Chapter 12: A Different Perspective

Chapter 12: A Different Perspective


[] > Letters or written stuff.

{} > Whispers


(Morgan POV)

I woke up after another wet dream about Ethan, after I cleaned myself with a spell I started checking my room and finally I found the offending charm hidden with a stone under my bed.

It's been like this ever since I had my first period. That cursed Incubus is keeps putting charms that gives people dreams and mine are getting ridiculous by the day.

I am not sure if he can specify what kind of dream I am seeing with charms but I won't put it behind him.

Maybe that's why he's not allowed near mother...

At least he doesn't enter my dreams to mess around anymore, it would be really embarrassing. I guess I have to thank Ethan for his sacrifices.

Thinking about Ethan makes my heart flutter and raises a grumble from my stomach, I am not sure when it happened but I fell in love with him.

Maybe it was when he started patting my head out of nowhere, no one did that to me before it felt nice, maybe it was when I saw him fell to his knees after I ruthlessly took his food from him as he teared up...

Okay it's definitely not the second one.

I have been like this ever since I knew myself one second I am the most saintly person that ever lived and next my thoughts become twisted to the point it makes me feel disgusting.

Unfortunately it's not something I can get rid of, Merlin said it's a part of me and one can't just cut off a piece of themselves and throw it away and even if I could pull that off I am pretty sure the other side of me would win in a fight.

I have been much better ever since I started practicing Occlumency but she's still there clawing her way to the top getting stronger with each try.

Let's hope Ethan really does have a way to solve this issue.

{He's lying and you know it}

After I was dressed I went to the hall to get some breakfast. I kinda hoped that Ethan would cook something unfortunately he left for a "One man adventure" I wonder where is he going?

Arriving at the hall I see that I came later than my parents, they are already at the table waiting for me.

"Good morning father, mother."

"Merlin?" Mother asks. I put the charm on the table with a sigh.


"He's not even in the castle how did that happen?" Father asks curiously. I am just glad that he doesn't know what these charms do.

"Apparently enchanted to work with a delay I even found a note saying I need to be vigilant all the time. He really has a weird sense of teaching."

After that nothing interesting has been talked, it's usually like this, it's almost feels like our life is revolving around that bastard and that goofball.


With my teacher and Ethan gone my days turned monotonous, I study, take some classes on how to behave like a lady and have tea with mother.

Somehow castle has became boring without those two goofing around.

"Morgan dear."

"Yes, mother?"

"Now that you're 14 it's time for you to look at you suitors don't you think."

"I thought father have already chosen Ethan?"

"Well we might have but he doesn't really have much accomplishments of his own other than being Merlin's student and other nobles are making a fuss, you at least need to see some of them."

So Ethan needs to do something others can't? doesn't magecraft qualify?

"Alright mother." I don't argue, in this castle no argues with mother.

"By the way I hear Ethan managed to finish that ice cream thing."

"Yeah he got rid of the tentacles now it's just a cold desert."

"I miss the tentacles." Mother sighs with a expression I never saw before.

"Say what mother?"

"Nothing dear."


So months passed while those two were away from the castle, I saw some of my would be suitors and I am not impressed.

Some couldn't even hold a conversation with me some kept staring at me some were outright disgusting about it but finally those two came back hopefully to end my suffering

It was not surprising that Merlin would be the first to come back he had a bottle in his satchel I can feel enormous magical energy from it, I heard he got it for something he prophesied.

Although he looked kinda pale and he was slightly shivering. He must've done something dangerous if he turned into a mess like this.

He spent an entire month in his room only coming out after he heard about Ethan coming back.

It seems that adorable goofball did something amazing since we were called to the throne room.

Getting in I see that he didn't shave his little stubble I'd say beard is going to look wonderful on him but he has a different air to him he looks somber, like he lost something he will never get back.

To be honest he wasn't this somber after Gerard died. Also he's staring at Merlin with dead eyes...

"Rise Ethan, I heard you went to an adventure it seems it was bountiful."

"Yes your highness, I went to see Fafnir." Everyone gasps and Merlin looks even more pale.

"Interesting, I hope you weren't injured?"

"Thank you for your concern your highness but Fafnir was not in a shape to fight, it appears that he got out of a great 'battle' even with his injuries I was still not powerful enough to slay it but somehow I was able to trade my sword for his blood." An uncomfortable silence descends in the throne room.

Even I am shocked, who goes to slay a dragon only to trade stuff?

Unconcerned by the silence Ethan takes out two vats full of blood, vats are big enough for an adult to bathe in it.

"I got three vats I am offering one of the vats for Lady Morgan's hand in marriage." He says with a smile.


(Ethan POV)

- 1 Month Before Moving to Camelot -

"So you're saying that I need to do a superhuman feat that will shock the british isle's if I want to marry Morgan without any adverse reactions?"

"I know right stupid humans and their stupid traditions sigh anyway you have my teachings and your own modern knowledge I say my dear student you can pull something like that rather easily."

" I can think of something." I say while chuckling.

- Current Time -

Unconcerned by the looks I am getting I think to myself 'I brought dragon blood let's see how those others noble bastards are going to top this off.'

Looking over to Merlin I send him a look that says 'I know what you did last summer' and am I glad to see him shivering.

Tables have fucking turned isn't it Merlin!