As soon as the generals felt the pressure on them being lifted they got up on their legs with great difficulty. Asmodeus and Beelzebub rushed over to their king. They helped Hell stand up. At the same time the spirits merged together into the demon king's body. Their merging healed the wounds on Hell's body however it was unable to heal the eyes that were destroyed beyond recognition.

"Escort the demon king to a safe place." Lucifer suggested. The other generals agreed knowing that there was nothing they could do.

Apart from Lucifer and Beelzebub, the remaining generals were ready to leave with Hell.

Lucifer was glaring at William with hatred filled gaze.

"Were you really the one who killed Satan, you insignificant human?" He asked, his tone arrogant.

Ivar stared at him. He raised his palm replying. "Don't worry. You will personally get to experience your death by my hand just like your brother."

"YOU!" Both of them screamed at him at the same time.

Beelzebub transformed into his true form. His human body turned into that of a beast, the colour of his skin changed to red, his eyes turned purple, a pair of ram horns growing out from his head and a long tail elongating from his back. He jumped on his four limbs towards Ivar.

"I won't let you!" A growling voice stood on his way. He lunged onto Beelzebub, snapping and growling at him. It was Cerberus in his true form.

The one headed beast dog bit into beelzebub's nape, biting out a large chunk of meat from him. Purple blood gushed out from the place where the wound was inflicted onto the demon.

Beelzebub howled in pain before he snapped back at Cerberus. But before he could harm the latter something happened.

"Incarnate!" A voice spoke.

At his command a very thick mist of crimson red engulfed Beelzebub's body setting it on a destructive blazing heat that intensified with each passing second.

"AHHHHH....." The demon screamed as he felt his entire body being burnt on hellfire. He could feel it, the instant destruction of his seven hearts one by one. With the last one falling into ashes under the destructive hell fire Beelzebub was reduced to ashes, just like Satan.

"YOU!" Lucifer yelled thrusting his holy weapon towards Ivar.

"I will get rid of him." Ivar warned Cerberus.

The dog huffed as a response telling that he got it. His eyes then narrowed towards Hell and the others. It was time for him to collect his debt. Not hesitating a bit he ran after them, ready to exert his revenge on the weakened bastards. Cerberus leaped through the air. He landed before the group, blocking them from going further.

"Cerberus it's you!" Asmodeus scorned at Hades's loyal dog.

The beast dog did not respond. He let out a loud, magnificent growl. His body was glowing with a faint light.

"!!!" Hell and the generals were shocked as when they felt the power level of the dog rising at a monstrous level before them. The generals gasped as they saw the two other heads of Cerberus sprout out again. The very two heads that Hell had managed to cut off with great difficulty were now growling at them, their fangs showing as the three headed beast snarled at them ferociously.

Fuck. Whatever! Let's just fight. The group of demons and the beast began fighting at once.

"Is that loyal puppy going to be okay?" Nulis was a bit concerned. According to the system Cerberus has no chance against the son of fate, Hell.

But if Cerberus breaks through then it would be a different story.

"He will be fine." Ivar assured his partner. Nevertheless he himself was busy strangling another enemy right now.

Lucifer was currently withering in his palm. Ivar slowly impaled through the demon's body, crushing his hearts one by one. With bare hands. Just like how he had done it to Satan.

Crack! BOOM!


The space of this world was begining to break apart.

Ivar crushed the seventh heart. Then he threw the body aside. Lucifer's body burnt to ashes like burning papers.

"The world will collapse any moment from now. We should leave." Nulis suggested.

However Ivar didn't hear him. His eyes were fixated on the battle above them. Inside the space domain Guang Wang Lei was taking his time tormenting his enemy.

"AHHHHH.....!" Tutin shouted in pain. He huffed hard. So tired. So painful. Fuck! It hurts!

The painful feeling of mana being injected into his body, which were making his blood cells collapse was very painful. It was worst then Hell itself.

Hm! Guang Wang Lei observed intently. He moved his fingers towards the brain. He then injected some of his spiritual energy into Tutin's mind.

Cough. Cough.

The original body of the division leader in the divine realm coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"Fuck! It hurts like a bitch!" He uttered rubbing away the stain of blood from his lips. He could feel his soul tremble heavily. His soul has taken some of the blow just now.

"First division leader, please you must retreat!" His subordinates urged him helping him up. They were worried seeing their leader in such a weak state.

No! I won't! I can't retreat now! Before anything I must kill that Elm bastard! If he doesn't die then I....

An evil smile crept his handsome face. "Commence the ultimate destruction of that world right now!" He issued an outrageous order.

His subordinates hesitated.

"The gods have given me the permission to do so."

At this confirmation everyone immediately began to get into action.

"!!" Guang Wang Lei suddenly felt a strange change in the essence of this world. He disappeared from the domain.

"You must leave." As soon as he reappeared before Ivar he hugged his kitty in his arms.

Ivar saw it coming. He stared up at him asking. "What about you?"

"I still have bussiness to do here." A dangerous glint flashed through his eyes as he thought of something. But for the time being he shifted his attention back onto Ivar.

