Chapter 11: Face The Dragon

Chapter 11: Face The Dragon


[] > Letters and writings

{} > Whispers


Getting situated at Camelot was easy for me since all of my personal items are in my inventory but now that I have time I can finally inspect the sword Lady Vivian gave me.



This sword doesn't posses any significant combat abilities other than sword beams but it's quite valuable if you want to sell it.

*Maker Note: Sword beam doesn't work as intended.


Quite valuable you say... Well I have a reckless plan forming in my head, I am sure it won't work but there's always a possibility...

Deciding that my thoughts are going towards a dangerous place I went to find my girlfriend/fiance/? and found her helping Merlin with his books despair clear on her face, it seems she's not helping voluntarily.

"Ah, Ethan since you're here why don't you help your sensei." His face is smiling but I can feel the ropes coiling around my legs.

"Why not, of course I will help my dear teacher."

While we were placing books, I noticed that Merlin is enchanting a thicker metallic looking ropes that sends warning bells to my head.

"Ahem Merlin I hope that rope isn't part of our lectures." I say with a low voice so that Morgan doesn't notice me slacking.

"Ahh don't worry it's for something else. I am getting ready for birth of Artoria. I need some dragon essence."

"How are you going to acquire said essence?" To my surprise he blushed and refused to tell me how.

I can piece together a possibility due to him being an Incubus and being able to shape shift but I rather not go towards that line of thought but seeing me piecing things together Merlin panics.

"It's not what you think! Dragon I am dealing with is a female." is he going to fuck a dragon to get her essence so he can plant it in baby Artoria... Also why did he feel like he had to specify the gender of the said dragon?

That's all kinds of fucked up but it kinda makes sense when you put Merlin into the equation but why is he embarrassed? One would think he'd be proud.

"Stop thinking, some things are not worth knowing." Saying his words of wisdom he takes the rope and leaves the room with blush still on his face.

"Did I hallucinate or was that really a blushing Merlin?" Morgan finally noticed and came to this side of the room.

"Yeah, I have a feeling he's about to do something that will leave a mark."

"I bet it's something perverted."

"I mean, it's Merlin."


After Merlin left for his sacred quest I had nothing much to do, I generally passed time by hanging out with Morgan whenever she had time.

I somehow made spells similar to standard force powers like choking and launching stuff at high speed that I am sure I will never use and did some extra training.

Turns out I suck at being creative who knew...

By the end of the month I was feeling bored and reckless so after informing my superior that I am going on a one man adventure, I packed my inventory with needed items for my quest and left Camelot.

I making my way towards a certain mountain Merlin advised me to stay clear couple years ago.

I mean Fafnir is known for his love for treasures he was originally a dwarf after all(at least that's how I remember it) so he might just trade his blood(which can be replenished) with this sword of mine or I am going to become dragon shit.

Either way I have nothing to lose, it's one of the perks of being a multiverse traveller since even if I die I have random reincarnation set up, I can eventually come back here at the same second I died losing no progress.

It kinda makes things boring but it would be stupid if I nerf myself.

Anyway it took me some months to reach the mountain, with return trip included I would be 15 by the time I went back to Camelot. I didn't have any problems on the way bandits stay clear of this parts of the land and I was basically jumping above the clouds the whole way so this trip also allowed me to stress test my jump spell.

Getting to the mountain the first thing that drew my attention was the crying... I am not sure who but I am hearing someone crying, making my way into the mountain I found who's crying.

It's Fafnir...

[This book is going to places, I am not sure where but places.]

"*sniff* I can't believe he did this to me *sniff* but it isn't like I didn't agree on it, it was consensual but my honor*sniff* I have to admit it was rather enjoyable as well but my pride *Sniffff*"

Dude, he looks like he got out of some intense combat, there's lots of lacerations on his body it looks like it was made by ropes?

Oh... Ohhhhh!

Merlin+Gender Bender Spell+S&M Ropes(Dragon Edition)+Fafnir=Dragon Essence...

{Dragon I am dealing with is a female.}

{Stop thinking, some things are not worth knowing...}

Dear Lord!

"Why did you come back, didn't you make me suffer enough?" Fafnir whines with a low voice, somehow I can sense some expectation behind it.

"Heyyy, I am not sure what you went through but I am someone else."

"Ah sorry, my senses are a bit messed up at the moment... So what do you want? Are you here to kill me to clear my shame." I am just going to assume he's shaking from fear... Damn he's messed up!

Why is there always have to be an M dragon somewhere?

"I was wondering if you would trade your blood for a treasure." Hearing this Fafnir stood still for a minute before nodding his head, atmosphere around him suddenly turned serious.

"Let's see the treasure first." Hearing his words I took out the sword Vivian gave me, I can see that Fafnir's eyes clearing up a bit after seeing the sword.

"Four vats of blood, that's what your treasure is worth, now I am assuming you have a container." Nodding I also took out the vats I prepared before.

Fafnir bleed on them filling them to the brim and took the sword before going deeper in his cave.

"Maybe he'll come back if I be a good girl..." I am just going to delete that last line out of my memory.

I have a feeling I should thank Merlin for messing up Fafnir enough that he would trade his blood.

Then again this was supposed to be my epic moment where I faced the dragon and made a deal after an epic fight where both sides where on equal grounds...

I really don't feel like congratulating him for gender bending a dragon and sleeping with it, at least it was consensual.

Putting the vats back in my inventory I made my way back to Camelot with a somber air, Merlin's warning about somethings not worth knowing ringing in my ears.

Now that I think of it, I really want to see his face when I talk about my great adventure.

The Man Who Trades With Dragons...

Yeah it doesn't sound cool at all.