"What is the meaning of this, Kazuhiko?" Old man Obi was furious. Not at Makato but at the other person before him. He raised his voice angrily. "I have been hearing rumours about you. First, my son. Then some Omega called Akira and now? Even my Maka chan?"

Maka chan. Pffttt.... Nulis could barely contain its mechanical laugh.

Kazuhiko ignored the head of the Takahashi family's growing anger. He flashed a humble smile at him. However, in Old man Obi's eyes that smile was lecherous, full of venom, just like a snake ready to strike anytime.

"Master Obi, anger is not good for your health, specially for people of your age. I heard that last time you almost collapsed from an anger fit. You ought to take care of yourself." With a pleasant smile plastered on his handsome face the intruding male lead kept his fangs hidden. He then moved his eyes towards his future babe. Walking over to him with a bouquet of roses he spoke.

"You were absent today. So I was worried and before I could barely contain myself from rushing over I was already outside this mansion." He handed the flowers to him though the other person did not have any intention of accepting them.

"You....!!!" Old man Obi was glaring at Kazuhiko, flames of anger burning in his eyes. He was so angry that this bratty snake bastard has toyed not only with his only grandson but now he was aiming for Makato too. "Bodyguards!" He yelled.

A group of men in black suit immediately answered his call. They stood in an upright posture, filling the room.

"Throw this snake out of the mansion. He dares to show me his face when he had been fucking around some Omega while being engaged to my grandson! I want him out! Right now!" He gave out an outrageous order. He glared at the person he wanted out of his house. However the snake bastard was ignoring him and his whole attention was onto Makato, who was like his second son. Thankfully Old man Obi noticed that Makato had no intention of accepting the flower bouquet from this snake and this comforted his anger a bit. His Maka chan have a good judgement.

Kazuhiko paid no heed to the commotion arising in the house because of him. His eyes were fixated on his kitten, his kitten was glaring at him with his beautiful, captivating eyes. The corner of his lips curved. "Hey kitty, did you perhaps avoided school because of me? Honestly speaking, you should stop doing that. I will come to you no matter where you are. Hm?"

Ivar glared at him. He was very wary of this person, didn't knew what he might do in a second if he were to let his guard down even for a moment. Like, how last time he forced a kiss on him. He then heard him chuckle lightly.

"You are giving me so much attention. Are you falling for me already? When I have just started flirting with you?" Kazuhiko spoke with a smile, teasing his kitten with such ambiguous words. As he said these words he stepped closer to Ivar and shoved the bouquet gently into his arms.

He was completely ignoring the men in black suits approaching him.

The body guards sprinted towards him. Two of them were already stretching out their hands in an attempt to restrain Kazuhiko. One of them made an attempt to grip his shoulder but before his fingers could reach the person he was aiming for he felt an overwhelming pressure exerted onto his body, as if a boulder of giant rock had been smashed onto him, he fell on his knees, and while his legs made contact with floor the sound of his crushing bones was heard under the heavy and powerful momentum that compelled him to fall on his knees.

"Ahhhhhhh...." He let out a heart wrenching scream. The pain on his knees were unbearable, the bones were burning as if they had been lit on fire.

The other bodyguards stared at the scene with shock. Then their shoulders flinched when their bodies came in contact with a terrifying pheromone, the smell of rain and the smell of bloodthirst filled the room, it was terrific enough to make even Old Man Obi shudder with discomfort. Such strong and overwhelming pheromones. He stared at Kazuhiko, who still had his back against them, the man was still ignoring them while he had his body facing Makato.

"Do not touch me. It's a warning." Kazuhiko spoke in a chilling voice, the side profile of his face turning to look back at them, his amber eyes were glowing with killing intent as he squinted them at the bodyguards.

Old man Obi flinched subconsciously under his gaze. Such dominating pheromones. Even the late head of the Toru family did not have such strong pheromones. Although a bit intimidated Old man Obi was also an elite Alpha. He released a wisp of his pheromones.

Two smell, one with the smell of rain and the other with the smell of sand collided against each other. The struggle for domination began as the two pheromones began reacting. Everyone in the room flinched.

"Grandfather...please calm down. Being so impulsive at your age is not good for your health." Shinjiro placed his hand onto his grandfather's and rubbed them lightly. He had not forgotten how his grandfather had collapsed of an anger fit back when he first learnt about Kazuhiko's relationship with Akira. Having lost his parents when he was still a child Shinjiro did not want to lose the person who gave him love throughout his life. Born as an Omega he had been blessed with his love even at the absence of his dead parents.

Old man Obi heard his grandson plea. He really did not wanted to back off, because he had noticed that his pheromones were losing to the other person's, he was even more adamant on beating this snake bastard. He was a bit hesitant. Suddenly he felt a soft kiss fall on his wrinkled cheek.

