Four phoenix birds flew through the space. All four of them skyrocketed to different directions, each of them flying towards their destination.

When one of them reached its destination the Phoenix extinguished to ashes, with a hidden envelope falling at the door of a magnificent palace. The envelope flew through the door, landing on a person's hand.

Peter opened the seal of the envelope. Inside was a card of invitation from the king of Dwarfs.

"So it's finally here again." He muttered to himself. He sent a message to his family members, requesting for their presence right now.

"What is it my dear?" Maria was the first one to arrive. She teleported herself hearing her husband's call. Walking towards him with concerned eyes she noticed the envelope in Peter's hand.

"Oh my." She gasped. "Its already time for that troublesome event?"

Peter couldn't agree more. "Yes. Time sure does fly fast."

"Father." The kids arrived shortly after.

Peter coughed. He noticed that his youngest darling son was missing. "Where is Bar?" His face held no signs of anger, instead his eyes were filled with affection as he called his son's blessed name.

Joel and Jude looked at Harry. Before, the twins were shorter than Harry because the eldest was already an adult. But now the three brothers were of the same height. And because of their similar appearances they looked like triplets instead.

"Baby chan is probably in his room." The twins clearly didn't grow up too much as they were still addressing their little brother with the auspicious title "Baby chan."

"Father, did you forget that Bar has set up a barrier in his room?" Harry added, reminding a rather important note to Peter.

"Ah....." Peter realised his mistake. "Right. He must not have heard my message. Harry please bring him downstairs."

The eldest brother left immediately.

Maria giggled. She hugged her husband's arm, rubbing it gently. "Our youngest son is such a gem. Its a pity but I don't want him exposed to that annoying event. But if he wishes to, I won't stop him."

The twins shook their heads. "Baby chan has grown a little bit but he is still a child. We fear that if those annoying pests see him they will be out of their minds, witnessing his beauty and power. Sigh. I really don't want him to join us there. Its the best for him."

Bar was younger than them however in terms of strength their baby chan was far more powerful than any of them. Infact he was the most powerful member of the imperial Goblin family. At the age of eight he had already won perfect control over his powers, the crimson red mana of his was sizzling with enormous potential.

As for the barrier set up in his room. Sigh. That happened because the twins would often teleport to his room, wanting to play with him. So when their baby chan got his patience broken he set up a barrier to prevent anyone or anything from entering his room.

Knock. Knock.

"Bar. Are you there?" Harry had manners unlike the twins. So he was more or less welcomed to atleast knock the door.


The door opened.

"What is it? Harry."

Harry felt his corner lips curve. Even the voice of his little brother was so pleasant. Bar was standing near the door facing him. He still had a bit of baby fat in his cheeks. It was so cute!

"Father has requested our presence. I am here to bring you downstairs with me."

Ivar paused for a second before replying. "Okay." He stepped out of the room still dressed in his sleeping attire.

When they arrived a giant table was already set.

Ivar noticed his family staring at him affectionately. He let out a low sigh in silence. He couldn't really get used to their stares. Harry pulled out a chair for him to sit on.

"You are still treated like a baby princess." Nulis commented.

"...." Ivar didn't react to his teasing.

Joel and Jude kept shaking their heads. Look at their baby chan. Look at his ethereal beauty. Their baby chan had such an enchanting face, beautiful curving eyes, donned with long lashes, a well defined nose, plump lips, a perfectly glowing skin, with some baby fat on his cheeks and his eyes that were so lovely, sparkling like jewels all the time. Their Bar's hair was long. It was reaching upto his back. Even when dressed in plain white attire, his beauty couldn't be hidden.

This was why they were worried.

"Our Bar grew up really fine." Maria sobbed.

Ivar was hearing these words for the fifteenth time. Although he thought of himself older than the three children the birth parents of his current body were somewhat different. He was well aware of how precious a child-parent relationship was. So, out of respect he would flash a small smile at Maria everytime she siad this. He did the same now.

When he smiled the room lighten up.


The twins sighed. "Can we not expose our baby Chan's innocence to those people? There will be so many annoying houseflies ready to leech on our baby chan once they see him."

Ivar's brow twitched at the baby chan word.

