Soft smooth lips sucked onto Ivar's own lips, the lips kissing his sucked onto his lower lip before biting at its entrance and then something wet slid inside Ivar's mouth. This happened so fast that he had no time to react. The intruding object began prodding the inner walls of his mouth, the tip of it was even poking at the crown of his teeth. His eyes widened at the shocking realisation that it was a tongue. An intruding tongue. Suddenly he began trashing around trying to get rid of the person kissing him. He grabbed the hair at the back of this bastard's head and tugged his hand as hard as he could but the person attacking did not move. Then he proceeded to jab him using his knee, aiming it at that precious vital, weak spot of every man at the same time he used his hand trying to push the man away from himself, both his hands grabbing the nape of the man trying to create pressure on it but before his knee could hit that place between the legs Ivar felt his body being tossed aside.

Pull. Thud.

Once again he was slammed onto the side wall. Kazuhiko then grabbed both of Ivar's hand with one hand and pinned them above his head, trapping them against the wall. While his other hand grabbed Ivar by the chin. Then he proceeded to kiss him on the lips again without any room for reaction. Provocatively. The kiss so possessive as if he was trying to suck the life out of the person being kissed. Ivar's eyes widened. His legs that were trying to struggle were trapped by two long, firm and strong legs that held the power of an absolute alpha, and this alpha once again, slid his tongue inside, the slick and wet tongue penetrating forcefully as it licked and sucked the inside, plunging as deep as reaching upto the soft palates of Ivar's small mouth. When the foreign object began to entangle with the other tongue forcefully, Ivar felt his whole body tremble furiously. So hateful!

The sound of wet kissing filled the hallway as the two men at the centre of attention kissed without a care of the surrounding.

Akira stared at this scene, wide eyed. Tears began streaming down his cheeks as he felt a painful tug on his chest. Not being able to watch his ex boyfriend entangle with someone else he turned around and ran away. Sobbing pitifully. Masaaki and Kioshi were brought back to life by Akira's sobs. They both stared at Kazuhiko with confused gazes before they ran after their wounded angel. As for Shinjiro and the other girls, none of them had recovered yet.

Strong. So strong. This overwhelming strength that could subjugate Ivar, this familiar feeling of domination and provocation, the familiar wall slamming and hand binding, this feeling of fear, as if he stood no chance against such absolute brute force and supreme strength.....Oh Fuck!!! Ivar cursed. All these were way too familiar!

Did that bastard really follow him to this world? No, that was wrong! He had followed him to this world!!! He wasn't joking when he said that he held the power to find him even if he were to escape. Oh fuck! Fuck me god!

No wait....he was out of breath.

Ivar could feel the resistance in him droop down as he felt the need to breathe. His lungs were out of air. Thankfully the man kissing him noticed that he was out of breath and so Kazuhiko retreated his lips away from Ivar's, letting the other gasp for air. He then stared down at the person trapped within his arms.

Black hair. Pale skin that were tinted with a red shade right now. Brown eyes, misty and clouded. Slender hips and small waist. Shorter than him by a head. Lips swollen by the kiss he made with him just now.....Beautiful. Kazuhiko could only gaze at the beautiful person in his arms. Although his looks were different from Chu Gui of the previous world, the look in his eyes and his body language did not change a bit. Finally he had found him. He caressed Ivar's cheek lightly and spoke. "Breathe through your nose next time."

When Ivar heard him speak he glared at the culprit with enraged eyes. So hateful! This asshole! Too bad in the other's eyes, his current appearance looked like that of an angry kitten hissing at him. Kazuhiko smiled. He had finally found his kitten after visiting a few worlds. A nasty smile spread across his face as he whispered lowly. "Did you know? I really regret not taking your lips back in that world. I really should have kissed you back there. And I also regretted not marking you as mine."

The end of his sentence got Ivar's attention. Marking him as his? What did that... He never got to process his thoughts before he felt another kiss falling on him again.


But this time the kiss was different. When this bastard kissed him this time Ivar felt his soul tremble violently, a warm and hot feeling seeped into his soul as if something was penetrating it, something that was foreign. That feeling of penetration gradually disappeared and a cooling effect was left behind before the power that had embedded into Ivar's soul retreated calmly as if nothing had happened.

The bastard then parted his lips from Ivar's. A smile bloomed on his face as he said with leisure. "Now you are mine. And even if you run away, running after you will be as easy as lifting a finger. Mysterious person with a Question mark name!"

