Chapter 36: Chunin Exams Part 2 or is it?

Chapter 36: Chunin Exams Part 2



- Ethan -

I am currently watching Anko confront Orochimaru and fail at capturing him.

Enslaving Orochimaru is actually easier than other Shinobi, because they have material bodies. Orochimaru on the other hand is more like a ghost that switches bodies.

As someone who watched Fate Series, me and my wife were really interested in command seals who can give absolute orders to heroic spirits especially Morgan.

And Orochimaru doesn't measure up to a heroic spirit, so after he escaped Anko I teleported on him before stabbing him with the dagger that Morgan made.

It infects the target's soul and if soul loses to the infection they became Morgan thralls.

This wouldn't work on a any decent Jonin but Orochimaru's ghost like state is making him weak to this type of attack.

After I made sure he is indeed became enslaved I left the forest of death, Morgan handled Kabuto long ago so there's no need for us here.

Now I have a depressed Anko to console. I can use her being depressed does this make me a scum? Whatever.


- Sasuke -

Having a parasite that's leeching off your chakra and converting your body is not a good feeling.

It especially sucks that I was supposed to be knocked out during this time, cursing my bad luck we made it to the center of the forest.

"So what now?" Naruto asks he's been down ever since Orochimaru and he always has this guilty look on his face whenever he looks at my neck.

"Now we open the scrolls according to that writing up there." I say with a huff.

I am actually trying to contain the curse mark with brute power it's working but kinda got tiring after some time.

Opening the scrolls revealed Iruka who looked happy until he saw my neck and listen to our stories.

"He is one of the sannin so I kinda let him do whatever he wants after I realized his identity." They really couldn't fault my logic there.

Finally getting to our room I let myself go to sleep, this mark would actually make my body somewhat adapt to natural energy so I will let it do it's job while keeping the snake's soul in the mark.

We don't know the enslavement affects the soul pieces in other people yet.

I slept until the elimination matches, even then I was groggy. I kinda left this body to it's own after Morgan informed me that Orochimaru is completely under our control. Thank god chakra can keep people alive without food and water for five days.

During that time I gave my full attention to Anko who was gorging herself on dango out of depression.


- Ethan -

I gave Anko her tenth plate, she's been using chakra to digest it faster to eat more.

"I don't think that's healthy Mitarashi-san." She shot me a venomous look.

"Want to talk about it?"

"It's shinobi stuff."

"Didn't say give me details." I shrug.

"I am not in the mood to talk Ethan but... Yeah, you would do, come on." She had brief flash in her eyes before she started dragging me out the shop.

Fifteen minutes later I found myself seated across Anko who's drinking sake like she's completing with Tsunade, I am not drinking because it's against my principals.

We talked about some random stuff happening around the village, Anko told me who had the best butt amongst Konoha Shinobi, she even had a rating system for it.

I honestly don't know what to do with this information...

Once Anko was sufficiently drunk she told me to take her home, I already saw through her plans it's an shitty way to deal with depression.

Deciding to humor her I gave her a piggy back ride to her home, got her in stripped her down and tucked her in the bed.

Normally I won't use hypnosis on Shinobi since they would catch it but Anko is drunk.

"Sleep everything will be fine" I kiss her forehead and put her to sleep before going to the couch in the living room and sleeping myself.


- Anko POV -

I woke up to an awesome smell that blew away my hangover, sitting up I noticed that I am wearing my pajamas which is something I never do.

Thinking about last night I can't help but blush, I tried getting married man drunk to have my way with him...

While embarrassed I am kinda pissed off that it didn't work. He even kissed my forehead.

As my thoughts were getting to a dangerous point door of my room opened revealing the second man who managed to make my heart skip a beat.

He is wearing pink apron with hearts on it, it looks comical on him. He's carrying a tray of food, he did say his wife was a big eater I guess he cooks at home as well.

"Well, I am glad you're wide awake this time." This time?

"When you first woke up you weren't really coherent and swearing a lot. I had to give you a hangover recipe." God now I am really embarrassed.

After that he somehow managed to get my head out of the hole I put in and fed me.

It felt wrong, I know he did say he comes from a place that has polygamy and it's not a uncommon thing in Konoha laws but that's only for bloodline limits.

"Why are you so nice?"

"I am interested in you and seeing you depressed was a good opportunity." Wow talk about being blunt.

"Then why didn't you sleep with me, it wasn't like I would stop you"

"I don't think that would work out for a lasting relationship." He says while his face takes a thoughtful appearance.

"You're really clueless on relationships aren't you?" I deadpan at him how did he managed to get married.

"Well, I kinda married the first girl that showed interest in me hahahaha!" *Cue Hashirama Laugh*

I need to meet his wife, this guy is too adorable. "Ethan let me meet your wife, I will think about your proposal."