearing this I raised my basket.

"Care to join?"

"Of course." Taking her hand I guided her to a secluded spot in the garden and we started eating alongside making some small conversation where I kept talking like a complete gentleman until Morgan burst into laughter.

"Okay stop with the gentleman act I known you for years." After that our picnic have been more enjoyable until I brought out the ice cream.

"This isn't going to sprout tentacles right?"

"No, this one is actually edible."

"Thank god." Ice cream is well received by Morgan if the kisses I got in return was an indicator.

Afterwards we decided to laze around Morgan rested her head onto my shoulder while tracing my muscles through my tunic. The breathing technique Cath Palug gave made wonders for my body even though I am still quite young.

So here I am laying down hugging the girl I came to love completely at peace I dare say nothing can brake the atmosphere after all Merlin should support this and if Merlin doesn't disturb us then we're good...

"COME ON KIDS WE'RE GOING FISHING!" And Merlin bursts through the ground and grabs our ankles, dragging us down inside the dirt.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him.


After ten minutes of dirt filled journey we got out of the ground our clothes completely ruined.

"What the hell Merlin look at my dress!" Morgan looks like she crawled out of a grave and I look similar as well on the other hand Merlin looks pristine as ever.

"Sorry let me handle that." Saying this he waves his staff changing out outfits to a modern camping gear.

"What's up with these but they're strangely comfortable." Hmm the outfit actually suits her.

"They're camping outfits my adorable students, now follow me."

"Hey why are you not wearing one too?" I can't help but ask.

"Sorry where's my manners." Merlin changes into a ranger outfit, even Cath Palug has a tiny ranger hat.

"Are you happy Ethan?"

"Yes, Morgan I am quite happy look at Cath he looks adorable."

As we started walking I noticed that we're at the edge of a forest, at least it looked like that because entering further revealed that it's just a lake surrounded by trees.

Seeing the place Morgan seemed to relax and Merlin proceeded to bring out three sticks with ropes attached. After getting our rods ready with some bait we threw it to the lake, for some reason Morgan started to giggle ominously.

"She's going to be furious to be summoned like this hahaha." Okay, let's see the situation from an outside perspective.

- An enormous lake without any other humans.

- Morgan Le Fay with an evil laughter

- Merlin and his annoying smirk...

Lady Vivian I am so sorry!


"Insolence!" There she is, completely made out of water. Lady of the lake and the good counterpart of Morgan.

"You're so stiff despite being made out of water Vivian, relax a little."

"I understand your nature Merlin but at least don't drag down others with yourself."

"Hi Vivian!" Morgan gives a wave.

"Hello Morgan."

I just stayed silent during the whole conversation hoping I would somehow catch a fish, however my policy of ignoring the problem didn't work out as I hoped.

"So who is this young man his fate is all over the place."

"Hello Lady Vivian my name is Ethan..." While I was about to introduce myself as just Ethan Merlin put his hand on my shoulder and started squeezing.

"... Ethan Ambrosius, Merlin's apprentice."

"I see, nice to meet you. Now why are you here Merlin?" Sigh this was supposed to be a fishing trip wasn't it?

(for sake of story I am going to make 14 as marriageable age)

"Well Vivian you see these two just became 14 this year and if nothing goes wrong they're going to marry, I figured I should give their gifts here." Hold up, why wasn't I informed of this looking over to the blushing Morgan it seems she got caught off guard as well.

"I see your tricks but I shall allow it this time." Saying this Vivian gave us another look before dissolving into water, afterwards a black necklace and a sword rose from the water. Seeing the items Merlin quickly put them in his bag.

"Merlin sorry for being rude but what the fuck."

"Yeah I need an explanation as well."

"Well I wanted to study Fey Enchantments but Vivian wouldn't give me any treasures, I will give them back as gifts later now come on, let's build our camp."I don't know how thick his skin is but he didn't even blush while saying this.

"I feel used." I mutter to myself.

"You'll get used to it." Merlin answers.

"We don't want to get used to it!" I had to hold Morgan for a while because she started attacking Merlin, too bad it just made him laugh.

After we all calmed down and set up an actual camp Merlin started speaking.

"Well kids I have some inappropriate stuff to do with Vivian so sit here and be good children and make some progress, seriously watching you two is becoming boring you two are moving at a snail's pace."

"You mean our magic studies right?" Morgan still being somewhat innocent asks.

"No, I am talking about your relationship it took guys two years to kiss each other for crying out loud I was drowning in women at your age..." Merlin stops mid speech and I don't like the smile on his face.

With a snap S&M ropes come out tying my right hand with Morgan's left hand. sometimes I wonder why does he keep them on his person at all times.

"Now let's see some progress, I am going away, so be free to get naked or whatever you want to do."

- 5 Minutes Later -

"So, we're breaking out right?" I say unsure of what to do. We should be able to break these ropes, seeing that Morgan is not answering I turned to her only to see her sitting with a red face holding her crotch with her free hand.

"I need to pee."