Half of the cave's surface was destroyed. Huge chunks of boulders crumbled down to the ground with loud crashing sounds. A tall shadow jumped down from above. He had long curly black hair. His eyes were a pair of black marbles. Two red horns adorned the head of the intruder.

"Father." The intruder spoke. His eyes narrowed dangerously towards the person he was addressing.

The pink haired youthful demon immediately rushed to Hades. He was taking a protective stance, ready to fight his enemy at any given moment.

"You bastard.....Hell! Don't even think about laying a single hand on Master Hades. Grrr...." He growled like a dog.

"Oh....?" Hades whistled a bit. This scene was kinda amusing. Protecting him? He snorted inside but well.....this faithful dog of this body was really something. Should he applaud him for his royalty? The dog before him who was ready to bite off the hands of those who dared to touch his master reminded him of someone.

That's right. He did have someone like him in his original world.

The intruding demon king glared at the pink boy. "You...." He gritted his teeth. "Cerberus, you bastard. I shouldn't have spared your last remaining head. It was my fault for not killing you off properly." Hell began unsheathing his sword getting ready to attack.

Cerberus growled at him aggressively. He changed his form into his real self. His legs elongated into four limbs, his human head changed into that of a beast, a long, sturdy tail dangled from his back, the tail rose up high, its tip clawed sharply, ready to attack anytime.

"Oh..." Hades was amused by the pink boy's transformation. "This world looks interesting." He uttered to himself. But.....he had some bussiness needed to be done soon. And because he was really impatient he didn't wanted to waste his time right now.

Hades pushed the dog beast to the side. Stepping forward he glanced at the demon who was apparantly this body's biological son. What was his name again? Oh....Hell, the current demon king of this world.

"Tsk." Hades clicked his tongue. "So weak!" This demon king kid before him was so weak.

"....!!!" Hell was so furious to hear his father call him weak the first thing right after hurrying over here. "Father!!!" He shouted at him, his eyes were oozing with black energy, the veins on his forehead were bulging out, enraged he drew his blade and lunged towards Hades.


The sword that was thrusted towards the enemy was caught in between his two fingers. "Tsk." Hades irked. "This is the reason why I said that your are too weak." As soon as he said these words he flicked his index finger against the sword and the sword began to break....

Crack. Crack.

The dragon shaped blade was shattered to pieces just with a single flick of the enemy's finger.

"!!" Both Hell and Cerberus were shocked.

"Let me show you the gap between me and you." Hades spoke once more. His eyes were calm, the pitch black darkness within them was unfathomable.

Hell found himself drawn to his father's eyes. He then noticed that he was surrounded by pitch black darkness, This darkness had no shape or color. It appeared to be black in his eyes but the word black couldn't really describe it right. His instincts were telling him that the end of this darkness had no limit, it had no shape, no boundary or no rhyme. This pit was limitless. He felt his soul tremble when he looked around him and found that the darkness arround him was unfathomable. Contrasting with it, he was like an he was like a peck of Contrasting himself to this void like space, Hell knew that his existence felt like that of a single particle. That was how insignificant he felt against this endless abyss.

Suddenly, he felt his soul being crused by an overwhelming pressure, his enitre being was being smashed like a crumbling piece of paper. Then he heard the sound of his soul being extinguished.


"Hah! Hah! Pant!" Hell was breathing heavily. Beads of sweats formed on his forehead. No rather, his entire body was sweating heavily.

"What was that?" He thought panting. He thought he was sucked into a dangerous space he was standing in the same place before these same two people.

"Do you know now?" Hades spoke looking down at him with menace. "The gap between me and you."

Hell frowned with discomfort as he looked up at his father whom he had sealed off thousands of years ago, now this father of his was awake, standing before him with immense power that Hell could never compete with. That scene of his soul being was a warning. To him. From his father.

Hades moved his feet. One step. Two step. He walked past the young weak demon king.

"I am a quite civil person so I won't come after you or anyone unless you incur my wrath. Be wary of not meddling in my bussiness." He warned Hell for the last time before leaving that cave.

Cerberus followed his master with twinkling eyes, his eyes awed by his master's majestic superiority. "Hmph! Serves that bastard right!" He puffed his chest with pride.

During this time Ivar was going through the Infromation of this world.

"Demon king and his first love."

"Gah!" Nulis cracked reading the name of the world. The title was so corny.

This was the world of demons. The demon race had fought the Holy war aganist the humans. The demon army lead by the demon king and the human army led by the hero fought a nerve wrecking war for two decades until eventually victory choose its side.

The demons won the war. And the humans lost. Moreover, their leader, the hero, was killed by one of the seven generals of the demon king.

Satan was the demon's name, the demon of wrath beheaded the hero with his single slash ending the fight fought between them for a whole month. Beside him were six other generals of the demon king who brought victory to the demon race. They wrecked havoc during the war, killing millions of humans and this turned the world upside down with the human race declining to a minority in a world dominated by humans.

The leader who brought victory to the demon race was the master of the seven demon generals. He was young, handsome, cold, ruthless and overpowering. His ruthlessness had no limit and even his own father wasn't spared by him.

Prince of the demons, the demon king, Hell was the name of the son of fate of this world.

He was the ruler of this new world dominated by demons.

Well then. This was the background script of this world.

The real story began when a young University student from Korea was summoned to this chaotic world as a sacrificial host to the fire spirit of the demon king. His name was So Min Suk. He had a beautiful appearance. His jet black hair complemented his fair complexion. He had green eyes that he had inherited from his mother. Moreover, he was tall. And he had a charming personality. He was a popular righteous student in his original world.

