"How many days has it been....Nulis?"

The system replied worriedly. "Wuwuwu...partner you have been down with a high fever for two days already. Wuwu please get well soon. Also, sorry for not having cheats that could enhance your body." It was sobbing pitifully.

Ivar frowned. "Ugh...stop crying. You are making my headache even worse. If anything maybe you should make a programme addressing cheats like body enhancing and physical strength enhancement. Didn't you stole data from those jerks? Study them and make your own cheats."

Upon hearing his suggestion the system was petrified. "AHHHHH....why didn't I think of that before. Nulis you stupid idiot!" The system squealed. "Wait....Nulis isn't even my real name....wah....Ivar I will immediately make some cheats for you....please wait patiently.." It exclaimed happily.

Ivar let out a low chuckled. "Idiot. It's okay to take your time."

After coming back from the trip he had been down with a high fever the very night he arrived home. His body was uncomfortable and weak at the moment. It had been a long time since he caught a fever. This familiar feeling of pain and weakness felt strange in a good way.

Knock. Knock.

"Makato. I am coming in." It was Shinjiro. He was concerned about his best friend. Makato was really easy to catch fevers but he had never had a high fever like this before. He placed his hand onto his forehead to check his temperature.

"Hiss. You are still burning up like fire. Maybe I should stay. Grandpa is away on a bussiness trip. Nobody will be here to take care of you." He changed the icing on his forehead.

"The servants are here. You should go to school. I will be fine with calling for them if I need anything." Ivar replied in a raspy voice. His voice has changed because of the fever.

"But you also skip classes when something happens to me...I want to do the same for you..." Shinjiro was a bit reluctant to leave him alone. Of course the servants could look after him but it didn't satisfy him to think that he or Grandpa wasn't going to be here to personally look after him.

"Just go. Take class notes for me. Also I want to rest peacefully. Besides in a couple of hours you will be back. Till then I will be fine. Now go." He couldn't help but reassure him. Finally after a few chats he was able to convince him to go to school. Shinjiro's dating life must not be disturbed at any cost.

After he was gone the headache began kicking in once more. He couldn't help but frown with discomfort. Because his whole body was burning up he didn't knew how high his fever was. Closing his eyes he dozed off to sleep in order to escape that uncomfortable feverish feeling.

"Hnng...." He was deeply asleep.

Touch. Dab. Dab.

Something touched his forehead. Warm. It was very warm. The thing against his forehead was rippled with soothing warmth. Ivar forced his sleepy eyes to open a little bit. His vision was blurry because of the wetness around his eyes.

A light chuckled filled the silent room. "I thought you were avoiding me again. Turns out you are seriously sick." The husky voice of a man spoke. This man was rubbing his forehead with feather like strokes. Gently.

The warm touch aganist his forehead was this man's hand. Through a blurry vision Ivar saw him look at him. The man bent over and placed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Go back to sleep, my love."

Almost as if he had casted a magic spell the sick person closed his eyes before falling asleep deeply again.

A woman's laughter filled his mind.

Where am I? Ivar thought.

He found himself standing in a blank space. The dark space then suddenly came to life. The scenery of flowers and trees filled his view. Even the clear blue sky was there.


He heard a child's cry. Upon steering his eyes towards a particular direction his eyes widened at the scene before him.

"It hurts. wahhh....sobs sobs.... it hurts so much." A young five year old child ran into the arms of a beautiful woman. The child had beautiful yellow hair.

She chuckled at the kid in her arms. "Ivar, my little boy, my cute little son, you have a fever. Don't go around running like that..... or the fever will get worse. Hm?" Saying this she picked him up into her arms and rubbed his back softly.

The child was still crying in her arms. "Wuwuwu.....but it hurts so much. My head feels like it will burst any moment. sobs sobs. So painful."

"'s okay. Mommy's here with you. I cannot lessen the pain but I will keep you company." She snuggled him closer to herself, reassuring him that she was going to be with him.

