Six years have passed.

A young man was seated on a chair. His back was laid against it and the posture of his body was relaxed as if he was asleep. The pair of cat like eyes were closed at the moment. Beside him was a huge table filled with flower bouquets of different colours and different types. The card attatched to these bouquets belonged to the same sender. And if inspected closely, there were ambiguous words of affection written on it.

Even Nulis was touched by how pasionate and affectionate the sender was when pursuing it's host. Moreover, the sender was not the over stalker type to invade its partner's private time. He was pursuing while keeping his distance yet at the same time he never let his eyes stray away from the person we was pursuing.

Six years have passed. Ivar never thought that he would end up staying in this world for so long.

Ring. Ring.

The pair of cat like eyes opened slowly. He picked up the phone. The caller ID displayed on the screen read 'Shinjiro.'

"Hello." He spoke.

"Makato, oh...." Shinjiro stuttered. "How are I mean, how are you doing?" The way he was speaking with his voice shaking a bit, even Nulis could tell something amazing has happened.

The system giggled at how cute this person was being right now. Such a pure person like Shinjiro, it was hard to not like him.

Ivar chuckled lightly. "What? Did he finally proposed to you?"

The person on the other side was silent.

"What? Don't tell me he still haven't yet? If so maybe I should go and beat him up....."

Shinjiro squealed a bit. "He...he did. Yesterday he knelt down before me and with a ring on his lips he kissed me and...and...."

Even through the phone Ivar could feel the blush adorning Shinjiro's cheeks as he told him about the romantic propose scene.

"Is that so? Congratulations. I am so happy for you."

They talked for a bit more before he finally set down the phone on the table. While doing so his eyes lingered on the flowers for a bit before he turned his eyes away from it. Ivar walked over to the window. He stared at the world outside.

"I want to grow old with him, wake up everyday next to him, seeing his face first thing in the morning, and love him as if there is no tomorrow.....telling him I love you everyday....and feeling so blessed to have him by my side...."

Shinjiro's words echoed in his mind.

Really! "Really! Good for you." He thought. Good for you that you found someone like that. Good for them.

A few days later the people on the internet were causing a huge commotion. The news of the heir of the Takahashi household getting married to the Elite Takumi family dominated the top searches. The couple had been public for a few years already and now they were tying the knot with each other, there were so many people who were so happy for the Omega bride. Getting married and bonding with the alpha they loved, it was a distant dream most omegas could only think of. It was inevitable that the marriage news managed to arouse some envy and jealousy from some people. Moreover, the wedding ceremony was going to be held privately. Some were outraged by the news. Their dreams of seeing the couple exchange wedding rings on screen was shattered.

During this time the couple were already receiving their guests at the wedding venue.

"Congratulations. And welcome to the world of married life."

"Congratulations on your marriage. The Ayazawa family wishes the best for you two."


Both Shinjiro and Kenta thanked them as the guests showered them with gifts and words of congratulations. But his eyes kept straying towards the doorway as if he was waiting for somebody. Kenta saw the face Shinjiro was making. He knew what he was thinking. Hugging him lightly he spoke. "Don't worry. He said he will be here."

"I know..." Shinjiro replied. "But I can't help but feel anxious. He is the only family member from my side...and he is a very important person to me so I want him here....oh...he is here." He hurried over to Makato. As soon as he was near he threw his arms around him and hugged him lovingly. "You are here."

"Did I make you wait for too long? And why do you look so anxious?" Ivar hugged him back. As they parted he noticed that Shinjiro was still dressed in different clothes. "Why do you look like this? You do remember that you are the bride of the day right?"

Shinjiro blushed at his words. "I was waiting for ask a favour." He smiled at his childhood friend. Then continued. "Makato, will you be the man of honour on this most important day of my life?"

