"..." Ivar stared at the stalker before him. His eyes did not evade the gaze the other person was giving him right now. Because his current body was too short he had to lean back his head to look at the face of the taller man.

Ivar's gaze was really intense.

"..." Hades felt his lips curving pleasantly. His kitty was looking back at him with a burning gaze, his eyes glowing like that of a cat's. The intensity made his heart quiver with satisfaction.

That's right....look at me more! Look at me with those beautiful eyes as much as you want to. Look at me!

Bringing up his courage he stepped closer to his person.

One step.

Two step.

Three step.

As the distance between them grew shorter and shorter the contrasting height difference between them showed its flavour.

"So cute! Uwa...!" Nulis squealed ogling at the scene. Two men interlocking their gazes at such a close distance, the never ending eye contact, with the shorter one looking up at the tall bastard, it was so cute!

Hades was on cloud nine. He couldn't believe it! Maybe his endurance and sincerity have been perceived well so his person was finally, finally, looking at him properly instead of pushing him away like every time.

"Thank you to myself for being so patient and sincere." He couldn't help but praise himself.

He stretched his hand making a move at Ivar.

Ivar stared at the hand that was moving towards him. His eyes were glued onto it just like a cat watching anyone approaching to pet it. Watching every subtle moment intently. With beastly concentration.

As soon as the hand stretching towards him was about to touch his cheek he finally retracted his attention. His left eye twitched a bit.

It was just for a second but Hades didn't miss this small detail. Just like a cat ready to show its claws, hissing at him.

So he changed course. Instead of doing what he intended to do he dropped his hand downward.


"...." Both Ivar and Hades stared at the large hand that was clinging onto Ivar's sleeve. Hades was tugging at the edge of the clothing.

"Pffttt.....Hahahaha!" Nulis laughed so hard until tears were threatening to fall out from its eyes. The system found this scene so adorable. The taller guy was clinging to the shorter guy, his huge hand tugging at the sleeves of the shorter youth. Surely this romantic scene before the system was so cute! And funny at the same time.

Gulp. That was close. Hades thought. "Okay. Lets not be too greedy. This is enough for now. Don't get complacent. Don't get ahead of yourself." He was cussing at his impatience.

Thankfully for him, Ivar didn't smack off his clingy hand. Anyway that aside.

Hades and Ivar never strayed away from each other as they kept looking and staring.

He chuckled happily. "Hey. Do you want to run away with me? Kitty kitty!"

"...." Both Ivar and Nulis were silent.

Upon not getting a reply Hades began sweating a bit. "Did I jump too early at him?" He was regretting his choice of words a bit. Maybee he should have started with something moderate.


"....." Hades was petrified.

Finscdksndvjfkfkfndmdkd. Even Nulis was so shocked that its soul turned into a statue.

Ivar stared at the hand clinging to his clothes. He looked at the tall man nor rather the tall demon before him then repeated his reply. "Where will you take me to?"

"...." It took him a moment to come out of this shock.

"Why are you not saying anything when you were the one who asked me? Maybe then forget it..." Ivar was about to yank off the hand that he was staring at.

"NO!!" Hades exclaimed hurriedly. "No....I mean...ahem ahem." Clearing his throat to calm himself down a bit he ran through the memory of this body. Found it! He exclaimed happily.

"Its a place you will love. Lets go."

Ivar didn't refuse as Hades pulled him along. Every pull that the taller man made the shorter one followed, both of them taking step after another.

With a dog following behind them while keeping its distance.

Just like that both of them left the demon castle.

"Master..." Elvis wept bitterly as he complained to the demon king about how he have been mistreated. "Wuwuwu...." That human he treated me with such roughness.....Wuwu...."

Hell was irked by how this concubine of his was latching onto his neck, crying and sobbing like a girl. "Wait what?" He exploded when he suddenly realised something.

Elvis withdrew away from him the moment he sensed his master's rising anger.

"Where is he right now? That human....where is he?" Hell asked his concubine. Because of his angry voice even the attendants around them were withdrawing fearfully. They knew how dangerous the demon king's temper was.

"That....master....." Elvis stuttered. "I don't know...."

Hell massaged his forehead annoyed by the water spirit's answer. He flipped the table before him breaking it into pieces.

"Find him! Find that boy and bring him back to me." He transmitted his command to all his demon soldiers.

"Bring him before me as soon as he is found."

"Yes demon king." The demons replied in unison.

Hell ignored the crying water spirit. He was in a bad mood because of his father. The bloodthirst in him needed a release. He disappeared from the spot leaving Elvis alone.


So Min Suk was asleep. His sleep was disturbed by ice cold sensation falling on his thighs.

" cold...." He complained. Then something wet and squishy fell on his skin.

