Chapter 50: It's Raining Women

Chapter 50: It's Raining Women


{} Sacred Gear Talks


After my first year in this world, I decided to limit myself during my sparring with Vally because ruthlessly beating her was becoming boring.

She pouted at my decision but accepted once I told her that I am working on my technique.

Having my gravity bracelets at max was something new for me, Azazel kinda took them and went overboard and I actually had hard time moving like I wanted even with my current stats.

I kinda remember him saying not to use it at max setting since it would even kill a mid rank god.

This lead to many, many I mean many lucky pervert moments for me.

"Hey! Get your face out of my breasts!" Vally yells while I can't help but yell indignantly.

"You're the one that's on top of me!"I point out the current situation with mental communication.

Somehow we ended up getting stuck between some equipment while sparring and Vally is on top of me and I am enjoying this too much to end this.

"Just turn your head to the side!" I can imagine her red face I wish someone recorded this.

"I don't wanna."


Turns out Azazel recorded everything and now I have a photo of embarrassed Vally.


"How did this happen!?" Vally is not amused.

She's wearing a belly dancer outfit and fighting some Egyptian ghosts, I have no idea why she's not using her Balance Breaker.

"Who knew that stone tablet would have such a curse on it deal with it." I respond while shooting ghosts with Blade Blacksmith Gilgamesh Style.

"Don't you have clothes with you?" Vally comes after finishing off her enemies.

"Here." I throw one of my coats that's certainly too big for her.

*Clothes Explode*

Hearing the noise I turned around to see Vally crouching while holding her breasts with one hand and covering her crotch with another.

"Turns out curse was more complicated than we thought..." She says with a quiet voice.

"Why didn't you use your Balance Breaker."

"Balance Breaker is a weapon not an outfit for convenience.... but I will listen to your advice." And she's covered again.

"Hey Vally."I call her out while we're moving deeper in the tomb.

"Yes Ethan?" Hmm she doesn't seem to be angry over the fact that I saw her pretty much naked.

"Thanks for the treat." I bow 90° expressing my gratefulness.


Once we reached the main hall of the tomb we found a massive art work describing an ancient egyptian senjutsu technique.

Bedroom arts to be exact....

I quickly use my EMS to go over the sacred arts that Sages of these lands left behind.

"Azazel must've known this I am going to pluck his damned wings!" Vally charges a beam attack destroying the ancient wisdom hidden in this tomb.


"So Ethan, any plans for the future. Humans tend to die quickly after all." Azazel asks from where he is sitting as we fish. Vally is for once sat next to me putting distance with Azazel.

I guess she's still haven't forgiven him for the tomb mission.

"You know it's pretty cliche, get power get women, get more women. Maybe I'll open an internet cafe I don't know."


"As if someone would date you pervert." Vally's comment is harsh but I don't take it to heart.

"Don't say thay Vally power draws women so his shitty personality doesn't really matter in the end."



How come I end up being the scapegoat when he tries to cheer her up.

"Ah that made me laugh, then again it's not like it's raining women and you can't just go with any women that falls on top of you." Vally says, I share a look with Azazel.

'She is definitely fell for you bro take good care of her.'

'But we didn't even talk about my harem with her yet!'

Azazel's eyes widens in surprise but we can't continue our mental conversation because of the lady that fell on top of me.

Looking over to her I can guess her identity.

Black kimono, slightly older than me and has black cat features, she's injured but not anything big but she's exhausted.

Yep that's Kuroka for you.

I turn to Vally who's looking at Kuroka like she offended her.

"So it rained women..." I smirk.

"Shut it."

I push Kuroka over so I can look over to our undesired visitors, they're two devils.

I can tell they're strong too, not strong as Azazel but they would give problems to current Vally.

"We didn't expect to run into Governor himself, please let us have the criminal." They're at least polite to Azazel.

"Hmm she looks interesting I think I'll keep her, you can't find a good Nekomata these days."

"She's a SS Rank wanted criminal I doubt you want a start another war because of one criminal."

"I don't think devils would start a war over one girl..." As he was talking he signalled me.

Azazel is very aware of my strength but he doesn't know it's limits since I am stronger than him, so he probably wants to see me take care of this.

While I would have liked to summon Rebellion and give a visual show to Vally but we don't have time to show off.

So as Azazel was talking with them I pulled my hair over my Rinnegan, revealing it to the world before using a genjutsu on the two to change their memories.

The two devils fall to the lake while I cover my eye once again and reinforce my hair to block it's power.

I would have easier time with a eye patch but I don't like the feeling of it.

"Well, you finally showed that thing." Azazel comments.

"It's my eye."

"It's pretty." Vally comments.

"So what did you do to those two?"

"Changed their memories, they will think they lost her trail and won't find anything weird when they wake up." I practiced on prisoners before so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Interesting so it can..." Azazel starts geeking out.

"We have an injured cat lady here." I point to unconscious Kuroka on the floor.

"Fine." Azazel pouts, you're over 10,000 for Christ's sake!

"Well let's go." I take Kuroka to a princess carry and move while ignoring Vally's glaring.