Chapter 27: Seven Stars Sword Art Festival Part 2

Chapter 27: Seven Stars Sword Art Festival Part 2

(Chivalry of a Failed Knight)


Stealing all the food was something I did at random for no reason other than to elevate my boredom but it was perceived as a poor attempt at disabling others.

I mean sure go for it, if you want to put too much thought into it but the party was a success for me and a failure for everyone else.

I actually changed bodies at some point before other participants did a head count so no one actually suspected our academy.

That was mostly because it was Touka who did the most of the chasing around, I should get her a gift...


Hearing the starting sound of my first match I stop thinking about mischief. I'll have time for that later.

Looking over to my opponent as we circle around the ring inspecting each other I try to remember her abilities.

Momiji Asagi, she's actually has been trained by the same dude that trained Touka. So she has trackless step as well. She also has fire manipulation ability, over all it's going to be an easy match.

Ever since Touka showed me that move I always have my Seismic sensing on during battles, it wasn't long before she left my sight and had to give up because my sword is already on her neck.

"You saw me?"

"I dealt with trackless step before." I shrugged and won without spilling blood.


I get out of the arena assigned for the A Block matches, I have no more matches today, since I have time I decided to checkout how my friends are doing.

A and B block fights are happening in the morning and C and D block matches are scheduled to happen afternoon.

I should be able to watch Ouma fighting since I want to check if he has that wind armor because it may change my strategy for the future fights.

If he has the armor I won't reveal that I can make flames with friction of my sword, since you know fire plus wind is all kinds of fun.

Getting to the B Block I wasn't surprised to find that Ayase has already finished her fight. Touka decided to watch her for support so everyone is here.

"Hey girls!"

"How was your match Ren?"

"She used trackless step."

"Ouch." Touka feels bad for my enemy and she wonders why I keep pranking her.


Afternoon matches happened in quick succession. Touka quickly dispatched her opponent and she came to my side at D block to watch Ouma but Ouma didn't even get to fight since his opponent gave up.

Seeing her disappointed I gave her a head chop and left the block, upcoming days are going to be repetitive.


In the following days nothing worth mentioning happened we were up against some easy fellows and won our matches.

There were some close calls happened with other people some people lost limbs and such thankfully no one died.

At last we arrived at the final matches for the blocks, following this there will be four participants remaining and then things are going to heat up.

So for my last match in A Block I am against my old firend Kuroudo, well somewhat of a friend.

"Good, I'd be disappointed if you lost before fighting me." Kuroudo says with a bloodthirsty smile, I am pretty sure I hear some children crying from that smile...

Why bring children here? People die in this Festival.

"You know people used to start with 'Hi how have you been' that kind of stuff." Seriously it's all fighting with this guy.

"Tch." We're such good friends!


Now things to keep in mind, so far I never really used my Devil Trigger in an official match hell, I never even get to use Trickster stuff yet alone Royal Guard in the festival.

Also I never used those against Kuroudo, we only fought with bokken before.

Reinforcing myself takes his advantage over me with marginal counter also his offensive power is really low compared to others, so I capitalised on my superior speed and used Trickster Style to move around him tire him out and slash him whenever I see an opening.

It kinda resulted in a lecture type of fight where I would slash his openings while he keeps improving, alas combined with blood loss his stamina gave out and Kuroudo passed out with a smile.

Spectators might think I played with him but I think Kuroudo has a newfound respect for me.


Leaving my match I went to B Block, to be honest I am not expecting Ayase to win. Her opponent is an observer type of character.

He analyses his opponents to their choice of food and he can calculate the battlefield. It's one of the reasons I never showed Royal Release because that's a good counter for him.

Anyway he can also manipulate concept of Placement, all he needs to do is touch you physically and you're out of the arena.

So I wasn't surprised to find Touka hugging a crying Ayase, I didn't hesitate to give her some had pats and stuff some cinnamon rolls to her mouth.

Thankfully I was prepared and brought (Actually stolen during the first day but it was in the inventory) some she loves cinnamon rolls.


Afternoon was followed with Touka's defeat in the hands of Yuudai Moroboshi, similar to the canon he dodged Raikiri and took down Touka.

How did that spearman with E Rank luck managed to pull that off is beyond me.

This time it was Ayase that comforted Touka. I just threw packs of pudding at her from a distance.

She ate like 10 packs. Then I got scolded for throwing them....

Also as expected Ouma crushed Renji Kaga, his self proclaimed rival from academy, it was painful to watch this dude having his arms cut off.

Thankfully they were extras made with his ability, my gaze alerted him and we had this stare off where none of us won because referee asked us to stop doing it.

So with the last match of the day we have two more days of fighting and this Festival ends.

Tomorrow's matches are as follows:

- Ren Ambrosius VS Byakuya Jougasaki

- Yuudai Moroboshi VS Ouma Kurogane

I mean I am pretty sure Ouma is going to win but you never know since Yuudai has Magic destruction ability. *Mental shrug* We'll see tomorrow I guess.