So Min Suk was the last human summon the demon king needed. He had five spirits. Elvis, the water spirit, Wold the earth spirit, Wendy the wind spirit, Boogie the dark spirit and Ignete the fire spirit. Hell had been summoning humans from other worlds for using them as the five spirits's hosts. The four spirits except for the fire spirit were compatible with most of their summons but the fire spirit was always an exception. Most human summons couldn't bear the raging power of the spirit and thus Ignete never ever found itself a human host. This was the reason why when So Min Suk was summoned and he was able to contain the spirit of Ignete it came as a great subject of interest from the demon race. Even Hell was intrigued by the last human he had summoned for Ignete.

The five spirits were the demon king's concubines. Hell needed them and the spirit's needed him too.

Surprisingly So Min Suk retained his sanity and his spiritual heart was able to tame Ignete into following his command. This eventually garnered the attention of the demon king until eventually Hell became infatuated with him....and as the title suggests....

Hell falls in love with So Min Suk, the unique, charming, and mysterious human was marked by the demon king as his. This marked the begining of their sweet love story.

Well obviously every love story needed a villain who would play the role of bringing the two leads closer to each other using dirty schemes to tear them apart when infact the villain unknowingly helped in fastening the manifesting love between them bloom faster.

The villain in this case was someone called William Sheng. He was also a summoned human from the other world. William was a high school student. He was a mixed. He had beautiful blonde hair. And mesmerizing blue eyes. He had a petite body. Although a male he had the curves that could seduce any man or woman he wanted. William was the host of the water spirit. And as cliche as the story could get when he was summoned he became the host of the water spirit, Elvis. The night it happened he was ravaged by the demon king. Hell saw him as his concubine. The water spirit dwelling in this weak body was his concubine so he didn't found it wrong for him to bed William. Moreover William had a sweet, delicious body. Ravaging him every night Hell began to indulge more and more into him, and this in return made the gullible William think that the demon king had fallen for his charms.

This was how William's infatuation with the demon king started.

So when So Min Suk entered the picture and took away the attention of Hell, William became a love crazed delusional villain believing that the new summon had stolen the demon king away from him.

Elvis reported this to Hell. The result? Hell ignored him at first.

But eventually when Hell and So Min Suk began falling for each other William kept interrupting them. The final thread broke when William tried to harm So Min Suk.

Hell was enraged. He commanded Elvis to withdraw from William's body and tossed him away, then starved him to death. After he died Hell intended to use him as Elvis's permanent body. The water spirit agreed with its master' words.

In the end William died fo starvation. At his dying breathe he realised how stupid he was for believing that he was special to the demon king. Hell didn't love him. He never did. Sadly William realised it too late that he was nothing to the demon king. Hell felt only one thing towards him.

"Lust." It was just lust Hell felt towards him and William never wanted that. He wanted love but he was never fated to get that.

"The death of the villain is kinda lame...." Nulis commented.

Ivar shook his head. He had currently transmigrated to the time when William had died and Elvis had tried to make this empty body its own. Because of Ivar the water spirit failed. As soon as Ivar woke up he was disgusted by the feeling of some spirit latching onto his current body. Moreover he was surrounded by hateful demons so he went berserk.

Ivar opened the Mission board.

Mission one: To live.

Mission two: To leave the demon king's harem.

Mission three: To live happily ever after.

For a delusional villain like William these wishes of his were rather childish and plain. How could a useless villain like him have such plain aspirations after having learnt his way to love the bad way? The answer was simple. William was a man of low standards. According to his life style in his original world William was a love crazed teenager. He wanted to be loved and feel treasured, something he never got in his life. He had parents but his parents never cared about him. In the end they divorced and William was sent to his maternal grandparents. His grandparents saw him as a burden but they took him in. So he tried his best to be good to them but no matter how hard he tried he never got the attention he wanted from them. As he grew older his classmates began to notice his beauty. There were some people who tried to get close to him for ulterior motives. Both males and females. So When William finally saw people getting interested in giving attention to him he began to start dating to whoever confessed to him. Sadly once they had a taste of him they left him, getting tired of him pretty quickly. This was the reason why when he was summoned in a strange world he didn't panic. Instead he was attracted towards the demon who bedded him and indulged in him very often. With a sense of connection being built between them he started to become delusional, closing his eyes to his brain and heart, doing everything he could to get back Hell's attention. If his body was the way to get him he was willing to do it. To the point of hurting a fellow human. Deep down he knew it was wrong. But he was greedy for Hell. So he decided to become selfish.

In the end his selfishness brought his doom. When William finally lost he realised that nothing was more important than him himself.

He should have been the most important thing in his own life but he himself degraded his value, tarnished his own worth with his selfishness.

William regretted it a lot.

Maybe....if he was given a second chance he would spare no effort in prioritising himself over anything else and live.

Ivar frowned. He couldn't understand this William guy as a character. "What a complicated yet idiotic fool." He commented harshly.

Annoyed by the struggling water spirit inside this body Ivar extracted Elvis out from his body. Then he literally threw the spirit flying into the sky.

" will....." Elvis was shouting something at him but its voice faded out because of the distance.

Flash. Flash.

Ivar felt his soul tremble once more. The mark on his soul was glowing. He turned around to look at the person who had followed him here.

The tall bastard had his usual smirk up on his face. He fastened his steps towards his kitty who was also looking at him with a somewhat intense gaze.

As soon as he was nearer his eyes twinkled with mischief. "Hey kitty, did you miss me a bit?"