
For a second he thought he had heard it wrong. So he called for him again.


Ivar frowned, staring at him with cold eyes. "Please don't call my name as if you know me. Who are you? I don't know you."

Those cold eyes gazing at him.....

Harry blocked his little brother's view, shielding him from that suspicious man. That man had silky green hair. His hair was tied loosely, with a pair of red eyes piercing at their youngest brother, that suspicious person was leering at their Bar. Judging from his ears Harry knew that this person was a fairy. But...

He have never seen or heard of anyone with such appearance.

"Who are you? How do you know our Bar?"

Our Bar? Guang Wang Lei glared at the person who just spoke. It was a a young man. He was a Goblin. His eyes noticed the subtle movement of that young man's hand falling onto his Kitty's shoulder. His eyes flashed with immense dislike.

"Put your hand away from him. Don't you dare touch my kitty!" He threatened.

"You! What did you just say?" Harry snarled back at him.

"Brother, let's just gouge out his eyes for daring to lay his eyes on our baby chan!" The twins got up as well, their bodies rising with a menacing aura.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Hm. Interesting!" Jes observed the scene with deep interest. His eyes fell on the beautiful Goblin prince called Bar, who was disregarding the unknown guy.

Does he really don't know or is he pretending not to know him? It was hard to tell.

The onlookers murmured to themselves in low voices. Even king Rhiem was tensed up with this sudden threatening development playing out of nowhere.

Amidst this tension everyone failed to notice the face of the fairy queen who was amongst the onlookers. Her face was twisting with horror, the fear obvious in her eyes as she stared at the man who was the centre of the ruckus. Her lips trembled realising the identity of that man.

Maria and Peter stood up as well. Their eyes were narrowing at that strange man calling their son's name affectionately. Their Bar had never associated himself with outside world so there was no chance of them knowing each other. How dare he! How dare he look at their darling son with such lustful eyes!

The Goblin family was warming up for a battle.

"Bar, I am sorry. I know I should have come sooner but when I ordered them to send you a letter I had no idea that it would take so much time for me..... Bar...."

Guang Wang Lei looked at his angry kitty with pleading eyes, attempting to earn his attention.

Letter? Ivar snickered. He didn't get any though. Picking up a dish and tossing it in his mouth he replied while chewing. "I don't even know you and you are talking about sending me letters? I am a sheltered child so there is no way I know you."

"woah. So petty!" Nulis never knew his partner could be this childish when he was angry. Ivar knew no shame, lying without batting an eyelid.

"You heard baby chan, right? He does not know you. You are clearly a suspicious person. A fairy, at that. Surely it must be one of their shallow tricks!" Jude snickered at him.

While he was speaking Maria sent a death glare towards that annoying bitchy queen. If she dares to target her children she was going to kill her mercilessly.

Not good! Guang Wang Lei realised that he was in deep trouble. He had already delayed his time with Bar by six years and now this! He had realised at that moment that the letter he requested for was never sent. A murderous glint flashed through his eyes for a second. But this dire situation needed to be addressed first.

"Barr.... Li.."

"One more step and your head will fly off the ground."

Tsk. So annoying. So many people were in his way right now.

The next thing happened so fast that no one barely had time to react before the ordeal was already done.

Not even Ivar was spared of the surprise.

Big hands grabbed his waist. He was pulled into a rough embrace, his lower body being hauled up, draped within strong arms. A familiar scent flooded his nose as he was princess carried by the intruding fairy stranger.

"What the...." Ivar stopped when he felt his magnetic voice falling aganist his ear, whispering affectionately.

"I missed you so much Bar."

In a flash the two people disappeared from the spot.

This happened so fast that it took a few seconds for the people to register just what has unfolded.

Jes was startled by the boldness of that stranger. He unleashed his Holy vision to see the trails left by the teleportation but... His eyes were wide with surprise. There was no trace left by that person, almost as if he was gone from this world.

