Tutin thought he had heard it wrong for a second. His eyes showed the disbelief in them.

Guang Wang Lei kept his watch, staring down at him, his eyes glinting with menace just like a reaper's.

"I asked you a question." He threatened Tutin.

"!!" Tutin trembled when he felt his body being yanked forward. In a split second he could feel steel like fingers strangling his fragile neck. This was a crisis befalling him threatening his dear life.

"" He struggled to get his answer out of his mouth.

Guang Wang Lei shoved him down the ground. His lips curved up. "If you take me to the place where the thing called system fled to, I will spare your life."

Tutin who was coughing and gasping for air was shocked at his sudden proposal. His lack of reaction made the dangerous guy before him frown with dissatisfaction.

"Is that a no? I see." With deadly eyes he smiled adding. "Then die!"

Tutin felt his senses going numb. For a second he saw his instant death coming to him. He bowed his head down to the ground.

"I...I can take you there. I can do it. So please spare my life, sir." He rushed his answer, panicking, dreading that if he were even to answer even a second late his head would be flying off the ground the next minute.

"Is that so? Then do it right here right now!"

Tutin could feel his back dripping with sweat. Hacking into the divine realm, it was a dangerous and difficult task. But compared to his own life, it was nothing. If he lost his life he won't be able to recover it again. Moreover although hacking into the divine realm was a very big challenge to his current skills but it wasn't impossible.

Furthermore he could feel the other person's glare onto him, the killing intent it held sent shivers down his spine.

Any moment and I could die! Tutin thought to himself.

At the divine realm the system department was in a chaotic condition.

"Boss. The healing won't work." One of the workers urged worriedly.

The group of people were currently treating their injured division leader. Their boss was currently in a very bad condition. The direct attack from that monster has not only injured their leader's body but his soul too. The soul has sustained too much damage and what's even worse was that neither the healing pills nor the healing tools were able to heal the damage to the soul.

Cough. Cough. The division leader coughed out a mouthful of blood. Despite the terrific condition he was in, his face showed no signs of pain. Infact he was frowning thinking about other matters unrelated to his injuries.

"That rebel! He has caused some dangerous damage to the system department. At first I thought that since he was a valuable subject he would be very useful once we caught him and make him submit, binding him to a system soul but....." He was very angry. Nothing went the way he wanted them to go! All the plans he had were ruined one by one. And now, even a greater catastrophe had befallen him. That rebel was one thing and his system was another thing.

Elm.....I will kill you with these very own hands!

"Division leader please focus on yourself right now!" One of his subordinates berated him harshly.

However the frowning man did not register any of the words as he kept on thinking to himself from one thing to another.

"Elm....I never liked you since I was young. Given how different our views were I knew that one day we would end up pointing swords at each other."

The scene of two young handsome men stabbing each other flashed in his memory. One of them was the division leader and the other was a man with a high ponytail, his half brother, Elm.

"If anyone touches them or him, I will kill you all!" The man with ponytail narrowed his eyes, the kind look in his eyes gone and instead replaced by ruthlessness.

"I will never let you have your happy ending! Elm, you will never find your own ending to your lovestory." The division leader swear to himself, his face making a look as if he had gone insane.

You betrayed those gods just because of some weak ants and for a man who should have died by your hands. A befitting ending where you don't meet him again, without remembering the name or the faces of those you fought for, is the perfect tragic ending for you! You don't deserve anything but death!

"What should we do?"

"It seems like boss is having an internal conflict. His soul's wavelength is trembling."

"Is it related to Elm?"

The staff members couldn't help but talk about it.

The deep hatred their boss had for his half brother was a famous story. The story of how two half brothers went against each other in that incident, and how the other murdered his own parents, pointed his sword against his own younger brother just for the sake of a criminal was still a famous story talked by the people of the divine realm.

Amidst this chaos they failed to notice the change in their system monitor.

Crack! Crack!

One of the screen monitor shattered to pieces.

Everyone was immediately alerted by it.

"!!!" Their eyes went wide with shock when they saw a tall figure enter their domain.

As soon as the intruder stepped in he crushed the domain of the system department. Following the domain's downfall everyone felt a strong force binding them in places.

"!!!" The division leader was shocked. That was casted by those gods. Not even that monster from the ancient era could crush it.

But here, the current monster of this era before them shattered the domain just with a single attack.

