Chapter 13: Power Up!

Chapter 13: Power Up!



After my presentation, I waited for King to reboot. The legend of Siegfried is basically common knowledge since the man himself only died recently.

Everyone knows bathing in dragon's blood is like transforming into a god amongst men, in the end it just makes you resistant to normal weapons if you're a normal human.

Although I didn't give the exact number I had they could guess that I am keeping the other two for myself and Morgan.

If I know Uther enough he'd probably use this blood on his yet to be born daughter, Artoria.

I don't really have any other uses for the blood and I don't think my future father in law would be shameless enough to make me give up on the other vats, although I hid one I am planing to give it to Merlin later for a price, I know he'd pay for it.

He might be insufferable but he has his own code of honor even if it's slightly skewed.

"Well, how can I reject such show of sincerity thank you for your consideration young Ethan." Saying this Uther glanced at Merlin gesturing him to take the vat.

Merlin put some kind of seal on it and somehow managed to fit the whole thing in his little satchel.

It was rather disturbing to watch it if I were being honest. After my little declaration, the date for the wedding was set.

Surprising everyone Morgan straight up said she doesn't want anything fancy, also she wanted wedding to be happen under moonlight for some reason.

I sent her a look but she just shrugged. Well it looks like I am spared from a giant wedding.

After we got out of the throne room Merlin put his hands on my shoulders and started giggling.

"Ah my dear student if you're going to be adventurous I should make sure that you can protect yourself before going out again. It's time to educate you on the way of sword. I will be waiting at dawn ohohohoho."

"Huh didn't know Merlin could use a sword." Morgan off handedly remarks while I am sweating bullets.

"He does and he's actually rather skilled..."

"Then why do you look devastated?" I didn't have time to answer her question because Merlin came back with a wide smile and addressed Morgan.

"Lady Morgan I need you to be present during the lessons, your betrothed might need your help to reattach his limbs." And he leaves by jumping off the window and flying...

Me and Morgan turn to each other at the same time.

"I think we shouldn't delay the blood bath, I could use the help." She just nods.


"So how does this work, bathe in blood and you're suddenly powerful?"

"It was said that Siegfried was drenched in Fafnir's blood except a spot on his back and he also drank the blood, so, we should separate some to bathe and drink the rest of it."

"Well, this two vats should be just enough for both of us..." Morgan mutters.

"Well that was intended... I guess it's time to get naked!"

"You'd like that wouldn't you." Morgan teases.

"Of course but for now let's put this cover in between." I offer suddenly feeling embarrassed.

After the preparations were done we emptied some of the blood into a glass container to drink and got naked.

Getting inside the vat I can feel the blood drilling into my body, refining it with a rather uncomfortable feeling.

It's not hurting but it feels like bunch of bugs moving inside my body, rather than focusing on the sensation I drink the blood I separated before and dunk my head in the blood as well.

In time all the blood have been somehow got absorbed in my body, my already defined muscles became like they're carved out of marble, I can feel my senses getting sharper.

Prana is accepted as foreign entity by our bodies since humans were not meant to use magic/magecraft and thus our bodies naturally show negative symptoms upon use but after the bath this changed.

It's thanks to the new metaphysical organ latched on my heart, my new and shiny dragon core but for some reason I feel like doing drugs even though I can't really point out why...

"Morgan do you feel like doing drugs as well?"

"No but I have the sudden urge to drink poison."

"Interesting, we should ask Merlin later." I say while getting out of the vat.

While I was wearing my pants I noticed that I can see Morgan through the crack on the cover allowing me free view her naked breasts...(It's a foldable dressing cover so it's totally possible)

They're glorious, as expected of royal bust. Unfortunately I lost the sight of them right away since she's getting dressed.

"Well, do you think this would help you survive Merlin?"

"One can only hope."


"Are you ready Ethan?" Merlin asks his eyes are covered by his bangs making him look more like a hentai protagonist rather than fearsome like he was trying to look.

"Let's just get this over with." I sigh drawing my sword.

"Well, here I come."

Following this was 30 minutes filled with horror, flying limbs and lots of blood to the point Morgan fainted at some point.

I can't lie that my swordsmanship progressed at an unbelievable pace but I think I have PTSD now. Also soldiers that was watching are steering clear from both me and Merlin after watching the training.

"Have you calmed down Merlin?"

"That makes it sound like I was torturing you out of spite Ethan how terrible." Merlin can be petty.

After I got decimated by Merlin we asked about our sudden feelings about ingesting stuff we shouldn't be ingesting.

"Hmm it seems like you two got some extra dragon characteristics, here Ethan this is dried blue lotus a Greek ritual drug."

"I think I will pass." Last time I got drugged I freaking died!

"Real funny come on." Saying this Merlin wraps the lotus and lights it up before shoving it in my mouth.

On instinct I draw a big breath, this thing tastes so good that I didn't notice prana gathering in my throat.

As I exhaled a giant puff of cloud filled with blue lotus covered Camelot.

Let's say residents of Camelot had a magical day, well except three of us we had to make sure no one did something regrettable while high.

A man who died via drugs gets drug related powers... Ironic.