"Grand father, please..." It was Shinjiro again. In the past whenever Old man Obi would get angry Shinjiro would always calm him down by kissing him on his cheek. He used to do it always in his childhood but after growing up to be a teenager he stopped doing it unless it was really necessary. It was like a magic spell that made his grandfather's distress fly away immediately. And the magic spell worked. Old man Obi felt his built up anger melt away into thin air as a smile adorned his wrinkled face.

" lovely Shinjiro.....Grand pa will listen to you." Flowers of indulgent love were blooming aorund him. His lovely grandson...was as pure and angelic as ever. He was the sweetie pie of his life. That included Makato too. Unlike Shinjiro who was his legitimate grandson, Makato was the son of an Omega, an Omega who was his fated pair. But Old man Obi found his fated Omega too late. By the time he had found him he had already married and had a son between his bonded Omega, also, his son was all grown up. He could only watch from the sidelines as he provided for his fated Omega and saw him wither away, leaving behind a child born to a nameless father. When he first discovered the child he first gave him a name, then he gave him a family and raised him as a servant of his house since his late wife was really against the idea of adoption. Makato being a Beta made it impossible for his wife to accept him as a member of the Takahashi family. If he were an Omega, there would have been no issue. But Makato was Makato. He was the other sweetie pie of his life alongside Shinjiro. They were both equally important to him.

Old man Obi kept his glaring intact. Now this man standing before him had the guts to try and steal his two grandsons away from him? As long as he lived he wouldn't tolerate his sons being trampled by someone else.

"Makato, come here. Come to Grand Pa." He called for him in a sweet voice.

Ivar glanced at the head of the Takahashi family. In the original timeline, this old man had fought against the male lead over and over. When Makato was killed and Shinjiro was framed by the male lead Old man Obi had a face off with Kazuhiko on a daily basis. However in the end, he died before he could get justice for both of Makato and Shinjiro. He couldn't win against old age as time was already running out for him. Not to mention the halo of the male lead was way too strong in the original.

Ivar kept silent before replying. "Yes." Ignoring Kazuhiko he walked over. Well obviously, even if he ignored him the other person wouldn't do the same like him.

Kazuhiko grabbed Ivar's hand. He then pulled him closer to himself and placed a kiss on his cheek. A burning gaze landed on Ivar's face. Being ignored by the person he was chasing after made him a bit angry. The anger made it hard for him to control his emotions.

"Dang it! I can't believe I am jealous of some old geezer." He murmured to himself. Looking at Ivar's shocked face made his anger lessen a bit.

What a funny expression his kitten was making. He thought. Then he let go of his hand. A smile left his lips as he noticed his kitten hurry his steps away from him, running for his dear life. Kazuhiko followed suit as he sat down on the sofa.

"Let's talk." Saying so he took a paper out of his overcoat and placed it on the table.

Staring a Old man Obi he spoke in an intimidating tone. "I want to cancel my engagement with your grandson."

Old man Obi was hysteric when he heard his words. "Excuse me!" He was the one who wanted to cancel the engagement between this snake and his angelic grandson. It wasn't something he wanted to begin with. The engagement between Shinjiro and Kazuhiko was a result of their parents bonding as close friends. Shinjiro's late mother and Kazuhiko's late mother were close friends, infact, they were best friends. So when they gave birth to an Omega son and an Alpha son they arranged a verbal engagement between them. At first Obi wasn't that against it because Shinjiro did liked Kazuhiko when they were kids and the other person also treated Shinjiro with respect. However everything changed after both Kazuhiko and Shinjiro's parents died in a plane crash together. Kazuhiko changed after his step brother stepped into his life and he grew more and more distant from his grandson until they barely had any interaction going on between them. Then Kazuhiko hooked up with an Omega. Upon learning that it was his fated Omega, old man Obi compromised since it couldn't be helped. Infact he wanted to call off the engagement but was hesitant when thinking about his grandson's feelings. He also knew of the things Makato was doing in order to break Kazuhiko and his fated Omega and in all honesty, Obi knew Makato was doing it out of love for Shinjiro.

He looked at his grandson hesitantly. His grandson was such a good person who deserves the best man in this world. And there was bound to be much better men than this snake.

Shinjiro saw his grandfather look at him. "Grandfather, I wish to break off my engagement with Kazuhiko."

Old man Obi was surprised. He asked him cautiously. "Are you sure?" Won't you regret it?

"Yes, Grandfather."

"Good." He was relieved to hear his reply. Staring at Kazuhiko, who was seated across him he spoke. "Kazuhiko Toru, we want to cancel Shinjiro's engagement with you." He ignored the previous proposal, as if it never happened and acted as if they were the one proposing to call off the engagement.

