It was dark.

Some sticky substance was sticking to Ivar's skin.

"Nulis what in the heck is this?"

"Partner." the system replied. "I don't know. I have no information about this world or where we are." He then hurriedly added. "And I don't know what this sticky thing sticking to you is."

Ivar tried to accelerate his mana. His crimson red magic particles activated at his command. Ivar was surprised to see this. He bit his lips, worried about something.

"Don't worry. He is strong so he must be safe. And didn't he said that he would come after you?" Nulis reassured Ivar, feeling his agitation.

He really wanted to add "And didn't he said that he would chase you down to the corner of the world?" But in the end he omitted this part.

Sigh. All he could do was wait now. After all he had no way of knowing about what has happened following their departure.

Shifting his attention back to his current situation, Ivar could feel the sticky liquid clinging to his skin from all sides, his face, his head, his body and even his toes and fingers.

"Lets break out from here." He thought to himself as he began to destroy the annoying liquid surrounding him.

Crack! Crack!

Ivar could hear the sound of footsteps from the outside. There were atleast five people in the group. Two of the footsteps were heavier while the three were slightly lighter.

"Ahhh...." A middle aged man exclaimed. Fixating his handsome face on their ten year old egg, which had showed no signs of life in it until today, cracking up the egg shell, made his handsome face pale and shock, yet ecstatic at the same time.

"Maria! Am I seeing things?" His voice trembled heavily.

The one called Maria hugged him from the side. She was in disbelief as well. This egg, it was their child. The child that never came to this world in time. Ten years had passed but because they couldn't bring themselves to get rid of their youngest egg they instead kept it in their home, keeping it warm and cozy.

They never thought that a miracle would happen to their unhatched egg after all these years.

"Peter. Sob. Sob. You are not. The egg....our child is hatching."

Beside her and her husband were their three other children. One of them was already a grown up youth, the other two were still teenagers. Just like their parents they were also staring at the cracking egg shell intently, watching its every shell break apart.


Ivar was finally out of the dark place. As soon as he got out of it he was met with a rather awkward situation.

"!!" He was surprised to see five people greeting him the very instant he was out. He swept his gaze at them. The five people before him seemed to be a family. The two adults, probably the parents, had strange green skin. Their eyes were a strange brown shade, shimmery and shiny just like marbles reflected against the sunlight. Their hairs were curly with dark blonde shades. Their three children had inherited the parent's traits perfectly. Moreover they were dressed in western clothes.

"Goblins." Nulis exclaimed. He was surprised as well.

Just like this the two group of people stared at each other, still drowning in the shock they were going through.

" baby...." Maria could barely contain herself, moving froward to take her newborn son in her arms.

Ivar could perceive the good feeling directed towards himself.

"Bhu ab uw?" Who are you?

The moment he spoke he was startled by himself.

Even Nulis was shocked. The system was busy staring at the Goblin family earlier so he did not notice his host's appearance. Now that he did he was utterly butterly shocked to the point that his soul left his body for a second.

Ivar touched his face. He then raised his hands to look at them. He let out a loud gasp.



He was drowning in the biggest shock in his life ever!

Meanwhile on the other side the Goblin family was welling up with tears in their eyes. They stared at their lovely child, their son who was speaking to them the very first thing after being born. Moreover, the adorable expression on his cute, chubby face was so lovely. His eyes were like marble gems, red and shiny. Every expression his cute face made was enough to make them melt like butter.

"NULIS!" Ivar screamed at the system.

"Yes partner. Congrats. You have become a child now." The system chuckled, staring at his host's child form. Although Ivar's skin was green like the Goblin family, the colour was a bit pale. Not to mention his eyes were red and...he was really chubby. So cute!

Ivar was startled when he felt a pair of hands pick him up. He glared at the mother who had taken him in his arms. Moreover she was treating him like a child, caressing his back, nuzzling his hair, trying to put him to sleep.

Ivar pouted at the treatment he was being given right now.

" cute!" The three younger kids exclaimed, ogling at their cute baby brother.

The eldest boy looked about about fifteen while the twin brothers looked about eleven. One of them even poked the cubby cheeks of their adorable baby.

"Uwmah!" Scram! Ivar felt humiliated by their treatment. He wanted to yell at them but....his speech only made him realise more that he had indeed become a baby.

Featherlike strokes kept falling on his head. It was annoying but he was begining to fall under its spell. And he couldn't prevent himself from falling asleep.

Peter stared at his son's sleeping face. His child had such long thick lashes. His cheeks were tinted with baby blush, and his mouth was drooling a bit. His calm sleeping face looked like that of an angel.

"Maria!" He whispered. "He is so cute!"

"Right. I have never seen someone so cute like my baby brother." The older brother added.

The two twins shook their heads aggressively agreeing to Brother Harry's statement.

