Kazuhiko stared at the best friend of this body. "What is so urgent for you to come visit me so late at night."

"Isn't it obvious?" Masaaki snorted. He stared into his best friend's eyes. Although this person was usually hard to read there was a subtle difference this time that gave off an unsettling vibe. Masaaki couldn't exactly figure out what the subtle difference was but he was vaguely aware that the Kazuhiko from this morning and this Kazuhiko right now was strange in an inderscribable way

"You....what happened to you? This morning you suddenly did that to the person who have harmed Akira so many times. Didn't you say that you would destroy him after taking care of your personal matters?" Masaaki couldn't ignore the intimating look in his best friend's eyes. The aura he gave off was unsettling.

Kazuhiko pondered about it for a moment. Recalling what happened in the previous world he couldn't help but feel enraged. A chilling coldness enveloped the entire room. The person standing across him flinched as the leaking pheromones hit him, the scent of rage obvious in it. Masaaki was shocked upon realising that Kazuhiko was angry. The familiar smell of rain that he knew was enveloped with a dense aura of vexation. A chill ran down his spine, and a feeling of wanting to get on his knees crept up his body. This have never happened before during their entire time together.

"Why? What happened to you? Why are you so angry?" He had never seen Kazuhiko so angry like this before.

Kazuhiko got up from his seat. He kept silent as he walked towards the best friend of this body. As he took a step after step he kept the eye contact with Masaaki intact, his glowing amber eyes never removed its sight from the other person. Beads of sweat formed on Masaaki's forehead. The intensity of Kazuhiko's pheromones hit his body, making his shoulders flinch and tremble with every approach he made. Then he heard him speak.

"Masaaki. You don't know me well. Take this as a warning." Kazuhiko's chilling gaze fell, a dense killing intent leaking from his glowing amber eyes.

When Masaaki looked into his eyes, he could see the absolute power resting in them, just with a flick of his finger he could destroy anyone he wanted.

"If you dare to touch even a hair of him, I will make sure to send you over to the other side of the world. Do you understand?" He did not wanted a repeat of the people of this world going for his man.

Masaaki flinched at the pressure he was undergoing. But why the sudden change in attitude? Kazuhiko hated Makato to the bones a few weeks ago but now he was warning him not to touch even a hair of his? Why? He couldn't understand. He was sweating hard and didn't even have the courage to look into Kazuhiko's eyes. Then suddenly the pressure falling onto him increased even more, making the strength in his knees go weak.

"Do you understand?" He heard him speak again, repeating the same words.

After a pause he could only reply in a low voice. "Yes. I understand." This kind of overwhelming Kazuhiko, he have never seen him like this before. Deep inside, his instinct was warning him not to deny his warning or else he might lose his life to this person.

Kazuhiko stared down at him with ruthless eyes. He noticed his trembling shoulders. He raised his hand and rested them on Masaaki's shoulder. Adding a bit of strength in his hand, he gripped the shoulder in his palm tightly. Then he added. "Warn Kioshi for me. Tell him, if he mess with My person and ignore my warning, I will end his life for good. I am sure he wouldn't want to die so young."

Masaaki shuddered at the violent grip falling onto his shoulder. "Yes. I will warn him for you."

Upon getting the response that he wanted he retracted his pheromones and his aura. He then walked back to his seat. "Shouldn't you be happy?" He suddenly spoke.

"Pardon?" Masaaki was confused.

Kazuhiko placed his chin on his hand and added with a smile, the imposing aura from before was gone, replaced by a laid back expression. Masaaki was surprised once more. He have never seen him make such a relaxed face.

"Akira. You love him don't you? You should be happy that I am stepping away from the competition. Now Kioshi and you can run after him as much as you want. Be thankful that my heart was stolen by someone else."

But the person Akira loves is you! Masaaki didn't say these words out aloud. He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask but didn't have the courage to raise them. "Curious?" He heard Kazuhiko offer him a chance.

"Yes. A bit." He replied.