"Wuwuwu...I hate this fever. Why did it had to come today when we were supposed to go on a family picnic....hic...hic."

" lovely's okay. We can have Family picnics anytime after you get well. Besides....." She whispered to him. "Isn't it great that even Josh is here this early just so he can take care of you?"

The child turned around and saw a masculine guy coming to fetch them. He flashed a beautiful smile. "Hey handsome, I heard you were crying for mommy and daddy. So here I am! At your service." Saying this he adjusted the white piece of cloth on the child's forehead. "Let's go home, shall we? Our handsome sunshine needs plentiful of rest and sleep. Or else we will both be very sad and worried about you."

"why?" The child asked them innocently, his eyes unblinking. Tears hung on the corner of his eyes.

"Why?" Both of them laughed. "Isn't it obvious?" The both replied at the same time. Then they both kissed the child on both sides of the cheeks. "It's because we love you, our sunshine, Ivar."

The figure of these three people became more distant. As the distance kept increasing two more people were added. A small girl and another boy. They fit so perfectly together in the frame, like a perfect family.

Wait! Don't go!

Don't leave me behind.

Take me with you!

Ivar sprang his eyes wide open. He panted lightly. The unpleasant discomfort erupted in his body once more. He couldn't help but wince in pain.

"You woke up again?" A familiar voice spoke.

He turned his head to the side. As expected it was Kazuhiko. Because he was too feverish and tired he didn't even have the strength to throw words of knives at this person. His throat was dry and every part of his body was sore.

Touch. Touch.

A warm hand touched the corner of his eyes. The hand was wiping his corners gently.

"Don't cry." He heard Kazuhiko speak in a very gentle voice. "The pain will go away very soon. Go back to sleep. I will take care of it."

Once again feather like kisses fell on the corner of his eyes and before he could think his vision was black again.

Kazuhiko stared at his eyes that were red with a little bit of crying. He felt a painful tug against his heart. As expected, his kitty was a person with history. There were so many invisible chains binding him, deep wounds inflicted on him were still weighing him down.

"Those bastards....." Kazuhiko's amber eyes glowed with an intense killing intent. Those gods must have had something to do with it. Just thinking about it was enough to make him flip the universe. But...he wouldn't intervene in his Kitty's bussiness. If revenge is what he was seeking for then he had no other option but to wait for Ivar seeking help or asking for assistance from him at his own will. If not then all his efforts woul be in vain. He got up from the bed. Judging by the time right now the school was probably over. He took Ivar's hand in his own, then he slowly proceeded to kiss the knuckles of the pale hand in his palm one by one, kissing each and every finger tenderly. "Get well soon." Chanting a spell he got up, walked over to the window and jumped out of it.

It wasn't until two days later that Ivar was finally healthy enough to attend school. And the first thing to come across him was something a bit unexpected.

"Are you okay now? I heard that you were seriously sick." The concern in his voice was obvious. Akira stared at Ivar with worried eyes.

Ivar was taken aback. He ignored the two guys frowning at him and replied with a slight nod. "Well then, see ya." With these words he was ready to walk away.

Kioshi grumbled something under his breath. His eyes were subconsciously fixated on Ivar's side profile. And without realising his eyes followed his figure.

Ivar was aware of his sight falling onto him. He couldn't help but frown with irritation. Right then his magnetic voice fell next to him.

"Hey, kitty."

Ivar felt his shoulder tremble slightly. He scooted away in an instant. When his sight fell on Kazuhiko's face he couldn't help but look away feeling his body tremble. The other person also noticed his kitty was avoiding eye contact with him and was looking away from him. He frowned a bit but the next moment Ivar steered his eyes towards him and their eyes were interlocked with each other's, a smirk made its way on Kazuhiko's handsome face. His eyes curved up happily.