Kazuhiko snorted at how stubborn this old man was. Nevertheless he didn't care. After the cancellation was done he had no choice but to leave the house or else the old geezer was bound to die of an anger fit. Not complaining much he left without resisting. He could see his kitty at school or if he couldn't see him there he could sneak into his room. For Kazuhiko meeting Ivar wasn't a problem. He had a lot of ways to approach without being noticed.

Thankfully he was blessed by the gods the next day. The school had organised a two week school trip to the ocean for the students as an extensional curriculum activity and everyone had to participate in it. Moreover Kazuhiko recalled that his person liked the ocean a lot in the previous world. Indeed he was not wrong.

Ivar did like the view of the ocean. As soon as they were there he couldn't help but stare at the expanse of the blue ocean.

"Hey. Hey. Hey! Attention please. Please stay in groups. We don't want anyone to lose their way." The staffs were shouting from time to time.

They had ride here on the school's private busses. The staffs had already made the necessary arrangements needed for this two weeks trips. Infact they looked more excited than the students, as if they had been planning this trip all along based on their personal interest.

"Hey." Ivar heard someone call out to him. He moved his eyes and saw a familiar person. It was Kenta.

"Hello." He replied. Shinjiro was right beside him. It was a good time to let these two bond. He thought.

When Shinjiro noticed Kenta he couldn't help but let out a radiant smile. "It's the gentleman that helped us last time." He whispered to Ivar in a low voice.

Kenta let out a laugh. "Oh...thanks for the compliment." He said. Apparantly Shinjiro's voice wasn't that low as Kenta had heard him. Or was it so?

Shinjiro blushed hard realising that his words were heard by the person. "Tha....that....." He stuttered nervously. "You are welcome." In the end he couldn't deny his words despite being embarrassed to the point that his entire head was tinted with a pink blush.

Kenta noticed him getting all shy yet honest at the same time. "Call me Kenta. Kenta Takumi." He flashed a smile at this humble Omega. Despite coming from a rich and influential family this person was so humble and pure. He couldn't understand why a pure person like Shinjiro was being subjected to such nasty rumours. No matter how you look at him, he looked was a good person. Sure enough rumours cannot be trusted.

Shinjiro stared at him, his eyes clean and pure. "Shinjiro. Shinjiro Takahashi." He replied shyly.

"Good job Nulis." Ivar praised the system in his mind. The idiotic system was happy when it heard it's host, no, partner praise the good work it had done.

Looking at how things were developing between these two Ivar was sure that they would start dating by the end of this trip.

"Why are you in a good mood? Do you know him?" A voice fell on Ivar's ear, the husky voice made his ear tingle with a strange emotion. He took a step forward and turned around.

It was Kazuhiko.

Kenta and Shinjiro were going pretty chummy with each other, ignoring everything around them but the presence of an Alite Alpha like Kazuhiko was hard to ignore. Kenta glanced at him. He recognised the infamous face before him. He couldn't help but steer his eyes back at Shinjiro but to his surprise the other person was staring back at him instead, his innocent eyes looking at him only. There was a little bit of something mixed in his soft gaze. Kenta was taken aback because he was sure that Shinjiro would give his whole attention to Kazuhiko but the former had no interest in the latter. Kenta also noticed that the other person also had no interest in them as his eyes were fixated on the person called Makato. But he did notice Kazuhiko giving him a slight glare just for a split of second.

"Do you know him? Is he perhaps the reason behind your pleasant mood?" Kazuhiko spoke to his kitten in a low voice. He didn't wanted to admit it but he was getting jealous for no particular reason. Just thinking of how this person might get interested in somone less was enought to make him flip the universe upside down.

Ivar was tired of this person coming up to him, throwing him off guard. He hated the difference in power between them. It reminded him of the unpleasant emotions and memories he went through in his original world. He knew how childish and immature he sounded but he couldn't help. And this fact made him irritated. He clicked his tongue before choosing to ignore him.

This two week trip was gonna bring him a lot of trouble.

"Masaaki, do you have any idea why his heart changed in that direction?" Kioshi asked, staring at Kazuhiko sticking to Makato's side like a glue. No matter how much he tried to think he couldn't find even a single reason for this sudden deviation.

"I don't have the answer to that question." Masaaki replied. He stared at the phone that had a news going viral all around the world.

"Breaking news: The Toru and The Takahashi families calls off the engagement between their heirs."

"Ahhhh....what a pain in the ass!" Kioshi grumbled, ruffling his hair aggressively. The warning Masaaki passed off to him made his confusion grow even more.

"Let's get inside. Everyone." The staffs made another announcement.

Kioshi glanced around searching for someone.

"Where is Akira?"