Ivar widened his eyes in shock. He was so surprised by Shinjiro's words that he didn't react for a second. For the first time in his life, he felt guilt.... This pure person before him regarded him as someone so precious as this while he on the other hand have been using him for his own selfish means, although he did treat Shinjiro as a person, he have never ever..not even once....stopped objecting him as a means of his own motive. The bright persona of this beautiful person before the most beautiful Sunlight dawning on the mountain top.....

How could he refuse!

How could he!

"Sure." This was the least he could do for the beautiful bride before him. As he said this an alluring smile made its way on Ivar's face. The smile so genuine and true. Maybe, perhaps this was the only time Ivar had ever been truely sincere towards Shinjiro as a person.

Kenta was surprised. He has never seen Makato smile. Not even once. For him to be smiling like this on Shinjiro's wedding day, he must care about him a lot. The two walked away to get the bride ready while Kenta stayed behind to receive the guests.

"He has changed." A man's voice spoke.

"He is still the same attractive person to me." Replied a feminine voice. This person was Akira. And the one he replied to was Masaaki.

Both Kioshi and Masaaki were elite Alphas who were invited to attend the wedding. As for Akira, he was just tagging along with them.

Kioshi was silent. He didn't wanted to admit his wavering heart. The alluring smile of that person was making his heart beat a bit but he was in intense denial, rejecting this damn feeling in his heart. His eyes followed a certain figure until it was out of his sight.

Both Masaaki and Akira were aware of Kioshi's attraction towards Makato. Although the guy was in intense denial they had seen it in his actions during these past few years. Like how when Makato went abroad Kioshi followed him too and how he went to the same University as his but in different major. Speaking of which, the other reason that prevented him from admitting his feelings was currently walking through the doorway.

Kioshi noticed Kazuhiko talking to Kenta and as he did so his eyes lingered around searching for that person.

Akira saw him too but he didn't react the way he used to when they were in high school. Now he felt nothing towards Kazuhiko. Moreover, Akira was going slow and steady with Masaaki. And most important of all, he was happy.

The wedding ceremony soon started with all the guests present at the venue.

"My love, will you take my hand and join with me as my other half, and stay by my side everyday, every moment, loving together, eating together, cooking together and let me eat your burnt dishes everyday.....this life and in afterlife too, will you be my wife?"

"Yes, I will gladly. Love you and grow old with you."

The two exchanged their wedding rings with each other. Kioshi bent down and kissed Shinjiro. The other also kissed him back, his hands circling around his husband's neck. The guests who had witnessed their union cheered for them, all of them showering their blessings upon the newly wedded couple.

They looked so perfect together. Ivar thought to himself. The radiating halo of love surrounding the two looked almost similar to what Ibelina and Josh had between them. Ivar smiled happily at the couple. It wasn't so bad to be staying in this world for so long. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed the two people by his side. One was Kazuhiko. while on his other side was Kioshi.

"Makato...." Shinjiro threw himself in Ivar's arms.

"Chuckles... Why are you crying? You finally became one with him as husband and wife, now hurry up and just go to a wonderful honeymoon already." Ivar hugged him back with little force.

"I know." Shinjiro sobbed. "I am just so happy to the point that I feel like crying a lot. Makato, my dear dear important person, you will always be my other family. Thank you so much for being a part of my life. I love you."

Once again Ivar was shocked speechless. This time it faded away after a split second. His eyes softened considerably. And before he could barely contain it his hands raised itself on its own, his slender fingers wiped the drippling tears away from Shinjiro's cheeks. softly.

"Don't cry. Its your wedding day....." Ivar felt the words he was about to say getting stuck in his throat. In the end he couldn't say anything but just this. "Be happy as much as you can. The love of your life is finally yours. So, be the happiest."

"Yes. I will." Shinjiro replied with a beaming smile.

