"Kill him."

"Get rid of him."

"Your mission is to get rid of the person this world. Obey the command of the god oh daughter of fate."

Frowning, a beautiful face asleep was being greeted by a strange voice disrupting the blankness in her mind.

"Kill the man called...i!"

A pair of beautiful eyes jolted awake when she heard a voice speak the name in her sleep. She bolted up from her bed and clenched her heart tightly gasping for air. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. The same dream had been visiting her sleep since a few days urging her to kill that man. "Its not just your average dream." She muttered to herself.

Who was it? Her eyes narrowed angrily as she had confirmed that someone was agitating her whenever her eyes closed to rest for the night.

"This is the voice of the gods." A voice rang in her mind.

"!!!!" Her eyes darted around trying to look for the source of the voice. Alarmed, she was feeling agitated and dubious, doubting her own mental state.

"Ugh!" She squeezed her forehead with discomfort in them. Her blur eyesight ran the length and breadth of the room. "Maybe I have gone mad from heartbreak." She murmured to herself, mocking her frail heart that had yet to accept the fact that she was thrown out of the palace by her own lover.

"No. You are not. This is the voice of the gods." The voice replied once more.

She stared into the space but couldn't find anything. "And?" She irked. "Why did you speak to me, disrupting my sleep every single time?" Voice of god! She snorted in silence.

"Oh daughter of fate, do not doubt my words when I say I am god. Now. Listen carefully to the words I am about to speak. If you follow my order...maybe your broken heart will be healed by the same love you have been yearning for these days..." The voice spoke.

"What do you mean? Speak straightly." She was taken aback by the words the voice had spoken.

"If you follow my will get your happily ever after with your lover...that is...if you complete the mission I am about to bestow on you." The voice spoke.

She listened to the words spoken by the voice. Her eyes went wide with shock taking in the words spoken at the end of the sentence by the voice of god. When all that needed to be said was said an everlasting silence filled the bedroom. She fell into a deep thought contemplating onto the things that were disclosed before her. The frown on her goddess like face deepened, the obvious hesitation evident in her will displayed across her serious face.

"Host..." Nulis exclaimed, a shudder hitting its mechanical body.

"What?" Ivar asked him. Currently he was basking in the morning sun. He was sitting at the open yard, trying to fill the emptiness in him by listening to the morning whispers of the nature.

Nulis was dumbfounded as to why he had suddenly called for its host's attention. "No...nothing." The system replied. Nulis had felt a foreboding feeling that made its soul shudder so it had called for its host as a reflexive reaction. Only after the system had realise what it had done was it dumbfounded by its extreme reaction of calling for Ivar, realising that It had been depending too much on its host these past few years they had been spending together. Well of course, Ivar was a very reliable host, so it was natural for Nulis to depend on him. As a system Nulis couldn't function and act independently. So of course Ivar was the shoulder that the system had to lean on. But to think that their connection had developed to the point that the system was begining to acknowledge Ivar as a partner more and more surprised and shocked Nulis.

Nulis stared at its host who was exposing himself to the sun light, his skin radiating with a beautiful glow. Because he was still in his sleeping gowns his current appearance gave off a lazy vibe tinted with a bit of laidback sexiness. His brown hair was falling upto the ground, scattered on it. Moreover the posture of its host added more glow to the current body. With his chin placed on his right knee and his other hand on his thigh, and his hair flowing down, his skin accepting the kisses of the sun, Nulis found its host way too charming.

Infact he was not the only one.

Another man had been staring at Ivar for a very long time. His eyes that were naturally a shade of beautiful green darkened with lust.

"What a feast to the eyes." Guang Wang Lei chuckled to himself. Ever since he had left yesterday evening he had been unable to get this person off his mind. So the first thing he did after waking up was to enter the courtyard and stare at him from a distance. He had concealed his presence for now because he wanted to observe the expressions Ivar would make in Guang Wang Lei's absence. Sure enough it paid off. The current defenseless state of this person would never be on display had he been in his presence. His eyes lingered around the exposed skin around the chest of the beauty basking in the sun. From afar he could see the smooth skin glowing underneath the sun rays.

"Let's stay like this for a while." He thought.

The supreme ruler of this realm has resorted to stalking a man in secrecy, if this word were to break out the women in this realm would be thrown in chaos. Fortunately the world would never know.

It was only when Ivar was done making breakfast did the shameless person stalking the former finally made his arrival known. He immediately took his seat and began eating. Eating together like this had become a daily routine for these two men since a few months ago. Ivar had become numb to the antics of this shameless bastard. But of course the thing he did and said yesterday was an exception.

"Tsk. Tsk. No need to be on high alert so much. Didn't i give you my word yesterday that I won't take you by force? Anyway...." Shifting the topic. "Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?"

"....." Ivar paused for a bit. "Nulis....."

"Yes." Came an immediate reply to the underlying words of its host.

A brazen valley. Vast and enormous. Sands that were as red as blood with no trace of vegetation. Lightning turbulence hitting the space in the valley at an infinite interval. The miasma in the air so strong and thick that it proved to be a good breeding ground for thousands of royal blood demons of all sizes and all races. This was the infamous Crimson valley, the capital of the demon clan residing in hell kingdom.