"Bar, this world is dangerous. If you don't leave now, it will be troublesome. Since you are affiliated with that thing called system."

"Partner he is right. We must leave right now. Or it will be too late." Nulis added.

Ivar was silent. He pondered over it for a bit before speaking assertively. "Then let's both leave together. Forget about that bussiness of yours." He was not the type to abandon people once he got close to them. Just like how he would never abandon system he didn't wanted to leave without Guang Wang Lei specially after knowing the dangers lingering in this world.

Guang Wang Lei was lost for words. Was his kitty worrying about him, he who is able to invade even the heaven realm? His heart was filled with warmth at how his kitty cares about him.

Taking advantage of the moment he took action knowing that he won't be pushed away.


Soft lips fell on Ivar's. Guang Wang Lei was kissing him on the lips again. He then felt something wet against his lower lip. It was a tongue. The tongue licked his lower lip before it moved up to his upper lip. Then the tongue withdrew and instead Ivar felt the other sucking on his mouth, as if trying to eat it up, licking and sucking it from time to time.

"Gasp!" Ivar flinched when he felt the slick tongue of the other person parting his lips. Guang Wang Lei had slide his tongue inside his mouth through the gap of his upper and lower lips. The tongue invading licked every nook and crane of his teeth, his side walls, his upper walls as well as his tongue. The foreign tongue entangled itself with the other tongue.

"" The sound of kissing reverberated in Ivar's ears. These sounds were coming from his own mouth. Ivar circled his arms around Guang Wang Lei's shoulders, he clenched his eyes closing them, a blush creeping up his face, his breathing becoming haggard. The man was kissing him as if there was no tomorrow. He felt the need to breath so he tried to do so by turning his head sideways. But each time he did so Guang Wang Lei would steer his chin back to place then kiss him aggressively again.

"Hah....brea.....air...." He whimpered through small pants.

Guang Wang Lei heard his kitty whimper. He was very reluctant as he withdrew his tongue from Ivar's mouth then parted his lips from those delicious lips. He stared at his kitty. Noticing the ravaged face of his person Guang Wang Lei couldn't stop himself. He let Ivar breath fro a second before he smacked his lips against Ivar's, ravaging his insides and kissed him with full force, thrusting deeply inside his mouth.

Ivar felt a tingling sensation run through his back. It made his mind dizzy, he lost his composure, without zero experience he began to follow Guang Wang Lei's actions, while trying to breath with his nose at the same time as the other person kissing him was not having it. His reciprocation was very clumsy and awkward. But this made the aggresive kisser very happy, knowing that Ivar was kissing him back.

However they were short on time.

So they finally parted after a heavy, intense kiss.

The system was ogling at their lips the entire time so it was sad to see it end so soon.

Guang Wang Lei caressed Ivar's cheeks. He even rubbed his ravaged lips with his finger. Placing a kiss on his forehead he urged him again. "You need to leave. Go wherever the hell you wanna go."

Ivar was still lightheaded because of that delirious kiss that made his dizzy. He stared at the taller guy, with his cheeks tainted red.

"What about you?"

"I will come chasing after you. Wherever you go, I will come to you."

Ivar bit his lips. "Promise? But what if you don't come?" He was agitated a bit.

Guang Wang Lei chuckled happily. "Don't worry." He pecked at his lips one more time. "I promise I will come to you no matter what, Babe!"

Ivar felt his heart shaken by his words. He could feel a faint thumping against his chest. With hesitant will he node his head. "Okay then. I will leave first. But you must also come once you are done." He asserted the last part, emphasizing it.

Placing a kiss on Ivar's hand came his sweet reply. "Yes my love!"

"Nulis let's go." Ivar spoke.

The system immediately prepared the transfer.

Guang Wang Lei caught the current body of his kitty fall. The soul has left the body. He laid it down on the ground.

"Cerberus!" He called out to the loyal dog of Hades.

"Yes master." The beast dog immediately replied his call.

"Do you wish to serve under me?" He asked the loyal dog wagging its tail before him.

"I will follow master wherever he goes." Came Cerberus determined reply.

"Even if I am not Hades?"

"Please enlighten this servant with master's title."

"Guang Wang Lei " He was very pleased with Cerberus. This loyal dog, he was worth being saved from rotting away with this world.

Cerberus bowed to him. "Master Guang Wang Lei, please let this servant serve you."

"Very well. I will send you back to my world first." As soon as he spoke Cerberus disappeared from the place he was standing.

And all there was left was the crumbling space. And the person called Tutin still trapped in his domain.

He appeared before his enemy, almost giving him a heart attack.

Tutin had lost miserably. He even tried to hack another world while trying to send this person into a void to buy some time to escape but this damn domain was too strong. Their gap was too powerful so he gave up. All the resistance left in him had died just like that.

Suddenly he felt a heart crunching pain in his mind.

"Fuck!" He screamed. He was very angry.

The system of the division leader had left his soul. Meaning he was as good as dead.

Those low level trashes! He cursed them.

"Do you want me to spare your life?"