Maybe they had greatly underestimated this man.

Guang Wang Lei swept his gaze around until they rested on a single person. His eyes became ruthless.

"Found you."


Fresh blood spattered from the cut inflicted on the division leader's chest. He gaped as he felt a crashing punch land on his face. The power it held was enough to send him flying by miles but currently his body was being held in place as he felt terrific punches fall on his face one after another.

Cough. Cough. He felt a mouthful of blood gush out from his lips.

Everything happened in a split of second.


His subordinates yelled after him.

Just as they had opened their mouths they saw the monster look back at them, his eyes horrendous as if the look in them could murder them.

And he did.




Slash after slash every worker of the unit had their throats slit wide open, their bodies soaked with their own blood gushing out from their neck. The blood spread on the floor, soaking it red with its colour. The iron smell of it filled the room, its smell a proof to the slaughter taking place right now.

The division leader was the only one left. He was barely alive. Through blur vision he could see what was happening in the system department.

"Huff.. Huff." He was panting heavily trying to think of ways to send for a help request. He saw the monster walking towards him.

"D...huff.....on't you..have...huff questions you want to....ask me?" He needed to buy some time.

Guang Wang Lei snickered at him. He clicked his tongue replying. "I didn't come here to get answers to some question. I am solely here for the purpose of killing you." Saying this he gave his prey no chance to react.

The division leader widened his eyes as he felt a sword stab his body. The blade inside him thrusted into his heart, stabbing through it. His heart stopped beating. His body became lifeless as it lost its balance. The light in his eyes darkened as he felt himself falling into the abyss called death.




The young handsome man with a high ponytail replied to the constant yelling directed at him. "I love them. And I will protect them with everything I have got! Everything other than them is irrelevant. Not even my life is."

The Haughty, prideful division leader was dead.

A sword fell on his dead body.


The head attached to his body was sent flying as it left its place before falling onto the ground. The eyes of the handsome man looked as if it was glaring at someone, the stubbornness in them reflecting his hatred. Sadly, he was dead now.

Guang Wang Lei shattered the soul of his prey. He then destroyed the enitre place covered under the system's domain.

This was his true nature. Guang Wang Lei was a merciless killer. His nature was callous, a man who never batted his eyes when he slaughtered ruthlessly.

After he was done he turned to Tutin. All that left his lips was "Go."

The other person did not hesitate as he left running away from the spot. His heart was still beating crazily, recalling the slaughter of the system unit. Rubbing his hands together he exclaimed in silence. "That would have been my head if I had not taken him here. God he is so scary! But thanks to him I can run around freely now."

Although he feared the man he was thankful. Fortunately the one who lost their head was not him. If not... Goosebumps arose in his body, the fear of death still lingering in his heart.

Meanwhile somewhere in the heaven realm, a giant star in a prism disappeared from its spot. The star crumbled to dust not leaving a fragment of it.


"How do we even deal with a monster like that! First the bridge of our realm and now the network of the divine realm. Such a scary person."

The one who spoke was a beautiful woman. She had porcelain white skin, her lips were plump and red like apple. In short she was a beauty. And she appeared to be about twenty five. But looks could betray age.

She had a bewitching man by his side.

"Honey, what do we do? He will come for us again at this rate. Shouldn't we make a major move before he brags into the heaven realm again?" The man by her side spoke. As he did so he hugged the beauty in his arms.

"Oh darling!" The woman hummed, her eyes filled with love. "Its sad but we have already tried a lot of methods to deal with him. Sadly, we ran out of ideas." She placed her red lips onto the man's lips, kissing him lightly.

The sound of smooches filled the ears of the two man sitting with them.

She stopped herself, regaining her self control. "But I think it's time we dig into the matter a bit. This incident is a bit bizzare."

"What do you mean, Queen?" One of the seated man asked her.

The queen smiled at her honey as she replied. "From what I remember that monster is not the type to bite indiscriminately. He bites only when someone meddles in his bussiness. And for the system network to fall prey to his wrath, surely, there must have been a reason behind it."

"!!" The two man sharpened their gazes getting the underlying meaning behind those words. "So you mean to say a weakness has appeared."

The queen smiled calmly. "Yes. And maybe we could use it to contain him."

The heaven realm was still recovering from the damage inflicted on it by that attack. So they had been backing off without making any move. But perhaps this incident gave them the opportunity to make another attempt.