"!!??!!" Nulis who was still in shock all this time finally recovered. The system couldn't believe it. This man, no rather, the soul residing inside the male lead's body was the same mysterious soul inside Guang Wang Lei from the previous world. With mouth agape it stared at Kazuhiko with a dumbfounded expression. This guy.....he....he had really followed its host, Ivar, into this world. Just how strong was he? No wait! This was bad news. How dangerous was this man to actually be able to find them this early.

As if Kazuhiko had caught Nulis's dumbfounded expression he spoke with a brief smile. "Hey! Long time no see? I don't know what you are called but I will be intruding from now on!"

"...!!!!!" Oh Fuck. Nulis shuddered with fear.

Ivar was no different. He stared at Kazuhiko with wary eyes. Even if the kiss was over the two paid no heed to the others around them.

Kazuhiko swept his eyes around then he noticed the female and male students. He released his intimidating aura to drive them away. When the people around felt the chilling pressure and the pheromones of their handsome superstar the girls immediately scooted away, some of them shivering with fear and some with broken hearts at having witnessed their object of affection snatched by another man.

"Wuwuwu....I thought I finally had a chance. He had broken up with his boyfriend and was single he is taken again! God why are you so cruel....."

Many of them were complaining inside their hearts.

Shinjiro finally came back alive. He stared at the man who was once his childhood sweetheart, who on finding his fated pair became lovers with his Omega. Then he looked at his childhood best friend, who had tried to break Kazuhiko and Akira. But now that same Kazuhiko who should be hating Makato, and should be dying to kill him, was trapping the supposed to be hated person in between his arms, moreover, it was the infamous wall pinning position. The smirk and adoration in Kazuhiko's eyes was so obvious that even the blind Shinjiro could tell. It was reasonable that he was confused as to why this sudden change of attitude had occured? He kept staring at them with confused eyes. Then as if the other person had sensed his gaze Kazuhiko squinted his beautiful amber eyes at Shinjiro.

"He is off limits." The possessiveness in his voice was intimidating.

Shinjiro was dumbfounded at Kazuhiko's sudden warning. He then stared at Makato's face and saw him making a troubled expression. With a sigh he replied, "Makato is my best friend. He is like family."

Nulis who heard him say this felt sorry for the original Makato. "You pitiful thing.....first friendzoned and now familyzoned too."

Ivar on the other hand kept thinking about the force from before. He glared at Kazuhiko. "You! What did you do to me?"

The later leaned forward and smiled replying. "I marked you as mine."

With a deep frown, "What do you mean?"

"The literal meaning of what I said." Came a teasing reply. Then added, "Since my road to pursuing you seemed bumpy I just attached my smell on you so that I won't have to search for you frantically. Take responsibilty for stealing my heart. And also..." Pointing his hand at Ivar's heart, "Brace yourself, For, I will be making this heartless thing beat only for me. I don't believe I won't be able to sway your hearth with relentless pursuing. And it begins from this moment."

As he spoke his amber eyes glowed beautifully, the smile on his lips curving sweetly, a dimple adorning its corner. With a face that could bend anyone, a very charming and insanely handsome face as if it were sculpted by the gods to perfection and the sweet smell faintly leaking from him, anyone would fall under Kazuhiko's spell. Too bad the other person was Ivar.

"...." Shinjiro was genuinely speechless at the way Kazuhiko was flirting with Makato. Stole his heart? When? He was a bit curious but decided not the disrupt the strange atmosphere between those two men. He cleared his throat and left before reminding them that classes were about to start.

Infact Shinjiro was not the only one.

Nulis was blushing so hard staring at the position of Ivar and Kazuhiko. Two men, one of them pinning the other, trapping them between his arms, and saying hot stuff like 'take responsibilty for stealing my heart' 'I will make this heartless thing beat only for me' Kyyaaaaaa....the system was really embarrassed on behalf of its host who was unaffected by the male lead's words.

"Not even in your dreams!" Ivar glared at him. He hunched down a bit to escape from the arms trapping him.

Kazuhiko caught his hand. He then quickly placed a kiss on its back. "Babe, I have no intention of doing it in my dreams but in reality."

The other person shuddered with discomfort while the system was frantically squealing with red cheeks. Nulis didn't dared to utter the words 'How romantic' out aloud.

Meanwhile on Akira's side, the two male leads were comforting him.

"Akira, don't cry." Kioshi pat him on his head. He then looked at Masaaki. "The classes should be starting in a few minutes. At this rate letting him skip a class will be better."

Masaaki agreed with him. "I will inform the teacher. You take care of him." When Kioshi replied with a nod he left with a sigh. Even though he wanted to comfort Akira, he didn't knew what to say. First he must have a talk with Kazuhiko himself. Why did he kiss Makato? The very person who tried to ruin Akira, his fated Omega? No matter how hard he thought Masaaki couldn't comprehend or come up with any valid reason.