"...!!! What the!" The sleeping person was awake the instant he realised that someone was licking him down there. When he looked down to check it was to his horror that the person, no, the demon who had summoned him in this world was licking his thigh. Thick Saliva drooled down from the demon king's mouth, the hunger in his predatory eyes was ogling at the human before him.

"Ahhhh.....No!!" So Min Suk panicked. He tried to kick away the demon king but the demon was stronger than him.


"!" So Min Suk shivered when sharp, long fangs digged into his nape. Hell sucked onto his blood drinking it to his heart's content. He then injected his desire into the human body.

"!" So Min Suk shivered. His entire body was trembling with pleasure. Even the slightest touch of the demon king made his body ache for more friction.

Hell kissed the human. He stuck his tongue inside So Min Suk's, exploring his insides. His long tongue entangled itself with the others filling the room with kissing sounds.

The demon king kissed and kissed for a long time. But....he stopped midway.

"That's right." He spoke. "I remember now. William. That was his name. The boy with the delicious curvy body. I remember you now."

Hell got addicted to that with that human called William was so good. How could he forget! This was the reason why he didn't kill William. Even after starving that boy he wanted Elvis to take over that sweet body so that he himself could ravage that sweet thing every night.

"Ah...ah... No! Don't.. Hng..." So Min Suk struggled with his remaining rationality, doing everything to push away this demon who was trying to enter him. So Min Suk knew that something had been injected in his body. It was aphrodisiac. And its effects were so strong on him.

However Hell was not going to stop tonight. He wanted to vent his desire out.

Thrust. Thrust.

Hell pushed his gigantic length into the tiny hole of the human. The warmth sticking around his dick melt his desire boil with greed and lust. He pushed his entire length inside the hole plundering it with his member. With every thrust he made the person underneath him was moaning heavily. The greedy demon pulled his length out from the small hole until only his tip was inside. Then he thrusted his entire thing inside going as deep as he could go. It was amazing that this tiny hole could accomodate his huge dick.

" Stop. Pull out. No!" The human cried out, his voice alluring.

Hell smirked. "You say you want to stop but look at how your insides are sticking to me." saying so he grinded the surface of the hole with his dick to prove his point.

" No. Feels good....No.." So Min Suk moaned at the pleasure he was feeling. It was so intense that he lost his mind.

Hell kept thrusting in and out of him. "Look, your entrance is sucking me in even as I pull myself out of you. Its sucking me so hard sticking to my thing and you say you want me to stop?"


"You want more don't you?" The demon king smirked. He kept banging into the small hole of the human boy. So Min Suk eventually began rocking his hips in rhythm to match Hell's thrusting.

"Hng...." The demon king released his seed inside him.

"!!! Hng..." His toes curled up with pleasure. He didn't wanted to be this way but So Min Suk couldn't resist the burning feverish lust in his body. It was all this demon's fault and yet...he was moaning so much right now.

He hated it. This was wrong. This was not him. felt so good.

Hell flipped him over and entered him from behind.

"Your taste is not bad either. But..." He thought. Compared to that other guy you are not that sweet.

A smirk rose on his face as he started thinking of ways to plunder and ravage the sweet intoxicating body of that person...what was his name again?

"Ahh...William. Right."

The two of them, one human and one demon, entangled with each other the entire night until the sun rose.

During this time when the sun was rising, at some place two people were staring at the beauty of the nature.

"Do you like it?" Hades asked staring at the sun rise before them. The sun dawning from behind the sea horizon, its rays reflected on the sea surface creating a shimmering effect on the sea waves, this scene was so beautiful.

Ivar looked at the person before him. He tilted his head a bit before replying. "Hm. Its good."

Hades looked at him too. "Is that so?" He smiled happily. "I am glad."

"Hm." Ivar replied. He brushed his hair behind his right ear. This act was a bit awkward.

Hades couldn't stop himself from staring at this beautiful person before him. So cute! His kitty was so cute being shy like this.

"Ahem. Ahem." Nulis coughed. The system was third wheeling this crazy couple. Though it didn't mind it because Nulis got to see different sides of its host for the first time.

"...." Ivar was silent again. His mind was messy for no reason. Not knowing how to react he dashed up releasing his mana.

The colour of his crimson red mana was reflected in Hades's eyes. "This...." So he finally got to see this beautiful destructive power again. The wisps of red smoke like particles surrounding Ivar was very beautiful, like a phoenix rising from its ashes to reincarnate. Expect that this crimson red mana held the power to destroy, not to build.

He flew up to the sky accompanying Ivar.

Two streaks of lights, one crimson red and the other black danced in the sunlight, flying side by side to each other. Wherever the red streak of light flew the black light immediately followed suit, tailing it and never leaving its side the entire time.

Ivar felt his body and heart lighten. A warm smile bloomed on his beautiful face at the realisation of something.

"Its not so bad having him here."

Like two butterflies dancing with each other these two flew the length of the sky.