The man swept his gaze around. His eyes looked at the key characters kneeling on the ground. What shocked him more was the fact that the son of fate of this world was also amongst them. Moreover, his eyes were bleeding out fresh blood. Everyone prostrating on the ground were in tattered conditions, as if they had been beaten by someone mercilessly without any room for resistance.

"Geh! What in the world is going on in this world? Not only is it starting to collapse, even the key characters are mopping the ground in such pathetic conditions." The man uttered with extreme shock. He had hacked a route into this world chasing after the mission assigned to him.

"We found them." The voice inside spoke to him.

The man then felt a sickening gaze directed towards him. He moved his eyes. And the moment his eyes met with the tall demon standing at some distance, with a petite beauty by his side, he knew it that moment.

So that's them huh! He thought to himself.

"The shorter guy. He is the rebel. Elm is also with him." The voice of the division leader informed. He paused for a bit before adding more. "As for the taller demon, if my guess is not wrong then he must be the guy who interfered with our system network. Tutin, be wary of him. He is a monster."

The man called Tutin widened his eyes. "Wait, what? Care to repeat the last part?" He exclaimed angrily. He wasn't informed about some monster accompanying the rebel.

"Well in short we didn't knew about his whereabouts. But now it's clear that that guy has beem following Ivar since they met."

A frown formed on Tutin's forehead. He clicked his tongue. "That...why didn't you tell me sooner. You fucking bastard! If he is that powerful then how am I suppose to deal with him? You guys only know tricks on how to use others while inconveniencing them, fucking bastard!" He cussed.

On the other side Guang Wang Lei and Ivar observed the movements of the intruder before them.

Guang Wang Lei noticed how the man's facial expressions were changing from time to time.

He let out a low chuckle. Bending his back over he whispered in Ivar's ear.

"So he has that strange existence instilled in his mind too just like yours?"

Ivar node his head. "The one with him is someone a bit troublesome. I can feel Nulis's soul reacting strongly to that other system. It means that they are connected somehow."

A system? So that's what it is called. Guang Wang Lei thought to himself.

He stared at Ivar's face. Although there were no signs of panicking he could see an invisible frown on his Kitty's forehead.

"Well then. I will get rid of them for you." He whispered closer to Ivar's ear. "Since they are troublesome to deal with, killing them is the best option."

"!!" Ivar was startled by the voice falling next to his ear's entrance. He squeezed his palms tightly controlling the trembling emotion coursing through his body. It took him a while to register the words spoken by the taller man.

"You want to kill them?" He asked back.

"Yes. Since they are interfering my time with you." Came an instant reply. He squinted his eyes towards the intruder. An evil smile crept on his face as he exclaimed. "Just stay back and watch an amazing spectacular unfolding before you, kitty kitty."

Just as he had taken a step forward he felt a pull on his sleeves.

Guang Wang Lei had a smug smile for a moment before turning around to his kitty.

Ivar clenched his hand, grabbing Guang Wang Lei by his sleeves. He knew how powerful this man was but he couldn't help but worry about him. He looked up at his face then into his eyes. As he did this he couldn't stop himself from saying out these words. "Be careful. Do not get hurt."

Wang Lei was very very happy to hear this. He felt a strong impulsive desire of wanting to ravaging this person rising in his heart. The desire was so strong this time that before he could barely control himself he had already done it.

Bending over he pecked the soft lips of the shorter guy. His lips touched another soft squishy lips just for a split second before he hurriedly pulled back.

Oh shit!

"!!" Ivar was surprised by the sudden kiss falling onto him. He stood still, gripping the sleeves in his palm ever tighter than before, with his cheeks getting hot, a brush crept his face.

"If I do this, I will surely be unharmed." Guang Wang Lei immediately commented. Judging from his Kitty's reaction, the other person didn't hate it. So he was relieved because of it.

"The kiss. Its a lucky charm."

"Hm.." Came a reply in a very timid voice.

Gosh! He is so cute! I wanna mess him up so much right now! Guang Wang Lei could feel his self control on the verge of breaking down.

"!!!" Everyone who witnessed the kiss scene were shocked.

"What the!" Tutin was very terrified. First he wasn't informed that there would be a dangerous guy he would be facing, now he wasn't even informed that the rebel had a lover.

"Division leader!" He yelled inside his mind. His eyes were blazing with immense Anger. "You did you do this on purpose too?"

The division leader was as shocked as him. The arrangements they had prepared to capture Ivar and imprison him in that world failed because of this monster entering that world. After that both Ivar and Elm had disappeared without a trace. If not for using Tutin they would have wasted a load of time trying to find them only to discover that they were hiding under their system network.

As for this monster guy, they had no idea about his whereabouts or his identity. The higher ups had informed them about some details regarding him but it wasn't enough to trace down his original identity. The only thing the division leader knew was that this guy had the ability to enter even the heaven realm, according to the reports of the higher ups.