"Asking him personally will be better."

After he left Kioshi took Akira to the infirmary. He laid him down onto the bed and was helpless when he saw Akira cover himself up with the blanket. Silence filled the room as both of them did not speak a word. Kioshi knew that comforting Akira was not going to help in any way right now. Furthermore be himself did not understand why their childhood friend would kiss a dirty scumbag like Makato. Why? Just....why?

On the other hand the person crying inside the blanket kept replaying the scene of Kazuhiko kissing another person. More over that person was the guy who tried to harm him over and over again. Although Akira understood that it wasn't his place to get upset since he was the one who broke up with Kazuhiko first, he was sad because the other person seemed to have moved on. While he, on the other hand was still hung up on him.

"You brought this upon yourself when you initiated the break up! Why are you crying over a man who has moved on? How pathetic!" He berated himself in silence. Tears kept falling out from his eyes. "Sobs..sobs....he has moved on. And so must I. Don't be hung up on one man. It's not like I will die if he is not my boyfriend. Right. Don't hold onto him. Let him go. But....for the last time I will cry myself away until my feelings for him dry away with my tears...sobs."

At the other side of the building the person Akira was crying over was seated comfortably in a classroom that wasn't his. He kept his eyes glued on Ivar, who was seated right next to him Or rather Kazuhiko was the one who was seated next to Ivar since he had moved his classroom as well as changed his original seating. The teacher taking the class could only pretend not to see an additional student in the classroom. Everyone in this world knew who Kazuhiko Toru was. He was the most powerful person in the world. Anyone who offended him was destined to meet a bad ending. A mere teacher couldn't afford to offend this person and could only turn a blind eye the whole time Kazuhiko was staring at the school's infamous ganster, Makato, who also had the backing of the Takahashi family.

Ivar could feel the burning gaze falling onto him but he ignored it all the time. Rather, he pretended to ignore it.

"At this rate match making Shinjiro with Kenta Takumi will be hard. Ivar, what's your plan." Nulis whispered to him, as if afraid of being overheard.

"Find a suitable cheesetrap for a dramatic encounter. A bag snatching street thief will do the role. For bringing two people together that weren't supposed to meet, we can only create a chance encounter for them. After their first encounter, we will continue to bring them together. The rest will follow through naturally." Ivar was quite laid back regarding the match making issue.

"Okay Ivar. But.....what if they don't fall in love afterwards? Shinjiro this guy....he is too dense and blind. I fear that making him fall in love might be a big challenge." The system could only shake its head with doubt.

"Don't worry. I know exactly where to hit his sweet spots. He will fall in love with Kenta Takumi. I will make sure to let it happen." Came an assuring reply. He then heard the system go silent. Leaving the matchmaking mission aside, Ivar was a bit worried about himself. What if this bastard went around following him everywhere? If that were to happen it would surely hinder his missions. He was a bit skeptical to the point that he didn't doubted that this person wouldn't hesitate to follow him back to his room, or even sleep on the same bed as him.

Thankfully that never came true. After the school was over Kazuhiko dropped him to where he lived before walking away with a 'I will see you tomorrow.'

When he was finally out of sight Ivar breathed in relief. He had no way of knowing that another mind-blowing wave of twist was coming at him.

Kazuhiko was back in his own Villa. He was wearing a bathrobe, his wonderful abs were out on display, the curves on his body emanating a handsome beauty 'out of the shower dressed in robes' vibe. Truth be told, in his previous world he swore to himself that if he found him the next time he would throw him on the bed and make a mess out of him, making him cry and beg for mercy. But when he actually found him he didn't even had the guts to do it. The farthest he could go was kissing him and leaving his mark on his soul. Just thinking about how touching Ivar against his will could make things worse was enough to give him a headache.

Ring. Ring.

He picked up the phone. "Did you get rid of him?"

"Yes Master. He is dead for good." Came an obedient reply.

"Good. Well done. Also, no need to clean up the mess. Let the world know of his death." Kazuhiko's eyes were cold as ice as he spoke these words. After he was done he stared at the piece of paper on the table. In order to make sure that nothing happened in this world like the previous one, he had eliminated the pain in the ass brother of this body. That person was gone for good. Next, he had to break off Kazuhiko's engagement with the son of the Takahashi family. The paper on the table was the engagement paper. According to the memories of this body this engagement paper was atleast a decade old.

*Knock. Knock*

"Come in."

It was the head butler.

"Master, Master Masaaki is here. He wants to have a word with you."

"Escort him here."