" the place you wanted to visit...?" Guang Wang Lei looked at Ivar with confusing eyes.

Ivar did not reply. He stared down at the Labyrinth of demon clan. The Crimson valley. There was a side mission alloted on this place but because this place was not somewhere Ivar could go on his own he had pushed it aside for the mean time. Fortunately with Guang Wang Lei's help he was able to enter.

His eyes narrowed at the demons looking up at him. Demons. A subject of his grudge.

"You stay here and don't move." Ivar spat at the other person. Since he was going to complete the side mission of annihilating the Crimson valley, the nest of the demon clan, he had to do it on his own. Else the reward points may be deducted. One million worth reward points for this single mission, Ivar did not want to waste it even for a bit.

Guang Wang Lei raised his brow at him but did not refute. His eyes lit up with amusement as the other person jumped straight down into the crimson valley.

With a devilish smirk, "Lets see how long you will fare against the demon clan's strongest nest."

"God. Intruder. Kill."

The demons howled viciously at the intruder. They had developed their own self consciousness. The demons acted independently as they encircled Ivar from all directions. These pure blooded demons were born with superior powers when compared to normal demons. Generally demon nobles were gifted with a demonic weapon that were born with them during their birth and these weapons served as their holy weapon just like those of the gods. The group of younger demons dashing towards the intruder summoned their weapons ready to launch attack at the nemesis of their clan, the god intruder.

They saw the intruder crook his fingers at them.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

A few bodies of the younger demons were burnt to ashes by the radiant yellow light that was shooted at them from the distance. When the light hit the skin of the younger demons they immediately perished to return to the red soil.


The ones that had witnessed the ordeal growled at Ivar. One of the teenage level demon let out a high pitch scream. But it was only in a matter of second did the demon yelling in anger realised that its head was falling onto the ground while it's own detached body was still standing on its two feets, blood sputtering from the it's neck that was cut open. Before its head hit the brazen ground another strike came crashing at it, burning the demon to ashes.

The younger demons looked at the intruder with wary eyes. They could see two types of strange weapons on the god's hands. One of them was a long tail, like that of a lizard. It was a whip. While on the other hand was an object that they had never seen before. They weren't even sure if it was a weapon or not. The intruder did not give them a chance to study the thing in his other hand before firing another yellow light at the demons. The demons tool out their holy weapons and blocked the scorching heat that could annihilate with just a single touch. Some of them couldn't hold back the attack and were blasted off by it.

"Yellow. Light. Dodge." The demons screamed at each other.


Ivar whipped the Holy weapon in his hand. He struck the whip in the air with a loud zzzt sound then injected his magic in them. While his other hand was already at work, reading to shoot out another mana bullet from his all five fingers, like a gun rolling in multiple bullets.

Bang. Bang. Bang.


A one sided battle finally began.

Within a few minutes all the younger level demons as well as some teenage level demons were wiped out completely. But of course this was just the begining. Another bunch of dangerous looking demons with a definite structure of human body arrived at the scene. The scream earlier had alerted them of the intruder. But they stepped in a bit late. When they arrived all of the newborn demons were annihilated by the intruder. Their eyes narrowed at the God.

"Scumbag God!" They yelled viciously and sprinted forward. All of them had their holy weapons out.

Ivar gave them no reaction. He summoned a Dragon made from Chu Gui's magic. Although inferior when compared to Ivar's original power the current mana was still enough to deal with these demons. At the same time he summoned several magic light balls ready to be shot any moment. When these magic balls were shot forward Ivar sprinted towards his enemies at the speed of the travelling magic balls. Behind him was the dragon he had summoned, its fangs clawed against the demons.

Two forces collided against each other. The momentum of the colliding forces shook the entirety of the labyrinth, a mix of dark demonic energy and light magic shockwave flooding the valley and the sky above.

"....." Guang Wang Lei stared at the battle silently. His eyes followed the figure that was sprinting here and there, trying to kill off his enemies. His lips curved into a smile witnessing the man going berserk, killing off his enemies bit by bit.

The fierce battle finally came to an end before sunset.

"Ding. Congratulations."

"Side mission: Annihilating Crimson valley successful. You have slayed the demon king successfully. One million reward points awarded to the host. +50000 points for satiating the original's blood thirst. Congratulations host."

Ivar panted heavily. He could feel his body aching with pain. Tiredness crept in his eyes. His steps staggered to the left.

A sturdy arm encircled his waist from the back. Ivar widened his eyes when his tired body was hauled in the air. Another pair of fingers grabbed him onto his shoulder.

"Over exerting your mana to the point it's depleting so much." a husky voice spoke. It was Guang Wang Lei. He looked down at the tattered look of the person in his arms.

Ivar saw the man look down at him with a somewhat blurred vision.

"Host. Due to Mana depleting below the red margin the system will resume the healing process immediately." Nulis's voice rang in his mind.

Damn. Not again. Ivar cussed. Then he lost consciousness.

Guang Wang Lei gazed at the person in his arms with some concern. He began walking away princess carrying the unconscious Ivar.

"He didn't use it." He thought to himself. Ivar had not used that crimson red mana ever since the day they met.