Chapter 62:Breaking The Walls

Chapter 62:Breaking The Walls


{} Sacred Gear Talking


I woke up with one hell of a headache and found my girls(Including the ones in Naruto world) sleeping around me. Remembering the last night I can guess they didn't sleep much.

Getting down I see that Ophis is still here munching away as Karin cooks, seeing me get down she gives me a hug and goes back to cooking but I can see her hands shaking.

"So I guess my human body won't last long." I already guessed the problem. It's another cliche but to what end I can't really figure out but it's solvable in the end.

"Yes." Ophis answers before getting out of her chair and she started to pull me by the hand.

"Where are we going?"

"To fix you." Ow shit! Am I getting a legal loli out of this!? Sweet but let me leave a mental message to assure the girls.

Never sleep with another girl while the rest are worried about you!

I was going to fuse my two bloodlines with Rebellion like Dante fused his human and demon side alongside Demon Sword Sparda but I am okay with this.

Getting inside of the room that's used to be empty I see that it's been turned into a ritual altar of some kind.

"Lay down in the middle of the circle." Following the instructions I laid down.

"So how is this going to work..." Looking at Ophis again I see that she aged herself to a teenager who's wearing a cheerleader outfit.

"I guess this will do." She mutters to herself before sitting on my lap and tearing my shirt off.

"You see Ethan, my intelligence is mostly based on my appearance, now I can't lose the guy that gave me sweets can I?" I nod not having any words to speak, this older Ophis is left me speechless.

"You see there's a ritual that will turn you into a real dragon then you can handle those two powers in you and I get to keep my chef."


"It will also lock my gender. So make sure to take responsibility~" At this point both of us are naked and ready to start this"ritual"


"Well, this is nice." Ophis floats around while laying on her Device.

It's called Sloths Comfort, it's a giant pillow that changes size depending on Ophis's body size, Ophis can channel her power through the pillow and fire lazer beams from the corners of the pillow. The other side of the pillow acts as armor. ("Infinite" Manipulation)

"Yeah, thanks for the help." I am still getting used to Ophis being a teenager, she already created a social network account(Supernatural one)

"Well I can still change my age if you're into that kind of thing." She says seeing my awkwardness but I can see her eyes promising a threat.


Lilith wasn't happy to learn that she was left behind of everyone else including the Loli(She doesn't count Gabriel) but it's not like I can just pull her to the side and have my way with her....

"You, me behind that bush right fucking now! I am old as hell fuck romance I want you now!" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Her device took the form of an actual eye in her empty left eye socket, she can use it for illusions. (Emotion Manipulation)


Following the events Ophis decided to enter her living compartment and never leave unless she's needed.

Like Kaguya whom I forgot about until she decided to come to my room because she wanted something.

After seeing the living compartment Ophis even went and demolished Khaos Brigade on her own saying she amused them enough.

She basically ended the rest of the fucking story! The rest can handle Loki and Hades won't pull out shit like Alliance of Hell while Sirzechs is here and it's not like I can't come here to beat them up.

Also I was called by Michael, no doubt he wants to talk about Gabriel kissing me but before that I went back to Cocytus by myself.

Here I found Samael once more and injected him with the cure after draining half of his blood. God kinda went a bit overboard with his punishment and I kinda want the poison only for myself.

Following the injection Samael's deformities started fixing itself and he became a blond youth with emerald eyes who has reptilian eyes and white feathery dragon wings radiating a warm aura.

"Thank you for saving me my friend."I just nod at him and teleport him to Heaven (I got the coordinates after marking Gabriel with Rinnegan, I have a meeting with Michael after all)

Now let's see Prank Series #1 Hot Pink Paint(Permanent) check.

Posters of our Bone Daddy, glorious Ainz-sama check.

Confusion and Chaos caused by disappearance of Samael check.

Let's hope Hades would love my gifts.


"Now can you explain it to me, how are you still pure?" Michael asks while giving me a honey tea and a loaf of bread(Made in Heaven)

We're in his office in Heaven with Gabriel sitting on the side looking like a child that got caught stealing candy. I guess Michael finally gave her "The Talk Angel Edition."

Seeing no harm I explained how I separated my bloodlines and refined them separately making Michael gawk at me because apparently it was simply impossible to pull off.

"So as long as it's you angels don't have to worry about falling...."

"I am not impregnating every angel in heaven."


"Well, get some chess pieces from devils and reincarnate people."

"Well that's the plan but it doesn't hurt to have alternatives, so I guess I am supposed to give you my sister."

"It would seem so considering how she's looking at me."Yeah her eyes are glazed, too much protagonist aura? or is it my new dragon musk? maybe she's always been horny that's a good cliche never fails to put a smile on my face.

"I can keep seeing Ethan!?"

"Yes Gabriel."

"Yes!" She even did a cute fist pump.


"Explain to me what you're about to do?"Vally asks for confirmation we're in the ring so the rest of the girls are here as well.

"I am going to fuse all my bloodlines into one to achieve another power up. Which might be a hidden plot cliche that will create a random problem that will see me going to another world to fix the said problem. All of this just because the plot(author) demands me go get a sister so I can fuck her."[This is just for making fun it's not going to happen]

Girls are stunned and can't answer to my mad ramblings.

"Ophis what did you do to him!" Morgan glares at the epitome of teenage girl.

"Well, he might've broke the damned wall."Ophis answers while pointing at the screen.

*Wall collapses completely*

"There you go."


While they're fixing some imaginary wall, I went ahead and deposited now healthy Valerie to Gasper making the poor trap to cry.

It also gave me an opportunity to check his gender through seismic sensing and Gasper is a boy in this world.

It's kinda funny that I reached a power level where I can set my sensing sensitivity so I can "see" people naked but I won't tell it to anyone.

With that task completed I took Gabriel to a date, she was at least happy with the effort since it's hard to get a who knows how old lady find something interesting.

I mean she's at least 10.000yo discount the sinful stuff she already tired everything at least once.

This turned into me brining her to the Cafe and cooking for her and I played Hallelujah, I guess she liked it.

I never been a music guy but it will come in handy to get the ladies in the last world I am planning to visit for power ups.

By the end of our date I saw her off the heaven and went back to my shop to sleep because it feels awesome to sleep and found her laying on my bed.

"Didn't I just send you off?"

"I want to stay here tonight." She's even wearing a cute pajamas with wings printed on them.

I shrugged and hugged her to sleep while thinking how my life is getting repetitive.

I wasn't prepared to wake couple hours later to see Gabriel giving me blowjob...

"I am staying here tonight!" She says before continuing.

"Got it!"

Her Device ended up being 4 Leaf Light Magic Grimoire it also gives Gabriel control the heavens system to some degree (Normally only Michael has access and change stuff the other Seraph keep it stable). ("Blessing" Manipulation)


In the morning I was feeling fresh and reckless ready to tackle anything author might throw my way. So I went ahead and fused myself using Rebellion destroying the sword in the process.

Mixing Light (Angel) and Darkness (Devil) while using a foundation of a dragon normally create something even more powerful like some OP dude who can take on anyone.

So my body exploded but I was still alive, I started seeing stuff I mean it was some Ant man quantum realm type of stuff.

I felt like I was one with the whole creation and I could command it with a thought.

Then I got hit by the biggest headaches I ever head and found myself naked in a blood covered room. Talk about a power up...