This was the first time Guang Wang Lei felt so humiliated after hundreds of years. His anger radiating from his form affected those bowing to him. A blazing light lit up the nearby surrounding, burning it with a bliding sting. The pain being inflicted on them made tears form in the corner of their eyes.

"Holy Crann, please calm down." The one to speak up was a beautiful fairy. She had crystal like butterfly wings. Her hair was silver light, donned with beautiful iris flowers. She held her face down hoping to appease the angered holy heart of the fairyland. "Please appease your anger. We, all our subordinates will think of a way to fulfill the duty given to us."

There were others beside her.

One of them added, mustering his courage to speak up as well. His head was a red mushroom. His body had the proportions of a regular human but the shade of his skin was a strange ash grey colour. Moreover his body was attached with green leaves in the shape of his clothes.

Beside him there were several other fairies. A little girl with bright red hair, dressed as if she was submerged in raindrops, an old woman with yellow braided hair, her dress sliding on the ground, a one horned creature with ten legs and fair wings and many more.

"Oh great soul of our home, please give us some time. We will think of an alternative."


"Please spare us some time."

All they heard in respones was a loud, mocking snort.

If Guang Wang Lei had a form right now he would be rolling his eyes at them, his lips curving up with anger as he played with his five fingers, thinking of ways to kill them. Even without a face those fairies could perceive the killing intent rising from the holy soul.


Cough. Cough. Cough.

The silver haired girl who spoke up first coughed violently. This was the hundredth time she was hearing the same sentence from their holy soul. Calling the strongest fairies of their Planet "Useless" was a bit of a shock. Not to mention she was the present Queen of the Mith. She, who was Feared as one of the most strongest and influential person in this world was being subjected to this kind of humiliation....It was beyond shock. Her reaction of coughing violently was the result of the shock she was experiencing.

"But Holy Crann.... What you demanded is a bit of a...."

"Tsk. So weak! Why are all of you so weak!"

Everyone heard those words loud and clear.

But no one uttered a word of complain.

This was because they had learnt their lesson a few days ago. When one of those kneeling right now retorted to the holy Crann's statement the person was almost banged to death against the ground. The heart of the fairy land, the holy Crann was a powerful and special existence in this world but they never thought that it would get possessed by something vile and vicious someday.

When the holy Crann spoke for the first time, everyone thought that they were hallucinating, hearing a voice coming from it speaking to them.

Moreover the very first words the holy Crann uttered were:

"What the fuck! Oh fuck! What the hell is this?"

Queen Sill, the silver haired fairy who was the current ruler of Mith Planet was outraged by those words she had heard. In a fit of rage she tried to investigate the holy Crann by injecting her sight into it, dreading that something wicked has trespassed inside the world of it. But what shocked her was that not only was her sight injection repelled, she even got her soul form hit by a destructive force that almost broke her soul form. After that she was in coma for several days. Queen Sill was only able to wake up after she fully recover her powers. Even when she woke up thinking she had healed shocked her because her soul damage did not recover even a bit. After she awoke she then learnt of the chaotic situation the fairyland was facing. And she did not even dare to imagine the hell her people went through while she was in coma. After all she was among the first group to hear the holy Crann speak.

"Make me a body where I can move. A human body."

This was the outrageous command of the holy Crann. It wanted to move to a human body. This was suspicious enough to garner their attention.

"I want it done in three days!"

When it said those words all those who heard it speak almost fainted at his authorative. selfish command. Asking for a human body to be made for him, and that too only in three days!


The holy Crann has been the soul of fairyland for thousand of years. Legend has it that it was made by a being who was above god, a wandering being who planted it on the planet of mith. From its branches sprouted the fairies, its roots became the wingless fairies, and it's leaves became the pixies. The holy Crann was the source of power for the fairies it was.....demanding for an outrageous thing within three days.

Although the holy Crann was very powerful, it was still just a tree that birthed the fairies and blessed them with power.

It was still a Tree. A TREE!

Gaung Wang Lei was tired of seeing the same reaction over and over. "Why are you not answering? I am merely asking for a human body. Just make one."

That was also an issue. Queen Sill replied with due respect, although it was ultimately fear that tamed her to behave like this.

"But Holy Crann, the people of twilight don't have the ability to make a human body. We were not blessed by the gods the right to create it. Even the angel race don't have that power as a blessing. Only the gods can fulfill holy Crann's request. Please be understading. And even if we attempt to make one it will take millions of years to make one."

"So useless and weak!"

Guang Wang Lei had no time to waste around like this. He had to meet up with his kitty, flirt with him and go to dates with him and he still had a lot of work to do to seduce him. He had just entered this world a few days ago, tracing down his Kitty's trails.

Usually for him, he had to be the strongest being present in any world that he enters but never ever had he ever thought that the strongest being in this world would be a fucking tree!

A tree that has no face, no mouth but just a long stall of life giving stick. Even if it were a moving tree with legs, he would have easily suffice with it but no, this tree right here had to be as straight as a pole, standing rigid in its place and never moving.

