Chapter 48: Vally Doesn't Like The New Guy

Chapter 48: Vally Doesn't Like The New Guy


{} Sacred Gear Talks


"Azazel why are we taking this loser with us?" Vally asks as we walk around Grigori headquarters.

"How rude!"

"He made a star wars reference." He answers like it makes perfect sense.

"That's it!?"

"Yep." I don't believe in Azazel, my eye isn't hidden or anything just covered by my hair so he must've sensed it but it's not like he's evil nor I am weak.

"And here we are welcome to Grigori kid... Right I didn't ask your name."

"Ethan Ambrosius."

"Right Ethan, see that man talking with that D cups, go give this paper to him and he will handle your admittance."

I can see that man he's talking about is Shemhazai who's talking with Penemue the Chief Secretary of Grigori...

Going over to them I give a fake cough and get their attention.

Shemhazai didn't seem like he liked what's written on the paper and left me with Penemue.

"Hey little guy what's your name and where did Azazel kidnapped you from?"

"Name's Ethan and I came on my own volition."Her eyes widen before they soften, I can already tell she's coming up with a tragic backstory for me.

"So where am I going to stay?"I quickly brake her out of her imaginary world.

"Right follow me."As we walked out of the building we managed to catch Shemhazai screaming at Azazel for some reason.

"You should get used to things like that Ethan."I nod.


- Azazel POV -

So that's the kid Michael asked me to watch, sigh he doesn't call for centuries than asks me a favor.

At least the kid is interesting he is human but has dragon's scent on him, seemingly normal but those eyes hold power I never felt.

And that feeling of familiarity is something I can't mistake, kid's an Angel! The feeling is really weak and even I barely felt it but it's there.

"Now Vally what got you so agitated?" I ask my little foster daughter glaring at where Ethan went like he did some injustice to her.

"Albion told me to be wary of him." Well if albion asked than there must be a valid reason.

"Well I doubt he is malicious but he will be under watch don't worry."I assure her but I cannot help but get curious what got the Heavenly Dragon on edge, that needs research.

"I know you'll probably make me watch him." Ahh my little darling knows me so well.

"But you don't have any friends of your own and Lavinia doesn't count."

"I don't need friends..." And she storms away, I never thought being a father would be like this, it gave me a understanding of Father as well.

"AZAZEL I LEFT YOU ALONE FOR ONE DAY AND...." I look at Shemhazai carrying my ultimate nemesis with vengeance on his face, the only thing in life that made me think of suicide... paperwork.


- Ethan -

The room I was provided was suitable for me, possibly filled with surveillance too but that doesn't matter much.

You simply don't take in a mysterious 14yo and give him free rein.

Seeing that I have some time before dinner I sat down in lotus position and draw in the natural energy filled with negativity.

Hmm juicy stuff, the negativity goes inside Rebellion and whatever that's left from that is pure life energy that I direct towards my Sacred Gear.

I need to find a better Senjutsu technique other than just sucking it up in my body and throwing it around.

It didn't matter much back in Naruto but they have supernatural Japan and China here so there must be some cultivation techniques, or I can just find a teacher.

Kuroka will eventually end up with Vali's future team so I can just wait for her to appear while I do, what I can on my own.

It's not like I can roll into Kyoto or China and demand Senjutsu techniques... Well I can but that won't get me a cat girl waifu.

Dinner was plain but I didn't express that to Penemue who asked how was her cooking. I think Karin's cooking ruined my taste buds. Let's hope Morgan isn't overworking her.

After dinner Vally challenged me to a duel. Why, because that's a good way to get to know each other. I still don't know why she's acting like I killed her mother but it's not like I won't beat the shit out of her just because she's a girl.

Seeing Vally get in position with her Divine Dividing equipped. I make a standard blade with my Sacred Gear, I was pleased by the increase in holy aspect of the sword I made.

It's a normal steel sword, it's not like making it look like a cool anime sword would give it's power.

"Blade Blacksmith but an unusual increase in it's power output." I can hear Azazel taking notes.

"Don't be discouraged when you lose, it's something happens to everyone." I can literally sense Azazel facepalming.

"Right she's chuuni..."Too bad I am OP and she has no chance for wining.

Fight went as everyone other than Vally expected. The other fallen angels here are all veterans of war they can guess someone's power from a glance it's something they learned and honed by years of war.

Vally on the other hand is 14 while yes, she has a tragic background and she has fought a lot of battles so far she has yet to reach a similar level.

Although she kept getting up like some shounen protagonist and I eventually had to knock her out.

Azazel did nothing but observe as I beat his adopted daughter, I have a feeling he knows something I don't and it's pissing me off.

"Well, thanks for the battle data Ethan I will be looking forward to your Balance Breaker." Right that's a thing I forgot.

I don't need that for my plans do I? I mean I just want to perfectly merge Angel, Devil and Dragon... Yeah maybe Balance Breaker would be nice just in case.

As I was going back to my room a thought entered my mind, I remember Riverzm taking Fruit of Knowledge and Fruit of Wisdom from where his mother hid them.

That thought got me look into wiki and yes I have access to wiki and boy was I shocked.

Hades admitted to finding Lilith in one of Riverzm's Laboratories as experiment subject.

This bastard even experimented on his own mother! Maybe I should find her as well. She might just tell me where she hid those two fruits.

I know one of them is in Heaven but that place is gigantic. So Operation Save Litith Lucifer is a go!

It's not like I can find her right away but still.