A small chuckle left the cold man's lips. Masaaki have never seen Kazuhiko smile so softly in his life. Even when he was in love with Akira and dating him he had never seen such him make such a soft expression. Why the sudden change? And when did it happen?

"I just got my heart stolen by his ruthless eyes. Bad boys are really a popular trend these days, don't you agree?" Kazuhiko asserted, his eyes were curving happily just thinking about his kitten.

Masaaki on the other hand was left even more confused.

Meanwhile his kitten was fast asleep. He had no way of knowing how that bastard had gotten rid of a bit of annoyance for him. The next morning he woke up early and found Shinjiro. Makato was a servant of the Takahashi family. Despite being a Beta he was treated like an adopted child of the house. To Shinjiro he was like a brother.

"Good morning." He greeted Shinjiro.

The other person flashed a radiating smile at him. "Good morning Makato. You are earlier than usual."

Shinjiro's image was really clean and pure. Even Ivar couldn't help but notice it. He had to put his plan in action. "Today, I was thinking it would be good if we could walk to the school together." He lied feeling a bit awkward.

Shinjiro was taken aback by his request. He stared at him for a moment then let out a sweet smile. "Oh my god. I thought you were really distant these few weeks but I see that you have been shy. Sure, let's go to school together."

Good. Today was the day when that dramatic meeting between those two would happen. "Nulis, is everything ready?"

"Yes." Came a mechanical reply.

Very soon they walked out of their house. The road was a bit crowded than usual. Ivar made sure to keep an eye on his surrounding. He was looking for that person.

There! Found him!

Vroom. Vroom.

A bike came speeding towards the side of the road. The rider on the bike grabbed Shinjiro's bag. He then pushed the owner of the bag and sped off into the distance.

Shinjiro stumbled to the side, falling right onto the ground. He felt something sharp stab his right ankle.

"Kyyaaaaaa.....thief....." The people around started screaming.

"Somebody...stop him..." The commotion got attention from the crowd. Thankfully it included that person too.

"Are you okay?" Ivar helped Shinjiro stand up. The later took his hand. He gave him a slight nod but when he stood up on his legs he felt a sharp pain hit his ankle again. He winced in pain.

"I should go after the thief." Ivar suggested. But Shinjiro rejected his idea.

"It's okay. That's just a school bag. I can get a new one." He assured him.

That was when they heard a loud sound from the distance.

Kick. Bang. Screech.

A bike crashed against the wall. And the rider was pulled off the moment before the bike hit the wall. Meanwhile the person riding the bike was clawed by a big, strong hand, a pale palm grabbing him immobile.

"Instead of going around stealing, why don't you use this time to cultivate and maybe get yourself a job?" Speaking so he dragged the thief alongside him.

Ivar saw that his plan fell right on spot. From a distance he saw his target approach them. Kenta Takumi. That person was dragging the thief with him while walking towards them. The crowd glanced at them. Then after realising the issue had been solved they resumed to their own bussiness. A few girls who had witnessed Kenta kick the speeding bike off track couldn't help but fangirl over him. Moreover he was kind enough to save the rider from crashing into the wall.

" cool. So handsome." The girls squealed from the side.

"Let me go. You Alpha bastard. Let me go!!" The thief shouted at him, his hands dangling around trying to get rid of the hands on his collar.

Kenta ignored him. When he was finally before the two he forced the rider to bow his head as an apology. "Apologise to them. And swear that you will not steal in broad day light again and instead get yourself a job." He said with a charming smile.

The thief glared at him although he couldn't direct it at the person forcing him down. "You...." He shouted through gritted teeth. "Why should I? He looks rich. Even if I steal from him he has the money to get along fine."

The force on his head intensified. " hurts....aaahhhhhhhhhhhh...!"

Kenta kept him suspended in place. "And you also have the money to buy yourself a bike. Your body is well too. Use your arms and your legs to earn money, will you? Stealing won't solve your money problems. They will make your life worse."

Shinjiro was speechless. Ivar on the other hand kept silent.