Maybe he should just reenter this world after exiting it. He was seriously considering it. But there was another problem to it. If he did inhibit another body below his soul weightage then that body would be unable to hold up his soul and would wither under his power within two days. If he were to choose this option he would have to keep exiting and entering this world again and again which was bound to be very troublesome.

But thinking about Bar....maybe he could endure it.



The voice of the holy tree kept on sighing.

"Alright, let's be practical. Is there any other way for me to gain a human body?" He was scouting out each and every possible road. This was because Guang Wang Lei was desperate. He was very desperate.

The first thing he planned he would do after following his kitty to this world was to kiss him breathless but now, he did not even had a mouth he could kiss with.

Queen Sill raised her head. She thought for a moment before replying. "In the records of ancient legends, there is one possible way. Though that process may not bear fruit most of the time, its probability is 0.1 percent. Meaning the chances of succeeding is less than one percent."

"Well continue speaking. Why did you stop speaking without telling me the main thing." He demanded ruthlessly.

With twitching eyebrows she continued. "Cultivating. According to the records, cultivating can help a holy being gain a human body. Though the shape of the body itself may be incomplete, or it may be affected by other various reasons like...."

"So I just have to cultivate?" Guang Wang Lei cut her off mid sentence.


"And how long will it take?"

"A few decades? It will depend on the being cultivating."

"Tsk. Even a decade is too long." He complaint shamelessly. He will make sure to make it out in month at least. Fuck. Even a month was too long.

Well, if there is a will there will be a way.

Guang Wang Lei felt his soul, trying to connect the mark he left on his kitty to his soul. His vision was filled by a strange Planet, with strange buildings and roads. His eyes penetrated through a magnificent building. Then to a room.

There he was.. Seated next to the window. His side cheek were chubby, bulging out a little bit, the skin on it tinted with a pink blush, looking so tempting enough to make those looking wanna bite into it. His hair was a strange colour. It was falling upto his shoulders. His skin was a beautiful pale shade of green. Because his face was facing the window he didn't get to see it. But his kitty turned around as if he sensed him ogling at him.

And the moment he did...

Guang Wang Lei let out a loudddd, lonnnggg shriek.

A perfectly oval face, with chubby round cheeks, plump lips, peach blossom eyes sparkling like marbles reflecting the sun light. His eyes looking so lovely, his tainted cheeks rosier than any flower Guang Wang Lei had seen.

"Oh my god!!!"

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!"

Guang Wang Lei never knew that his heart could tremble this violently.

At that time he had no idea that his trembling power was causing the enitre Mith Planet to undergo a minor earthquake tremble.

"That was fucking adorable!!" He shouted out his thoughts out aloud.

Wait...he needed to see it again. That said he peeked at his Kitty's adorable, chubby, lovely, angelic form.

A second look at it.

A third sneak peek.



Each time he saw his babe, he let out a loud scream, unable to control his rampaging heart. "Oh dear lord, this is what heart attack feels like. Now I know."

Yes this is what a heart attack feels like. Now the fairies knew. Each time the holy Crann screamed the ground they were on was shaking viciously. This tree which was going crazy at the moment was the heart of the fairyland. Its mood directly affected the entire planet.

But here the holy tree was, screaming like a madman, repeating the same words.

The fairies sweared that they even saw a pervy, lewd expression appear on the tree's trunk.

So when they heard the holy tree speak to them they were relived.

"Fuck. Even a month is too long. Anyway. I have to hurry."

Sigh of relief filled their hearts.

"Oh and yes, send the goblins a letter addressed to their youngest son. Make sure to write them saying "Bar, please wait for me. I will come to you very soon. And I love you."

Everyone froze at the mention of the goblins.

"Oh and make sure to add another sentence at the end saying, Bar you almost caused me a heart attack. With love, Wang Lei."

With a shaken up soul his resolve skyrocketed. He needed to gain a human body as fast as he can and see his kitty with his very own eyes.....

Maybe...he will even hold him and let him sit on his lap. And pinch those squishy cheeks a little bit...and ahem...maybe bite, no, he mean, kiss his cheeks.....a bit.....

The fairies waited for a long time to make sure the wicked spirit was gone.

"My we send a letter to the Goblin race...."

Queen Sill frowned her brows. "No need. Those fairy milk thieves will ALWAYS, always be our enemies. We will not send a letter to them on the wicked spirit's words."

The others glanced at each other.

"Whoever or whatever that thing was it's not gonna return alive. Afterall, there had be no one to successfully transcend from a non human being to a human in the records. Everyone, everyone mentioned in the records failed the process and were reduced to dusts."

An evil smile unsuitable on a pure face like hers graced her lips.

Even the probability of it being less than one percent was a lie. She just lied shamelessly to drive away the wicked spirit out of the holy Crann's domain. After all, once that spirit died the holy Crann would be back to its normal state.

Well...she had krama waiting for her like a bitch.