Chapter 37: Anko's Love Life

Chapter 37: Anko's Love Life



- Sasuke -

As I woke up I was hit by the mother of all headaches, hunger and thirst.

The last two was handled easily but my headache is going to take time it feels like I got shoved into a tight place. I forgot how bad it feels to change into a weaker body.(As in potential)

Getting to the main hall, I pretended to listen Hiruzen as he talked about elimination matches.

Thankfully I was the first one to fight with some dude named Dosu. I feel like I should know him but name didn't ring a bell.

Once the match started I got behind him with my fast speed and knocked him out.

"Sasuke-kun that was really fast I couldn't even see it." Sakura pouts while I look at Kakashi.

He gestured me to follow him, he put a seal over the curse mark to keep it contained. It wasn't needed but still better to have it, it will let them relax.

"How are you doing Sasuke?"

"Tired, I am going back to sleep." For dramatic effect I switched bodies on my way letting that body collapse on the ground.

Why isn't there skip buttons on real life events?

Once I woke up again I was told that the preliminaries has ended and I am to fight with Gaara as I was expecting.

Realizing that the boring event has finally finished I dragged myself back home before continuing my jutsu training. I had enough rest for the past five days, it's time to get back to it..

I have a month to train, Kakashi would basically give his entire time to me anyway.


- Anko POV -

I followed Ethan to his home, I am kinda starting to think it might be a bad idea.

Here I am following this awesome smelling guy to his house where I will be meeting his WIFE to talk about getting into a relationship...

I give myself a mental slap, I already decided there's no second guessing.

Getting into the house the first thing I noticed was the lack of furniture.

The only thing they have is a table and three chairs, from the looks of it they were bought recently.

"Sorry we don't really stay in our house, so we didn't see the need to decorating."

"You do realize how suspicious this looks right?" I say my voice is cold as I get ready to fight.

Ethan shrugs my show of hostility and gets in the house while saying "I'm home!"

Following that a women comes out, I legit never saw someone this beautiful in my life.

"She's your wife!" I yell from the door not willing to go inside.

"Ara~ You must be Anko no need to be that suspicious." Women makes a sign with her hand and a Anbu operative gets down from wherever they were hiding giving me a official documents with Hokage's seal.

"What kinda thing I got involved with." Getting my confirmation finally get in the house, if they're with anbu it would be normal for them to not live in their "official" house.

What followed was a awesome chat with Morgan, somehow we clicked together and I somehow found myself nuzzling into Ethan with Morgan on the other side.

"So you're telling me that this ring will answer all my questions but I will forget what I learned if I don't accept even after learning."

"I know it's unfair but I have to protect myself but not telling anything from the beginning is a dick move so yeah."

"Well, I can give you a chance to seduce me properly and if I am satisfied we will have a wedding!" I declare no one can take my wedding dreams away from me.

Seeing that my requests were accepted I put the ring on, the ring that changed my life forever for the good.


- Ethan -

"So you're basically this somewhat all powerful being that's running around this thing called multiverse and collect women?"

"Well, it seems I am not doing a good job since you're the second. It's been some years since I started my journey." I answered while scratching my cheek.

Anko gave me a good laugh before asking some more questions about how things are going to work once I leave this world.

She really wants to stay in Konoha, I assured her that she can come and go whenever she wants.

I also managed to get the wedding date happen after the time skip, it really doesn't matter but I am planing to go to Kiri during the time skip. Anko didn't really give a shit who's coming she just wants to have her wedding.

Ring is pretty OP on that part, my harem members can return to their worlds whenever they want and come to my side whenever they want.

The only reason Morgan is following me around is because she wants to establish herself as the Main Wife and both of us are scared of Alaya.

I also got a notification after Anko was on board, now that there's more than one living compartments in the ring I can adjust the time frames to let me spend equal time with my ladies.


While we're here, Morgan also talked Anko through how we got her former master enslaved and handled her cursed mark via summoning Orochimaru and having him take it off himself.

I was expecting Anko to be emotional but I wasn't expecting her to bully Orochimaru and feel smug about it.

I'd say it was a success operation to add another harem member.

"So Ethan don't get me wrong but that dragon body is getting me so turned on and someone has to take care of it."

"I didn't think that it was affecting you that much?"

"Never did a roleplay?" She asks looking surprised.

"Nope." Morgan answers instead of me.

"Oh dear I must fix this." I ignored Morgan spelling "thank you" to Anko.

[Again I suck at romance, if I was a bit more shameless I would literally make girls run naked towards Ethan right after they see him]