The Division leader had a deep frown on his face. The veins on his forehead and hands were bulging out. His mood was depleting with each and every passing second. Tapping his leg against the floor impatiently he massaged his temples. "Any word from them yet?"

"No." Came an instant reply from his subordinate. "Division leader, should I message them once again?"

The person being addressed shook his head. "Nevermind." He spoke. "We have messaged them for the fifteenth time. Maybe there is some communication error due to the previous shockwaves. For now let's wait."

"Then....what should we do?" One of his subordinate replied. The screen that was supposed to show them a glimpse of what was happening in that world was blank with bold words written "ERROR" showing on the screen. And when Nulis had inquired about the unknown variable a few months ago they had just brushed it off as an accident.

"Let's....." The division leader spoke. He held a very serious expression on his rigid face making it appear more rough. "Let's dispatch a mission to the daughter of fate of that world." When he said this the others gasped with shock.

He narrowed his eyes at them. "Initially we were hoping for that rebellious one called Ivar to be trapped in that world with Nulis but our plan was thrown apart because of the unknown variable that came in between ruining our plans. And when we were hoping that this variable would get rid of that kid and that system, things took a turn for the worst. For now we have no choice but to dispatch another mission into that world."

The commotion amongst his subordinates quieted down.

"No matter what....that rebel has to die in that world or else we might not get another chance like this. Thus...its worth the risk." This was his conclusion. In the end no one dared to utter a word of complain at his decision.

Meanwhile back at a certain world the system was once again dumbfounded and speechless at the scene that was unfolding before it. For the first time ever since it was awakened Nulis felt bad for not having cheats that could strengthen the physical and magical attributes of its host.

"Wuwuw.....u, host, Nulis is so sorry for not being able to help you." It mourned with tears streaming down its mechanical eyes.

Ivar panted heavily as he tried to struggled away from the man who was currently hovering over him. Right after they had reappeared in one of the chambers he was thrown off mercilessly onto the bed. The imposing body of the other man was currently towering over him, his fierce gaze looming over his tired body. Guang Wang Lei subdued the struggling body underneath him in a matter of minutes. Right now he had Ivar panting heavily underneath him. His long and brown hair was scattered on the matress, droplets of sweat were forming on Ivar's pale forehead. Because of the struggle he went through a few minutes ago even his pale cheeks were flushing with a faint shade of red. No to mention the sharp and jet black eyes that were staring back into Guang Wang Lei's green eyes, the look in them making his soul tremble for some reasons. Ivar's lips were opening and closing as he was panting lightly, the slightly parted lips a bit tempting to the eyes. When this thought crossed Guang Wang Lei's brain, he was shocked with himself for a moment.

"Well? Are you done marking your domination on me??" Ivar spat at him with a glare. "Let go!"

Guang Wang Lei saw the hidden panic in his black eyes. He smirked replying. "My subjugation works on you only when I do this to you. Now, why should i let go? Let me have my fill marking my dominance on you!" He gripped Ivar's hands tighter and pinned them above his head. The face of the person underneath him was exposed naked for his eyes to observe as much as they wanted.

Ivar frowned at the pressure on his hands. He bit his lower lips to calm his senses that was being thrown apart at the moment. How did things come to this? They had been on pretty good terms these few months but just with a refusal of giving him his name had led to this current situation. This feeling of being pinned underneath him made him relive that moment of powerlessness. Guang Wang Lei stretched his other hand and placed them on Ivar's lips, parting his teeth from his lower lips. When he saw the place where Ivar was biting himself was red with blood he used his thumb to rub it off. Then he pinched Ivar's chin preventing it from moving around. Guang Wang Lei slowly examined the face before him. Strange. He thought. This face should piss him off according to his memories but now this same hateful face was sucking him in, making him realise how charming the face before him had become just because the inner soul had changed. Pale skin. Beautiful black eyes. A perfect nose. Tender lips. And brown hair scattered on the sheets. What charming looks. Guang Wang Lei thought to himself. As his eyes trailed around he noticed a small mole on Ivar's left eye right below the lower lashes. It was a beauty mark. The more Guang Wang Lei explored the more charming he found the current Chu Gui.

"Hmmmm..." He murmured. "This is the first time I meet a man as charming as you. Since my harem has been dissolve should I just eat you up?" He licked his lips with his tongue at the end of the sentence.

A chill ran down Ivar's back. His eyes widened with shock.

Guang Wang Lei saw the panic in his eyes. "I have actually not done it for a very long time let alone having done it with a man before." He spoke in a teasing tone. He brought his face closer to Ivar's till the tips of their noses were touching each other. "Hm? Should I or should I not?"

Ivar was thrown off guard. "Nulis should I just self destroy myself and leave forcefully?"

" system in useless. Please forgive Nulis for being of no help to its host. Wuwuwu." The system was weeping sorrowfully.

Ivar frowned. He was too busy to care about Nulis rambling for not having a cheat ability. He refocused his gaze onto the other person. "You.....I thought you were a straight man?"

Guang Wang Lei was waiting for him to speak. "Does it require for a straight man to be bent to take a man?" He raised his brow and then added. "Ahhhh? Then I guess I have been bent by you right from this moment." His lips curved upwards, amused by the panic evident in Ivar's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Ivar shouted at him angrily.

"What?" The other person blinked his eyes innocently at him. "Am I not pinning you underneath me?" He then gasped as if he realised something important. "Ahhh...don't worry if you are worried about being violated. If anything I like consensual sex. So I won't force myself onto you." His worlds trailed off at the end.