Ivar stared at the other person in silence. He saw Kazuhiko closing the distance between them. Vaguely aware that this guy had been sneaking into his room and taking care of him during the time he was sick, not to mention, this guy even kissed his face so many times while he was made him a bit conscious of how he was unable to keep Kazuhiko away from himself. Just like how this person was coming closer and closer to him. Ivar noticed him bending over a bit closer to his face. As he did this their eyes were locked onto each other.

"Dodge." Ivar could feel his brain alerting his body. "Dodge it. He is going to kiss you."

Dodge it. Dodge! It!

Push him away!

His pupils fluctuated as he saw the magnificent face of this guy draw closer to his own face. Ivar felt his breath hitch as their nose were apart by 1 milimeter. Subconsciously he shut his eyes tight and closed them. His mind was blank at this moment.

Kazuhiko was momentarily pleased by his reaction. So cute!


A warm forehead hit against Ivar's bringing back his senses. He opened his eyes and was met with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him. Kazuhiko had a gentle smile adorned on his sexy lips. His hands encircled around Ivar's waist, drawing his frail body closer to himself. The gentle touch on the forehead remained still as both of them gazed into each other's eyes.

Ivar's eyes widened. His lips trembled a bit.

"You are not sick anymore." Kazuhiko whispered to him.

Ivar widened his eyes. He finally withdrew his eyes away from Kazuhiko's face. But the moment he did the other person also tilted his head sideways so that their faces were still looking at each other.

"What is it?" He asked with a seductive, devilish smile. "Can't look me in the eye because you are falling for me?" He couldn't help but tease him.

Ivar was unaware of what kind of face he was making at the moment. Nor was he aware of the stares falling on them. Kioshi and even Masaaki were shocked at the face Makato was making.

Kazuhiko let out a low groan. He put his arms forward on the wall trapping Ivar in between them. "Do you even realise what kind of mesmerizing face you are making right now? Damn it!"

This face, this beautiful and blushing expression should be reserved only to him alone! Him alone and no one else! The expression his kitty was making right now was akin to a snowflake dawning upon a blooming red rose. The faint red blush tinting his ice cold face, his eyes as if rippled with crystal clear water, reflecting the emotions in them as clear as the sky. It was a magnificent face his future babe was making.

Kazuhiko squinted his eyes around. His glare was enough to drive away the little bit of crowd gathering near them. At the same time he moved his towering body to block people's sight falling onto his kitty.

His eyes narrowed dangerously towards a particular spot.

"!!" Kioshi flinched when he noticed Kazuhiko giving him a hideous glare. The killing intent directing towards him sent shivers down his spine.

That look! It was the look of a commited Alpha giving warning to those who dared to covet at their mates, a warning to back off and never lay hands or even their sights onto what was theirs. Every alpha knew what this warning meant:"If you try him, I will rip you to pieces."

Masaaki was shocked. He stared at Kioshi with confusion. "Let's go." Saying so he dragged him and Akira away from them.

An ALPHA'S warning was no joke! Moreover, Kazuhiko was a dangerous person, a person not to be trifled with.

All of these happened so fast.

Kazuhiko drove away all the people standing near them. He brought his attention back onto his kitty. Ivar had yet to snap out of the trance he was in. To Kazuhiko this was very tempting. He even wanted to kiss those red lips biting from time to time, part those lips and lick the inside, making a mess out of him. But he didn't do that. This moment should not be ruined because of his hastiness.

"Are you falling this deeply for me?" He couldn't help but tease Ivar. "Wanna run away with me, babe?"

It took a few minutes for Ivar to finally react. He broke the eye contact between them then shoved Kazuhiko away to the side. And before he could stop himself Ivar felt his legs sprinting away, running away for its dear life.

Kazuhiko was amused once more. He let out a low chuckle seeing his kitty run away from him for his dear life, even from this distance he could see his ears blushing red.

It was a privilege meant just for this moment. And this moment was meant just for him. Only him!

Nulis was silent this whole time.


In the blink of an eye six years passed.....