Harry was of the same opinion. "The dwarfs are the only people that are worth our respect to some degree. Those humans and those pest fairies will be an eyesore." The goblins had a friendly relationship with the Lilput planet. The rest of the others were more or less annoying to them. The fairies were their nemesis, the humans were too ugly for the goblin's liking. As for the angels, their soul natures were the perfect opposite of the goblin's. It was by nature that they couldn't associate on friendly terms with the angel race. Still, compared to the two pests they were atleast bearable.

Ivar guessed that they were expected to attend some auspicious event being held in some other planet. "So you guys wanna know if I want to attend whatever the upcoming event is?"

Their son was so direct. Sometimes it threw Peter off-guard. was one of his charms. "The grand Lilput celebration. We have been invited to attend it tomorrow. It will be held in the imperial palace of the dwarfs. All the races will be attending it too."

The grand Lilput celebration. It was an occasion held in high regard by the dwarf race for generations. Several hundreds of years ago the ancestors of the current imperial family began excavating the first ever mine, embarking on the journey to their first ever craftsmanship, on the day when the sun was perfectly perpendicular to the Ludcir mine, the first mine ever recorded in the history of the dwarf's history. The exact dates of this revolutionary event was not known but whenever the sun was perpendicular to the Ludcir mine, a grand celebration marking the event from their history records was held, as for the dwarf race, craftsmanship was the core of their inner soul. Without it their race was incomplete. For this celebration to come, it didn't have a specific day but it would be held atleast once in thirteen to fifteen years given that the auspicious occurence is overseen.

So...people from various parts of the world will be coming huh. Ivar was contemplating something.

Maria could see it. She shrugged her shoulders, asking. "So Bar, what's your answer?"

Ivar thought for a while before replying. "I wanna go."

The three brothers coughed. His answer was kinda within their expectation yet at the same time it was out of their expectation.

"Well, if baby chan wants to go there is no helping." Jude and Joel had a spark of fire in their eyes, the spark of protecting their brother at any cost.

Harry shared a look of understanding with Maria and Peter.

Right then Ivar had no idea that their overprotection knew no bounds. He would shortly witness it tomorrow.

Guang Wang Lei was still stuck in cultivation. He was in the process of creating a body for himself. Right now he was in the final stage. Because the energy circulating in his cultivation was very weak compared to his soul weightage, he had to be extra careful while proceeding to the final stage. During this time he had no idea of how the flow of the outside world had gone by. Surely, he had something waiting on him once he got out of this place.



Sounds of trumpets cheering up the entrance resonated where the guests were being received with great courtesy.

The first ones to arrive were the angel race. Flapping their giant wings they descended from the sky, dressed in white silk clothes, hanging loose on their curvy bodies. Their hairs were a pale yellow. A tiara made of feathers sat on their head. Their eyes were a mysterious shade of light blue. The graceful movements they made while withdrawing their white wings was always a breath taking sight.

"Greetings of good will to King Rhiem, the king of the craftsmen souls." The leader of the angels greeted a short, petite man receiving them. He bowed his upper body while placing his hand on his chest.

King Rhiem smiled at the crown prince of the angel race. "Prince Jes, please!" The fondly relationship between the dwarfs and the angels was a sight to behold. The mysterious angel race that always secluded themselves was very respectful towards the dwarfs. Perhaps they were the only race that had a connection with the mighty angels.

"Wah...Good. Hysteric!" A loud exclamation of a youngster.

"Tsk." Prince Jes clicked his tongue. He paid his respect to king Rhiem before leaving with the other angels following him.

Humans...those dirty minded humans. Their presence was sickening.

The youngster who came into the picture was the prince of the mother planet. He was here with his father, Duke Zion.

King Rhiem received them with courtesy.

"It seems that those beautiful angels finally made an appearance." Duke Zion made a subtle comment on their appearance. "Ancient history records do them such injustice. Their beauty is incomparable to what was written down in recordbooks."

"Well said. Father." His son, Zen agreed with his father.

"Duke Zion please proceed to your respective seats. You must be tired of flying here." An old soul knew how to ignore ignorant remarks of people. King Rhiem offered them their seats.

Another party from the mother planet arrived shortly after. It was another Duke family. The Roshans. They were in hostile relationship with the Zions. Seated opposite to each other they exchanged glares of disgust towards each other.