Bastard, aren't you forcing yourself onto me right now? Ivar cursed him in silence. He did not knew why this Guang Wang Lei was suddenly acting like this. Ivar had done nothing that should awake this kind of strange fetish in this man's character. Nor was he beautiful enough to bend him. So why?

"Your name." He heard the person above him speak. This answered Ivar's question.

"Tell me your name and you are up again." Guang Wang Lei demanded. His eyes were looking down on Ivar very seriously. Earlier when he had asked for his real name the other simply refused. Guang Wang Lei felt as if this person would disappear into thin air anytime leaving for elsewhere without his notice so if he were to look for him he had to know his real name at the very least. There was no connecting between them so if the soul inside Chu Gui were to leave he would have some trouble tracing his whereabouts in case he decided to look for him again. Ofcourse he held the ability to track him down but why bother when there was an easier way before him?

As for the matter regarding whether he was bent or not, he was very clear on the matter. He knew his heart well enough to know that although he had never been attracted to men before, he was indeed attracted to this person's demeanor. Specially his eyes that seemed to suck in his soul whenever he looked into his jet black orbs.

Ivar was angry this time. So he did all this and said those words just for a name? Fine. He tried to speak out his name but a binding force stopped him from doing so. A warning alarm rang inside his mind. "Get off." He huffed. The other did not budge a bit. "If you want to know my name, then let me up."

Hateful. So hateful.

Guang Wang Lei finally let his hands free and got up from the bed. Ivar sat up and walked over to the table. He then dipped the brush into the ink and wrote down his name on a paper. Since speaking his name violated the rules, writing it in his original world's language was fine. As for whether Guang Wang Lei could read it or not depended on the person. As expected the other person raised his brow at him saying,

"What is this? Are you playing tricks on me?" His tone sounded a bit angry.

Ivar glared at him. "Its not that I don't want to tell you my name but rather I can't. Decipher it if you want to know my name." That said he tossed the paper at the other person.

Guang Wang Lei stared at the words written on the paper intently. He had been to many worlds but this was the first time he had seen this type of language script. "Well." He shrugged. "Deciphering it is not much of a deal." Back to where he was....he set his gaze back on Ivar. The other person also looked at him, wariness hidden underneath his calm facade.

Guang Wang Lei felt his mood rise. "Perhaps are you being controlled by that source?" If he were to ask for his help he would gladly take up the offer but of course the the world revolved around the notion give and take. If he were to help he had to earn something in return. Guang Wang Lei was not the type to give away freely.

Ivar was stupefied at how fast this bastard caught onto things really easily. Not only was this person powerful, even his instict and intuition were right on the spot. For some reasons it irked Ivar as these points hit on his sour spot, as he was not powerful enough to escape the clutches of the gods nor could he travel worlds with his own abilities. He remained silent not answering. The path to revenge was something he had decided to carry on his own. Involving additional people was irrelevant. He gave off an attitude of indifference, not wanting to expose his selfish drive for revenge craved in his soul.

Guang Wang Lei was not offended by the way the other was acting in regard to his question.

A smile packed with good will bloomed on his face.

"Rest for the night." He said and disappeared from the room leaving Ivar alone.

"Phew! Host, that was close." Nulis sighed in relief.

The same was for Ivar. A long sigh left his lips. The pounding heartbeat against his chest had finally turned back to normal. For a moment there he thought his heart might leap out of his body. He had been feigning calmness this enitre time ever since he was thrown on the bed by that bastard, dreading that if he were to be taken against his will, he would have no chance of throwing that bastard off. Ivar had even prepared his heart to self destroy this body in case he was forced. Thankfully that bastard had a clear conscience. But that did not mean Guang Wang Lei would be so considerate each and everytime. A chill hit his enitre body making him shiver.

"Nulis, is....that person by any chance a bi?" He couldn't help but ask. Deep down his intuition was denying his words.

"Host, I think he is straight. A very straight Alpha male at that." Nulis replied.

Ivar frowned. He was having a headache from thinking too much about that bastard's identity. "You still have no idea about his real identity?"

"No." Replied the system instantly. "But I fear that he might be a god."

Ivar frowned harder. "How did things develop in this way?" He murmured to himself.

Nulis was extremely quiet. It did not dare to speak its inner thoughts.

Host, if you had seen your disheveled face while being pressed underneath him on the bed, and the way you had been acting indifferently arround him, its understandable that even a straight man would take interest in you.

When Nulis recalled the scene of Ivar being pressed underneath Guang Wang Lei, its host's cheeks tinted red, his parting lips gasping for air, and his open robes exposing his sexy collarbone.....the system blushed so hard.

"Kyyyyaaaaaaa...." Nulis squealed.

"What?" Ivar asked, finding the system's shout a bit strange.

"No. nothing." Nulis rubbed its mechanical cheeks trying to get rid of the thick blush.

Suddenly a thought struck him.

If Guang Wang Lei were to see Ivar's original appearance Nulis was sure that the other person would have claimed its host right on the spot and on the bed.

"Wah! Wah!" Nulis flipped its two mecha arms around trying to get rid of the erotic scene forming in its mind. Go away! Dirty little thing. Go away!

The system was more than aware of Ivar's charms that could even bend an alpha god. Its host had a terrifying charm. And Nulis had already witnessed it countless times while staying with him.

A cold beauty. Its host was an S class cold beauty. Too bad the person wasn't aware of this.