"'s okay...." Shinjiro couldn't help but feel pity for the thief who was shedding tears by now.

"Apologize and you won't have to go to the station." Kenta was dead set on making the rider admit his mistake.

In the end under his pressure the poor thief guy had his pride crushed into pieces as he apologised unwillingly with tears and snot on his face. After he returned the bag to its owner respectfully he was allowed to leave. But before that Kenta did not forget to give money for the bike's repairing cost.

"Thank you for helping." Shinjiro gave his gratitude. Although it wasn't a big deal this person did help him. He flashed a radiant smile at him.

"No problem." Kenta replied with a charming smile. He noticed the name badge on Shinjiro's uniform. Then Ivar's too. He was taken aback slightly. He had heard of the rumours surrounding these two people. Turns out they weren't completely true.

"Hiss...." Shinjiro felt pain stabbing his ankle when he tried to bow as thanks.

"You twisted your ankle." Kenta spoke noticing his leg that was hanging above the ground.

"It's okay. It's just a minor injury." Shinjiro replied. He honestly believed that it was just a minor sprain. To his surprise the person before him bent over and got on his knees. He then proceeded to remove his leg from his shoe.

"Sorry, its rude but is it okay if I have a look?" Looking up to his face, Kenta flashed a soft smile, the genuine look on his face gave off a very good impression on people. Shinjiro paused for a bit before nodding his head.

"Thankfully it's just a minor sprain. But I think you should rest at your home for today. It will be bearable by tomorrow." Kenta spoke after examining the injury. He felt relieved upon learning that it wasn't a heavy injury.

"Thank you for helping." This time Ivar was the one who thanked him. "You should skip school for today."

Shinjiro pondered over it for a bit before agreeing. "You should go to school. I will be fine going back home by myself. Its really near. so..."

"Ivar, that was smooth!" Nulis exclaimed happily.

Ivar was calm. He then turned to Kenta. "Excuse me, but could you help us a bit more. Actually my body hasn't recovered from a fight yet so I cannot support Shinjiro's body weight so could you please help me."

"Sure no problem." Kenta agreed readily.

"But...don't you have classes?" Shinjiro felt a bit guilty when he realised that his injury was causing two people to skip school.

"No. Actually its great that now I have an excuse for being late to school. Math as first period sucks for me." Kenta replied very smoothly as if he had known them for a while.

"Th....thank you." Shinjiro stuttered. He had never met a gentleman Alpha like him. It was actually a surprise that there were kind Alpha like him. The next moment he was hauled into the air and was embraced by masculine arms.

"Sorry for intruding but it will make it easier for you. You must make sure not to apply force on your leg or else it will worsen. I hope I didn't offend you?" Kenta was surprisingly being such a gentleman that even Nulis couldn't help but blush at how unintentionally smooth this person was being right now.

Shinjiro blushed a bit at the sudden contact but It didn't make him uncomfortable in any way, as if it came naturally. "It's...its okay. Infact I am the one who should be sorry. And thank you for your help again." As he spoke he sneaked a glance at the person carrying him. The other Also looked at him with a soft smile.

"Perfect." Ivar couldn't help but rejoice in silence. The first meeting was successfull. Now these two were even flirting unintentionally. It was a good development for them.

"I will lead the way to our house." His voice tingled as he was in a good mood.

And just like this a memorable scene of an Omega being carried in the arms of a smiling Alpha remained in the street, and very soon, it would mark the beginning of a beautiful love story.

"Their compitability is beyond excellent." Nulis hummed happily. Romance is in the air. Hehe!

Well...Nulis forgot that it's host was also being targeted by the heart squeezing thing called love.

Kazuhiko flashed a smile at the head of the Takahashi family. He held a flower bouquet in his hand. The faint smell of red roses filled the room. However what was surprising was that this flower bouquet was handed over to the hands of an unexpected person.

"For you, my future babe."

"!!!!" The head of the Takahashi family, Old man Obi, stared at Makato, wide eyed.