Initially the division leader wanted to use him to get rid of the rebel but he lacked the power to exert his plans into motion. So he could only hope for Ivar to be killed by the monster's hand. Although he had an inkling that the rebel and this guy might end up coming into friendly terms with each other, which was very troublesome, Never ever once did he thought of the possibility of them becoming such intimate lovers.

The outcome that he never ever took into account was something this dreadful. It was horrifying!

Tutin didn't receive a reply. "Hey bastard did you go mute?" He screamed at him angrily.

The division leader was brought back from his shock with this yelling from Tutin. "Shut up rebel! It was a miscalculation on our part. We also had no idea that they would become like that...." He snapped back at the other person.

"Get ready. He is coming for us."

Tutin could feel his pulse rising. It was inevitable. A worthy monster was coming for them. For him! Shit! He couldn't help but be nervous. Maybe he made the wrong choice. Maybe he shouldn't have accepted that offer from the system department. Those people were sick trashes that used people until they were no longer deemed useful. Like a single edged knife, people like Tutin, who went beyond their world to gain individuality were captured by the department just so they could use them for their own purpose at the times of need.

Of fuck! He cursed at himself.

There is no point in regretting now. Nothing would change by doing so. Therefore, instead of lamenting think of something! Something! A counter measure against him! Think! Come on Tutin think!

As Guang Wang Lei got ready to get into action he heard Ivar say to him.

"Leave those mops to me. You focus your entire attention on those two. I will take care of the others." "And don't get hurt."

He was very happy receiving his Kitty's concern. With a radiant smile he replied with an okay before finally taking action.

The moment he turned his face away from Ivar his eyes changed. The expression on his face became devoid of any emotion. However his eyes narrowing at his enemy, his creepy gaze interlocked on his target highlighted the malice in his nature. The magnificent smell of a predatory killer masked his face sending shivers down the target's spine.


Ivar saw Guang Wang Lei kick away the intruder. The enemy flew backwards, blood sputtering from his mouth and his head.

Shit! Didn't even saw that coming. It came too fast. Tutin could hardly feel his insides twisting under the power that one kick held. His internal organs were distorted just with this single attack.

His body bounced back hitting an invisible wall.

"Shit!" The division leader cursed. A domain! He exclaimed. Currently they were trapped in a space domain created by that monster.

"Well. Well. Let's see how you two are going to wither under my wrath." Spoke the monster. His eyes looking at them, a devilish smile attached on his face, his eyes shimmering with terrifying cruelty, with a magnificent aura of intent to kill radiating from his evil eyes.

Ivar averted his gaze. He had his own things to do. But first off all...

"Nulis, are you okay?" He asked the system.

The system was silent for a few seconds. "Ivar...." It replied.

"I am listening."

"My soul is reacting strongly to that other system. They know who I am. But I don't know them. Its frustrating." The system complaint with a low spirit. "They....were toying with me, they are the ones who made me into this empty doll without any memory or an identity."

"Hm." A low affirmation. He waited for Nulis to continue.

"The trembling of my soul won't stop. This familiar emotion of dislike towards that other system is very strong but at the same time there is a feeling of closeness mixed with the hatred I am perceiving from my soul. I can now tell this for sure that the other system is a close kin of mine. The division leader of the system department, he is the operator of that system." Nulis was feeling very agitated because of the instinctive emotions reverberating in its soul.

Ivar had always had an inkling to the possibility of Nulis having a complicated identity. "Your real self must have been betrayed terribly by someone you cared for." He stated a matter of fact from what he had heard just now.

"..." The system. "Wuwuwu...Ivar why did you have to be so brutally honest. Couldn't you have sugarcoat your words? Wuwuwu... I feel so sad." Nulis started weeping soundly.

Ivar felt a sweat drip down his forehead. Maybe he was a bit too harsh so he reworded himself to his partner. "If what I said is true then it means that they are not worth your trust. If someone backstabbed their own close kin, no matter what the reason, they have to part ways, becoming strangers or becoming enemies. In your case you are their enemy, so don't be bothered by them. Nulis, I can tell that your real self has suffered so much to the point that they made you like this. There is no reason to feel sadness. It is clear that they are the cause for your tragedy. So buckle it up for now. Once you regain your memories you can decide the final verdict for yourself."

Nulis took in its host's words silently. But the last part caught the system saddening it even further. "Wuwuwu....will I even ever regain my real memories back? My body, my original identity, even my memories they are all lost. Wuwuwu. I am the most tragic person in the world." The system was in its lamenting mode.

Ivar sighed. He smiled at his partner. "Don't worry. I will think of ways to help you recover them. Besides, don't we have a formidable god by our side, hm?" He said refering to him.

The system sobbed. "Hng....yes we have." Nulis's emotions settled down a bit. It wasn't hectic anymore but it wasn't calm either. Just manageable.

"Okay then. Let's get to work."