Queen Sill of Mith was the next guest to arrive. Her grace and beauty was another feast to the lecherous humans.

That brought them to a realisation.

The fairy's nemesis, the goblins were still not here yet.

"Perhaps they have had enough of our annoying events." king Rhiem sighed. Although the Goblin race was provocative, the passion they had for their history was something they shared in common with the dwarfs. Furthermore the goblins were courteous enough to the dwarfs to listen to their requests.


A green spaceship enclosed the sky, proceeding with a great speed. The spaceship had a specific logo that everyone were familiar with. The ship stopped mid air. A bridge of light fell downwards. And from it emerged the mighty goblin family. All six of its imperial members were present.

Six? Wasn't there five of them? Two pair of oni couple and their three demon children? Who was this additional sixth member?

Curious peeks were sent towards the arriving stars.

Joel and Jude including Harry made sure to block the view of their younger brother from three sides.

"Come to think of it, mother always accompanies father to all events. Why is that?"Joel had always seen Maria leaving with Peter no matter what event it was. She even went to war with him. The only time it didn't happen was when their Bar was born.

Maira heard them. She turned back to them whispering, "There is no telling when wars and fights may breakout anytime."

Jude made an expression of deep exclamation understating the underlying meaning behind her words. It was their second apperance in an official gathering but for Bar, it was his first time.

The goblins took their seat. A long line of curious stares followed them.

Harry pulled out a seat for Ivar to sit on. Like usual, he was being treated like a....ahem.

While doing so the twins sent a deathly glare towards those annoying pests.

For a split second everybody averted their eyes. But very soon they steered back to the same curious place.

It was when everybody were finally seated that they could finally see the curtain fall off the mysterious sixth member of the Goblin family.

Even the dwarfs were curiously gazing at the new star of the event.


Everybody controlled their gasps from falling out.

The star of the event was somehow beyond their expectations.

His skin was pale. It was a strange shade of green, light, and smooth, the glow of his face was beautiful. Dressed in shades of blue clothes, a shawl draped around his arms, the attire was simple yet classic at the same time. Plump glossy lips, curving eyes, sharp and beautiful, covered by long lashes curving upwards. His eyes were a mesmerizing clour, like sparkling jewels and marbles. Even the colour of his hair was a strange shade of yellow, different from the other goblins. A long hair of yellow falling upto his hips, small thin braids from both sides, with a thick braid straying from near his ear down to his body, a strange sparkling accesory holding it at the end.

His appearance was ethereal. He was an exotic beauty. A one of a kind.

Even the prince of angels, Prince Jes was intrigued by the apperance of this unique goblin.

Ivar was unfazed by the states being directed at him. He was secretly scanning the surrounding as if looking for something.

"Partner, everyone is oggling at you." Nulis commented on how everybody was sending states of interest towards his host. Well, it was expected to be like this. His host's appearance was rather exotic. It was bound to garner the interests of those who looked at him.

During the entire celebration the mood of those attending were rather complicated. Jude and Joel couldn't stop themselves from clicking their tongues with irritation. Harry was sending threatening bussiness smile to the people from mother planet. Maria and Peter were sitting together, their hands twitching from time to time.

Meanwhile the humans were shamelessly peeking at a certain direction.

Even queen Sill, was observing the new member of the goblins. Perhaps he could be used as a weakness to those annoying nemesis of theirs.

"Hm. Interesting." Jes could feel the overwhelming aura of the Goblin beauty from a far. He could perceive the mighty power that exotic Goblin held. What's more eye-catching was the pressure radiating from that fragile, slender figure. The grace that tiny youngster held was something he had never seen before. Not even his younger self held that much pressure or power the beautiful Goblin boy had.

It was amidst this tension that everyone failed to notice the addition of another person.


A loud voice interrupted the enitre arena.

Ivar felt his soul tremble just like that day six years ago. That feeling of penetration in his soul, it was very profound.


Everyone were surprised. Bar? So that was his name.

"Bar! I missed you." A figure flew past everybody, appearing before Ivar in a split second.

Guang Wang Lei stared at his kitty, observing him from head to toe.

Ivar frowned staring at him. His eyes held no signs of familiarity with this intruding person.

"....Who are you?" He spoke.

Surely, Guang Wang Lei's pupils were shaken up. His body tensed up, shocked by those words.