My Father

(At the Fire Kingdom)

Timothy informed the king that there was someone that wanted to see him, so the king went to the royal hall. He smiled at the man in front of him. "You're back, father."

Albert, Cameron's father has been missing for several months. Now, he has finally showed up. Cameron and his siblings grew up with a father that was always been away, but they still loved him for who he was.

Albert gave him a hug. "It's nice seeing you again, son."

"Where have you been?" Cameron asked as tears started falling from his face.

"I've been living in a cave because I had something to do."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"It was too dangerous, son."

The king responded, "Father, I've missed you."

Albert patted his back. "I've missed you too, son."

"Where is your brother and sister?"

"They're upstairs. I'll call them."

When the prince and princess came down, they started crying. Kaycee then hugged her father.

"We've missed you." the prince smiled.

"I've missed you guys too," Albert responded.

"Where have you been? It's been almost a year!" Kaycee cried.

Albert said, "I can't tell you, Kaycee. It's too dangerous."

"Aren't we big enough to know already?"

Albert answered, "Not yet."

"Shall we celebrate then?" the king asked.

"Sure." Albert smiled.

(In the dining hall)

"This place hasn't change a bit," Albert stated.

Cameron sat down on his chair. "Except the food."

"What happened?"

Cameron then told him that he fired Jay a few months ago because they figured out that he was one of the culprits.

"Serve the food!" Kaycee ordered.

As Olivia was serving the food, she noticed a familiar face. She then looked at the man sitting beside the king and saw that it was Joseph.

Albert responded, "It is me, Olivia."

"Olivia?" Carson asked.

Olivia cleared her throat. "It's Olive, Joseph."

Albert then remembered that Olivia was introduced as Olive.

He said, "It's nice seeing you here, Olive."

"You told us that your name was Joseph," Olivia responded.

Joseph, the head of the Pali village, didn't tell Olivia and Eleanor his real name at that time because there were a lot of spies lately and he had to keep his identity a secret.

"I'm sorry, Olive. I had to lie," Albert apologized.

"So your real name is Albert?" Olivia asked.


"You guys know each other?" the princess interrupted.

Olivia bowed. "He was the one that helped Eva and I find a job."

"Where's Eva?" Albert asked.

Olivia answered, "She's at the kitchen."

"Call her," Albert ordered.

When Eva arrived at the dining hall she exclaimed, "Joseph?"

Albert stood up. "It's Albert. I'm sorry, but I had to lie to you before."

"I see. I'm glad you're doing well. I never knew that you were his majesty's father." Eleanor chuckled.

Albert smiled. "You've changed a lot."

A few hours later...

(In the maid's room)

Olivia looked at the woman sitting in front of her and asked her if she thinks that Albert came to the Fire kingdom to help them. The woman then shook her head and told Olivia that she had no idea.

Olivia sighed, "Eleanor, how about—"

Before Olivia was able to continue, someone suddenly knocked on the door. Albert then came in and told them that he would like to talk to them about something. When Olivia nodded, he immediately closed the door and locked it and asked if they've found the red gem.

"Albert, how could we even do that if your son is so cautious?" Olivia sat on her bed.

Albert stated, "It's hidden in his sword."

"Why are you helping us? Aren't you suppose to be preventing us from getting the red gem?"

"You can have it. I know what's it like to lose a loved one."

Eleanor fixed her hair. "Albert, I don't think we'll be able to get it."

Albert explained that he'll distract his son while Eleanor and Olivia get the gem in his room. Once they get it, they should leave the castle right away without leaving any tracks.

"Why?" Olivia asked.

"Go straight to the Water kingdom and you'll know why," Albert replied.

"When will we proceed with the plan?" Eleanor asked.

Albert answered, "Next week."

"How will we combine the red and blue gem once we arrive at the Water kingdom?" Olivia sighed.

Albert whispered, "Remember the bell I gave you? You'll be needing it."

Eleanor looked at the window beside her. "What do you mean?"

"Once you are going to combine the blue and red gem, ring the bell twice and they'll combine," Albert explained.

"Will it hurt?"

"It won't, but if you want to revive your parents, you'll need to go to the cave where they were incinerated."

"I see. Thank you, Albert."

"I hope you'll be able to be with them again, princess Eleanor."


(At an unknown place)

"Jay, where's sir?" Jack asked.

Jay started cleaning his sword. "He's taking a break."

"Then who'll rule temporarily?"


Jack's eyes widened. "What? Why me?"

"Sir wanted it to be you."

"Then I guess I have no choice."

Jay recommended, "Shall I call—"

Before he was able to finish, a woman suddenly interrupted, "You seem pleased, Jack."

"What do you want?" Jack asked.

The woman replied, "I'm just here to inform you about something."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Speak up."

The woman responded, "Sir isn't who you think he is. He's more than just a voice."


"You seem to be uninterested."

"Get out."

The woman smiled. "I just wanted to know how Cameron is doing."

Jack responded, "He's doing fine. You'll get what you desire soon."

"Then is there anything you want me to do?"

"Since you seem to be very energetic lately, I do have a task for you, Licia."

Licia, Cameron's first lover, is working with Jack because she wanted to get Cameron back. They loved each other so much, but because of a misunderstanding, it was all gone. Would Licia be able to make Cameron love her the same way she loved him?