Ivar didn't speak further. The beautiful Omega wife went back to his husband. As he saw them kiss again Ivar felt a familiar emotion shaking his inner soul. Maybe because he was being absent minded or perhaps it was because he was too deep in his thoughts or maybe because he was already used to the antics of this man, but for some reason when Ivar felt a huge hand against his own, he didn't shook it off. The huge hand interwined it's big, warm fingers around the other's slender fingers, softly and tightly at the same time, and the warmth that draped Ivar's hand made his soul tremble. In the end he didn't have it in him to look at Kazuhiko's current face so he just turned his head elsewhere.

But he didn't shake off the hands interwined with his. He just stayed still for some reason.

So he didn't see Kazuhiko smirking at Kioshi in victory. The person who was supposedly this body's childhood best friend glared at him cautiously. But eventually he had to retreat like a coward, knowing that he had no hope of facing against Kazuhiko.

The ceremony ended with the guests sending off the couple for their sweet sweet honeymoon.

At this time Shinjiro had no way of knowing how much he would regret this decision later on.

A week passed by.

Ivar was busy staring at his phone screen. He was looking at the photos Shinjiro have sent him. The couple were still on their honeymoon. Even through the screen he could feel the liveliness surrounding them, bringing life to all these pictures. They looked so happy together.

Nulis didn't remarked on how humane it's host looked right now. He now looked like any normal human who was feeling happy for another person's happiness.

Moreover, the flowers piling up near the table made the system a bit....hmm...

"Is his ice heart melting a bit?" It thought.

Ivar stared at the last pic before he finally put down the phone. He then stared at the flowers before him. Stretching his hand he picked up a rose and brought it close to his face so he could smell its fragrance. It smelt very fresh despite the flowers being weeks old. It was as if these were magical flowers. They never withered.

"Nulis, our job is all done right?" He asked the system.

"Yes partner." Came an instant reply.

"Is that so?" Ivar put away the flower on the table. Then he finally said it. "Prepare the transfer. We are leaving this world."

"....." The system was silent. It didn't reply for a moment.

Ivar closed his eyes. "What? Don't tell me you wanna stay here? Did you forget why we are doing this in the first place?"

"No, I didn't forget." Nulis replied. "...but....what about you....We could stay here until you die of old age...if you want to...."

Ivar was silent for some seconds. He kept his eyes closed. "I want to leave. Please."

The system felt it's soul tremble. "Yes, I will immediately begin the transfer." Never ever had the system ever heard it's host use the word 'please' before. It knew why he used it this time.

Host, you coward.....

Lets leave...

Lets leave....before this world grows on you.....

Lets leave and never turn not belong here.....

and keep leaving until the one chasing gives up.....


if you keep pushing away they will eventually give up.....

you coward!

Kazuhiko widened his eyes looking at a certain direction. He stood up from his seat and disappeared from the spot.

Step. Step.

His steps stopped near the chair. His eyes stared at his future babe sleeping so defenselessly. The red lips that he always wanted to plunder were breathless. He ran his hand through his hair making a desperate face.

"Hah!" He exclaimed. Really! "Really so....ruthless. So Ruthless!"

Despite looking as if he was mad he bent over and picked up the person who had just left. The soulless body was caressed by him gently as he walked over to the bed. Then he laid him down.

"I will chase you down to the end of the world. Just you wait. Once you fall in love with me, I will take you back to my world." He kissed his person on the forehead. Then he sat near the edge of the bed. He held the soulless hand in his.

Slowly, the most handsome man of this world fell into a deep sleep, his body slumping down with the soul gone. But despite this the two interwined hands never parted, as if he was refusing to let go.

The flowers on the table lost its colour and withered away..... In the end they became pile of dried plants that crumbled just with the slightest wave of the wind.

The world didn't knew yet.

And when it was finally know someone crumbled down on his knees and cried for the loss of his only family.

"" The person he wanted to see happy was gone. And sadly, he left without ever telling Shinjiro his real identity.

"You didn't tell me anything about yourself yet....Why..." I wanted to know. I wanted to know who you truely were...

Kenta hugged him from the behind and all he could do was comfort his lover.