Chapter 49: Fallen Lady Eats A Priest

Chapter 49:Fallen Lady Eats A Priest


{} Sacred Gear Talks


"Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"I ask my arms spread out inviting the foolish girl that dared to challenge me.

"Stop with the jokes and fight me!" Vally doesn't take kindly of my JoJo reference while I can see Azazel shedding a tear for the wasted reference.

It's been like this for the past half a year, whenever she has time Vally would challenge me only to get knocked out.

She's not an M I made sure to check for that. I have been cooped up in the Grigori base so my only fun came from teasing Vally and going back to Naruto to play with my nieces.

Those adorable fluffs are growing too quick, shinobi children are ridiculous when it comes to development.

I quickly defeated Vally once more without even using Rebellion or anything Devil related which is my strong suit.

I might have draconic traits but I am no dragon.

"Well, Ethan you seem bored to stay here so I have an assignment for you." Azazel comes with a smile that I know from Merlin.

He's scheming and it involves something perverted!

"It's not like you let me out of here but whatever let's hear it."

"Don't think badly of me your Sacred Gear has unusual output for the standards, I had to be sure you won't go berserk on the field."

"Like that would happen with Blade Blacksmith." I scoff at his worry.

"Heaven's Feel Shirou is calling he says you're ignorant and reckless." I wince, like holy shit this Sacred Gear could turn people into sword porcupines!?

I turn to him and nod, thankful that Fate series exited here. It makes explaining stuff to each other easier.

"How *huff* did you *huff* became..." Azazel gives a head chop to Vally knocking her out. He actually used a spell to send her to sleep, the chop was just for the dramatic effect.

"She's your daughter right? You know that's child abuse right?"

"It's better if she rested instead of badgering you with questions although I can't say she's wrong, I am interested as well."

"Bathed in dragon's blood and went ham on gravity training."

"I was expecting some epic story and a tragic background but how did you get the blood."

"Bought it from a dragon."

"I am pretty sure I have Fafnir with me I didn't think there would be another dragon greedy enough to sell their blood." I shrug he doesn't need to know the specifics.

"My assignment?"

"Well, since you're human we can send you to Church territory with ease, one of our idiots left Grigori saying she wants some priest as 'dinner' I already alerted the church but it's better if I send someone as well."

"So you didn't want to send an Fallen because that might agitate them?"I mean it would make sense to send a human operative especially someone who's not a exiled exorcist.

"Yeah sure let's go with that!"I suddenly have a foreboding feeling about this.


Thankfully Azazel teleported me to Italy next to a church, turns out they don't really stop people from teleporting but there's a detection circle that even he can't avoid.

Well, he was kinda smirking when he said that last part so I can make my own guess.

"Are you the Grigori operative that was send to help us?" I hear a feminine voice that lacks emotion. Unfortunately I recognize the voice.

I knew that I wasn't really out of fate's playground but I really didn't expect to meet Xenovia this early.

Nodding to the blue haired muscle brain I look over and see a drop dead gorgeous nun holding a sword.

She must be Griselda...

"Ethan, did your Governor told you what happened?" Griselda asks.

"Apparently some fallen angel wanted to dine on a priest." I say, Griselda makes a weird expression before she sighs.

"Well, it can be described like that." Now I am curious.

"Then what are we waiting for, that priest might die any moment." Xenovia comments on the side I see that she's unwrapping her Excalibur Destruction.

"His life is not in danger my foolish daughter. *muttering* Though I don't think his marriage will survive." Hold the fuck up!

Am I "saving" a priest who's having sex with a female fallen angel... Fuck that's a new kind of low for me.

Then we followed Griselda to another church that's close to the one I got teleported, which begs the question why wasn't I got teleported to the "scene of crime"

I create two swords look like Kanshou& Byakuya with my SG drawing the both of my partners attention.

"Well, let's handle this." I say entering the building.

For some reason Griselda had me take the lead on this assignment and thankfully the fallen put up some sound barriers because the scene I am seeing with my Seismic sensing is just too...

Humanity is really sinful.

Turning around to Griselda I explain my sensing and tell her that it would be better if Xenovia does not see this because she might get traumatized.

Although it would be nice if Griselda gave her "The Talk" and do it properly.

This earned my some heavy headpats from the beautiful sister. The kind I like, that reminds me my mother but I am not going to make a fuss, I like headpats.

"Ethan, since you can sense them do you have a way to knock them out as well?"

"Do you have something that can handle drug overdose?"


So I flood the room with one of my own mixes, I have drugs for every occasion I even have flammable ones or the ones that give buffs but this one I used paralyzes the body while giving one's brain a serotonin bath that will give them crippling depression later on.

Confirming that the both offenders are down I signal Griselda to enter the room while I keep Xenovia busy by showing her my blades and chatting about swordsmanship.

"Sorry but we didn't introduce ourselves." Xenovia points out even though she heard my name from her foster mother... huh?

"Sorry my name is Ethan."


She had many things to say about "such an upstanding and honorable" person being with Grigori and I didn't want to shatter her innocence so I played along.

In about 30 minutes Griselda came back with a hot raven haired beauty on her shoulder who's face is set to a constant euphoria.

Once we got out of the church I was temped the burn it down since that land is never going to be sacred anymore but I held myself.

"Can you take her back on your own Ethan?"Griselda asks as she drops the fallen unceremoniously.

"Yeah." I take the lady outside before using the slip Azazel gave me and vanish into partical effects.

As I was turning the offending fallen to the base something hit me and caused me to groan because I didn't notice it before.

I never gave my name to Griselda but Xenovia didn't know my name and asked it while we were chatting but she always called me by name.

How did she know my name. Azazel wouldn't be that meticulous enough to give them my name.

Does Heaven know of me? Well it won't change my plans but I can't ignore the possibility.*Shrugs* It's not a threat to me so whatever.