A week later...
(At the Fire kingdom)
The king informed the prince that they'd be leaving for the Water kingdom in two days. Carson then asked if he plans to tell Kaycee.
Cameron started packing his things. "Yes, on the day we're leaving."
The prince sat down on a wooden stool. "What if the blue gem isn't with Eva and Olive?"
"I'm sure it is."
"I actually overheard their conversation a few weeks ago and they were talking about reviving someone."
"They can't revive anyone if they don't have both the blue and red gem."
The prince then explained that Timothy told him a few days ago that he was able to detect the red and blue gem's presence at the Water kingdom.
The king started shaking. "Do you-Do you think they have it...?"
Carson laughed. "Probably. Why do you seem so afraid?"
"Once you combine the blue and red gem, it can destroy everything."
"What if it's in a person?"
"What do you mean?"
"I also heard them say that the gem was in a person's body..."
Cameron then explained that if the red and blue gem in a person's body combine, then that person would be the most powerful being alive. But if that person is unable to control the power of the two gems, then that person could die.
Carson looked at the window beside him. "They sure are hiding a lot."
The king went closer. "Did you hear who the person is?"
"I think it was Eleva. Not sure."
"You must've heard the wrong name."
"So what do you plan to do at the Water kingdom?"
"Get the red gem, of course."
The prince asked, "What if they've already combined the two gems?"
The king sighed, "That won't happen."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because we'll be there before that happens."
The prince then assumed that Eva and Olive have already figured out that they were after the red gem. Cameron smiled and told him that it was quite obvious since they should know the consequences of stealing the Fire kingdom's property.
Carson put his hand under his chin. "What if they just wanted to borrow it?"
The king glared. "That's not an exception."
"Cam, what if they were just ordered to do so?"
"I'll think about that when the time comes."
"Your know what Cam? I'm just baffled by everything that's been happening lately."
"Why? It's normal."
The prince grabbed his shoulders. "Why are you so calm?"
The king smiled. "I'm being optimistic."
"Don't lie to me."
"What do you expect me to say then? That I like Eva?"
"Something like that," Carson answered.
Cameron pushed him away. "Love is just pain."
"It isn't."
"Stop asking me to—"
Before the king could finish, a voice interrupted, "You lied to me."
As soon as the prince heard the voice, he looked back and saw his sister. He then asked her what she was doing in the king's room.
The princess clenched her fist. "I heard your entire conversation."
Cameron responded, "Look, it's not what you think."
"You plan to tell me on the day you're leaving?"
Cameron and Carson where then left speechless.
"What? Am I wrong?" the princess yelled.
The prince hugged her. "We just didn't want you to worry."
"We're sorry," Cameron apologized.
Kaycee pointed at her brothers. "Then let me go with you."
The king then explained that she can't go because no one will rule the kingdom while they are away.
"We need someone to stay behind," Carson sighed.
The princess threw the book she was holding onto the floor. "And you expect me to be that person? No."
"You don't know how to fight."
"Then I'll learn to."
"It will need a lot of practice and we don't have time."
The princess sighed, "What do you want me to do then?"
"Make sure that no one finds out we're at the Water kingdom," Cameron replied.
"You can tell them that we're sick."
"Sick? How long will you be away then?" the princess asked.
The king assumed, "Around a month."
Kaycee's eyes widened. "Without informing the royal guards?"
"Look, servants aren't allowed to question their master."
"Brother, promise me you'll be cautious."
"We will." Carson smiled.