"Lets put him to his cradle. He needs plentiful of rest right now. And when he wakes up we will have to feed him as well. He will be very hungry then." Maria smiled nuzzling his son with his fingers.

The group of family walked away, their foot steps as light as a sneaking cat.

"Ivar. Wake up."

"Wake up partner."

Nulis called out for him but the sleeping baby was still deep asleep, showing no signs of waking up.

Sigh! Now all he could do was wait for him to wake up.

Fortunately Ivar woke up the next day. As soon as he opened his eyes he was met with children toys hung above him. He got goosebumps all over his body. Not only that. There was a round teddy bear toy lying beside him.

He spoke to the system in his mind.

"You have been sleeping for a week already. Ivar, you became a rather cute baby...Pffttt..." Nulis burst into a laughter. He couldn't contain his laugh anymore. Specially after witnessing those three kids checking up on Ivar all this time, treating his dangerous host like some defenseless sleeping child.

"..." Ivar wanted to retort but...he was indeed a baby right now. He frowned his brows. Well...what could he do now? He couldn't even stand on his two feet so for now he had no choice but to...

He sucked onto the strange food being served to him. While doing so Maria was holding him in her lap, feeding him spoon after spoon.

Ivar sighed. He couldn't even feel his teeth. Good thing the food was wet.

"Good. Eat as much as you want." Maria smiled as she pat her baby.

Ivar was hungry so he ate his fill. When he was done he moved his mouth away from the food.

"Wah..." The twins exclaimed. "He is very smart even though he was just born."

Hmph! Of course. Also I am not a child!

"Pffttt....." Nulis was at it again.

Ivar ignored his laugh as he stared at his siblings. The twins. They were young children. Their skin were green just like Maria's, the mother of this Goblin body. Their eyes were of mesmerizing kind. Beautiful and lustrous brown, like marbles. With their blonde hair, the combination was rather unique. He had seen all kinds of goblins but the ones currently before him was very distinct from the ones he knew.

Ivar wasn't gonna lie but this family had beautiful genes. Maria and Peter and their kids, they were all very unique appearance wise.

"Hm...." He was now a bit curious as to how he looked right now. But he was too afraid to look at himself in the mirror.

"So cute."

The family were ogling at their baby son. The child was staring in the space, looking as if he was living in his own baby world, thinking of cute things. His red eyes glimmering with a spark that made him look even cuter.

"Jude. Joel." Maria called out to the twins. She got up carrying Ivar. "Go and send Peter a message."


"Tell them to bring back a tub filled with Fairy milk back from the war."

"Yes mother." Both Jude and Joel replied at the same time.

War? Ivar had been asleep only for a week and the man called Peter was in war? The development was a bit too fast wasn't it?

"This world is strange." Nulis remarked. "There is no collectable Infromation on this world. Its strange because with how things are we probably won't know if this world also has a son of fate or not."

"What about the mission board?"

"Empty." Nulis replied. "Its empty. Meaning this world is certainly not a part of the system network."

Hm.... Ivar was silent.


He was starting to feel sleepy again.

But I just woke up! He uttered.

Too bad he couldn't keep himself awake.

The next time he woke up a year had already passed.

"Nulis what the hell is going on?" Ivar asked.

He was currently lying in a small tub filled with something white.

"As you can see. Its milk!"

Ivar frowned. "Yes I can see that. But why am I finding myself soaked in it after waking up first thing in the morning."

The system was very pateint as he explained things to his partner.

So Ivar had been sleeping for a year straight. He was showing no signs of waking up. So Maria was worried. And so she accelerated the request of bringing back fairy milk assigned to her husband as early as possible. The result?

Peter and Harry came back from war, postponing it. They did bring fairy milk which was an elixir for Goblin babies. Specially for babies like Ivar who would take a long time to hatch. But Ivar's case was special. Normally when Goblin eggs doesn't hatch within eight months at most, it meant that the egg was undeveloped. But for Ivar's egg, it took ten years to hatch.

Actually the egg was indeed dead. It was Ivar who transferred to this world and took over the egg shell. If not the egg would have never hatched.

Ivar was soaked into the milk for an enitre month but he never woke up. Instead he absorbed the entire fairy milk, finishing it within a month.

So Peter went back to war again and brought back a tank of fairy milk for his son. This cycle repeated for about a year.

Just like that, their efforts paid them a wonderful fruit.

Their child was finally awake after sleeping for a very long time.

Maria and the others shed tears of happiness seeing their cute little baby crawl out of the tub.

Ivar felt so uncomfortable being on his knees. So he tried to stand up using the edge of the tub as a support. When he was able to stand on his legs with great difficulty he began to take small, careful steps.

Maria covered her mouth with her hands. She was surprised.

Ivar was about to stumble and fall down but the moment he was about to hit off he used his power to stabilize himself.

He sighed.

Damn this baby legs, so weak and short! So inconvenient! Fuck it!