Chapter 63: Wrapping Things Up In DxD

Chapter 63: Wrapping Things Up In DxD


{} Sacred Gear Talking



Name: Ethan Ambrosius

Age: Immortal (Your soul is immortal not your body)

Combat Power: Bruh...

- Origin Trigger(Upgraded Devil Trigger)

- Shape Shifting

- Energy Manipulation

[He merged with his sword but due to absorbing Blade Blacksmith he can just manifest one similar to Demon Sword Dante]

World: Highschool DxD(AU)


So now with my latest power up, I can connect to the information dimension and get knowledge from there. It's Shiba Tatsuya's Elemental sight but I can see more than him.

I can see the past clearly but the future is bleary at best I saw Xenovia entering the Cafe but can't see what comes next.

As I was playing around with my newest power Xenovia finally came in like I saw and I had to stop playing with my new powers.

"Hello Xenovia what can I get you."I smile st the blue haired knight.


"I was really hoping you would say smoothie no one buys those for some reason."I still make her smoothie.

"What are you?"

"You need to be more specific about what you're asking."

"I know it was you that took down Kokabiel but you're also an angel so which one is it."

"At the moment it's neither." Then I start speaking about how it's not nice being racist(as in angels and devils etc.) causing her to run away.

"You're not going to take her in the harem?" Lilith hugs me from behind.

"Please she wasn't interested in me and I am not interested in her, I am not about to take women just because they look good." I argue.

"I met Kaguya." Ouch I really shouldn't have forgot about her.

"Okay I just don't like Xenovia's personality." I am honest this time.


Naruto is getting married and I have to be there, why because OG Sasuke wasn't there and Morgan complained that Naruto kept bugging her to invite me.

So I teleported to Naruto world near Itachi's house. It's Itachi's now since Kushina dumped Minato and started living with my mother in a separate house. I smartly avoided the family drama that happened.

Apparently they're still married but don't live together? I don't even know if this world has divorces.

Anyway picking up Itachi and the rest of the house I teleported to Republic where the wedding is going to be.

It was more chaotic than mine which something I took pleasure with. Gaara somehow brought a giant fish... isn't this guy's village in dessert? I'd make a glass figurine of the two if I was coming from a dessert village.

I gave Naruto 10 years worth ramen coupon since he didn't get his life time coupon during this timeline and Hinata got a life saving charm I enchanted.

My wives gave gifts separately, Naruto was really shocked meeting with the rest of the Harem.

Also Vally beat up Tsunade unconscious... I don't know why she hates her.

After the wedding I collected my women and unleashed them on my nieces.

I guess I need to wrap things up, even Vally is looking at children with longing in her eyes.


Coming back at DxD I started wrapping things up, like I made sure Nyx is behaving, slapped Angra Mainyu for safe measure.

Then I went back to Underworld and used the fake moon there to cast a genjutsu on every devil, to stop things like Devil's Lottery.

It is really not my job to fix things up in society but since I know of this I figured I might as well fix it.

I went to Azazel who was speaking with Odin on the magic circle and gave him some ideas about promote peace.

He still would come up with the Azazel Cup but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

I was going to do one last thing but before that I was officially challenged by a dragon who's name is I don't remember.

"It's Crom Cruach"

"Right." I hit my palm remembering him.

"Anyway I smell Ophis on you I will..." And he's dead. I mean seriously I am starting to hate the smell cliche.

For my last thing to do here I dragged Vally to her mother's house, the mother that got her memory wiped and doesn't even remember her own daughter.

Since she's living in a rather rural area with her new family, we decided to play the lost couple and stayed the night with them.

Vally was tense at the beginning but she calmed down soon enough and took her mother for girls talk leaving me behind with my step father in law.

We left in the morning, Vally was happy with talking with her mother instead of watching her from afar.

"Lilith what am I looking at." I say while inspecting the two highly suspicious fruits in my hand.

"Fruits of knowledge and wisdom, I am giving them to you."

"They're useless at this point you know that right?" She shrugged and went under the counter.

She really has a big "appetite"


Satisfied with the results I started random reincarnation, I have one or two stops left before I am retiring.

Now that I am OP beyond measure I can choose where I am going. At least that was the idea. Then why am I watching a matial arts competition.

Oh wait I recognize the kid fighting, I see I narrowed down the author but I reincarnated in his other book, the modern time Martial Arts one I forgot its name though.

Starting reincarnation once again I woke up in a dark alley, after that I looked up and saw that the moon is red.

I also have the symbol of The Goddess pinned on my clothing....

No matter how much I like Lord of The Mysteries, I am not staying here. Fuck That!

Cursing I tried again.





(32 Reincarnations later)

Okay fuck this, I am using the damn ticket! I was saving it for my retirement plan but I guess I can find that world after I am done with this one.


Reincarnation Ticket:

Target World: Throne of Magical Arcana

Target Reincarnation: Lucien Evans

(Skipping 1 Reincarnation)


Seeing the last line I cannot help myself and started cursing...