Chapter 10: Making Romantic Progress

Chapter 10: Making Romantic Progress



It was as I hoped, we managed to get out of the ropes before Morgan had to go. Unfortunately she didn't know how her new pants worked so I had to talk her through taking it off.

Who knew one day I had to explain zippers to someone.

(In earlier chapter Merlin changed outfits to camping ones based on Ethan's memory)

In the end we huddled up to each other next to the fire, it's strangely cold for summer time but I am going to blame Merlin for it. I don't know how but he must've done something to the weather.

"Did you know mother said you're a good choice to marry?" Morgan speaks all of the sudden, breaking the comfortable silence we had.

"No but I am sure Queen(?) Ingrain was right."

"Even if you never met her?"

"Right, I never met her. Why didn't I ever met her?"

"Merlin is not allowed near mother due to his common pranks and being his students means you're included as well."

"That makes perfect sense." I don't think Merlin would care about who he's sleeping with, I wouldn't take chances with him.

Also I think he would just find the situation amusing instead of getting offended.

"Do you know why everyone wants me to marry you?"

"Short answer is Merlin."

"I need more than that..."

"Well, in summary you're going to get pregnant from your own sibling and your child is going to kill your sibling. Was that too blunt?"

"All right that's messed up, I thought you were going to say it's because of my inborn black magical energy."

"Well that's kinda going to help along the way."

"Then why should marrying you change things? What makes you special, I know you and Merlin are hiding stuff from me, tell me."

"Well it's a complicated story but think I can tell you..." I think our relationship is at a good point and I literally have nothing to lose so I told Morgan about my world traveller status and how there might be something out there that can contain her dark magic but I did not talk more about her future lest I trigger something.

"Well aren't you full of surprises, since you're a world traveller you must know stuff, do you know why was I born with this magic?"

"It's just fate that's all."

"Won't there be consequences for changing it?"

"I got something for it don't worry." I assured her, she just keeps nuzzling into me. I don't think Merlin meant this kind of progress but I am happy with the current situation.



"Love you."

"I love you too."

[God it's too cheesy, I suck at romance]


(Merlin POV)

I stopped watching my adorable students, it's honestly annoying me that they have yet to sleep together, I mean can you blame me intercourse is like breathing to me. Finally turning to my partner in crime I see that her hand is stretched out.

"Sigh why do they have to be so innocent, they cost me the bet." Grumbling I gave the necklace back to Vivian.

"You really don't want the sword back?"

"Give it to the kid, he might surprise you. I know you've been unable to see his future for a while."

"Yeah but it shouldn't be bad, he has ways to conserve his life. So what does he going to do with the sword it might not be Excalibur you're making but it's still quite valuable."

"Now that would be telling Merlin, you should get used to not knowing what future holds we're messing with fate after all."

I just wave at her concerns as long as Morgan puts on that ring those kids will be fine and we can manage it's not like we're pissing off Alaya or something.

I dare say we're making a favor to humanity.


(Ethan POV)

I woke up to dodge a kick aimed at my head, once I got my bearings I noticed that it was Merlin.

"What got you worked up?"

"You cost me a bet and now I need to give this sword to you." Eh? He just gives me the sword and leaves while muttering things like he should have drugged us with some aphrodisiac.

Ignoring my indignant teacher I woke up Morgan, we actually slept while cuddling but it seems Morgan is a type that rolls around while sleeping since she rolled towards the lake during the night.

"Good *yawn* morning why do you have that sword?"

"Apparently Merlin made a bet with Vivian and lost so he had to give the sword to me honestly I don't know what to so with it." I mean my next destination will practically give me a soul bound weapon that's suited for me, so I really don't need this. (No it's not Bleach)

"Well, if Vivian had you keep it that means there's a use for it. So what's for breakfast." Sasuga Morgan thinking about food right away.

"Hey Merlin what are we doing today?"

"Nothing, we're going to Camelot the rest of the castle relocated last night but I guess we can dally around a bit, it's not like we're needed right away."

"Ehh we didn't even get to eat fish." as if on cue Cath Palug comes through the bushes carrying a basket filled with fish but seriously that basket is too big for his small body making him look adorable.

"Nice job Cath Palug, now Ethan if you don't mind cooking."


After enjoying our fish we proceed to move towards Camelot, thankfully we're walking there instead of tunneling.

"So Merlin do we get to keep these clothes or..." I couldn't finish my line because our clothes reverted back to our previous ones but at least they're clean this time.

During our walk Merlin talked us through the flight spell he made years ago, to this day neither me nor Morgan managed to get it working and it's annoying.

I can negate gravity on a specific area and manipulate it to some degree as well but flight is beyond me.

"Talking about this reminded me how is your new spell going Ethan." Hearing him ask I just reinforce my legs and jump while falling down a circle appears under my feet allowing me to jump again.

After the second jump I let myself fall naturally, there's no limit on chain jumping apart from my magical energy.

"Looks good, can you change directions to sides while jumping?"

"It should be possible but I didn't try it."

"It's kinda funny that you mostly have supportive spells that help you fight up and close instead of staying back like other magus." Morgan comments on the side.

"Well, I guess I like close combat more than ranged combat by the way Morgan this is your first time seeing Camelot right?"

"Yes! I heard it's beautiful."

"And it's just beyond that hill come on pick some speed we have a lot to do."

"Merlin you're just grumpy because you lost a bet."