"Oh...there is another interesting person." He thought to himself. What's more fishy was the fact that the two people he found interesting somehow seemed to have a mysterious connection.

The temperature of the area dropped down to a minus. The freezing coldness mixed with an ominous aura of killing intent reeking from four bodies alerted the onlookers.

Four pair of lustrous eyes sparking with horrendous menace peering towards a certain direction sent shivers down the spines of those watching.

With bloodshot eyes, "Sill you bitch! Prepare yourself for your death!" Maria was a scary Goblin princess. Ever since she became a mother she had rarely engaged in any confrontation aganist her enemies. But the line was crossed.

Queen Sill was immediately alerted by her demonic glare. She stood up, taking a stance ready to fight back.

"The wrath of the Goblin princess is no joke! She is going to cause a terrifying rampage."

"The Goblin family have been driven to madness! Sigh. Sigh."

Their hairs were standing up inverted, the pair of marble like sparkling eyes were glowing with ferocious green auras. Sharp fangs snarling out of their mouth with their demi beast transformation overwhelming the grand celebration, they were ready to unleash their rage onto their nemesis right here and now.

The majestic sight of four enraged beastly goblins staring at the same prey made the crowd shudder with fear, making them tremble heavily.

Meanwhile somewhere else two people were teleported to a different place. A young handsome man was princess carrying another young beautiful boy in his arms.

As soon as they appeared there out of thin air the young boy jumped off the man's arms. But the other did not let him go. He pulled him back towards himself, enclosing him into a tight embrace.

"Let go! Let go!" Ivar whacked his fist at Guang Wang Lei's back, with all his might. His mood was so disturbed that he was channeling his mana energy into every hit he landed on the exposed back, or perhaps he was doing it intentionally.

"Babe. Listen to me." Guang Wang Lei was hella persistent. "I am sorry that I came too late. It is all my fault!" His tone of speaking was rushed as if he was in a hurry to explain himself. "It took me a while to trace down this world and when I came here I didn't have a form. So I had to make a human body for myself. And while doing so I didn't realised that I had time outrunning me."

Ivar heard him but he still didn't stop punching Guang Wang Lei. He trashes around trying to get out of his tight embrace.

"You. Let go!" He kept shouting, attempting to out some distance between them.

Guang Wang Lei was at such a loss. His kitty was not only hissing at him but was also scratching his back like an angry kitten clawing at him with all his might.

What to do? His babe is so angry at him.

He pulled the courage to face Bar's angered face.


Hitting him lightly on the forehead Guang Wang Lei stared into his angry Kitty's eyes. His eyes were red with anger. Guang Wang Lei could see it, that he had made him wait restlessly.

"Hey! I missed you."

Ivar averted his eyes. He was still huffing angrily, his breathing breaking into fragments. This was the first time he has been worked up so much over something.

He felt his chin being grabbed gently. Steering them into the right place Guang Wang Lei smiled at Ivar, his eyes drippling with sweet affection. "Bar. I love you."

Ivar gazed into his sweet, warm eyes. They were looking at him with such sincerity.


Don't melt!


Ivar felt a feather like kiss fall on his lips. It was quick, and their lips touched just for a split second. But the sweetness radiating from Guang Wang Lei's lips to his made his soul waver.


"Bar. I love you, Bar."

Guang Wang Lei kept whispering the same sentence over and over again, sneaking in pecks of kisses from time to time.

Everytime Ivar was kissed he felt his body tremble, his soul drippling with sweetness. His eyes became moist, the redness in them dissipating and instead replaced by an irrevocable look of addiction, drowning in an inexplicable sweetness.

"~Hng~" He whimpered under the pampering feather like kisses falling onto his lips.

By this time he had yet to realise that Guang Wang Lei has successfully coaxed him back.

Guang Wang Lei desperately held in the smirk that was threatening to fall out of his lips. He stared at his kitty, who was staring back at him with misty eyes. So cute! He was just like a cat purring at its owner after having thrown its tantrum, being coaxed by them. This gave him the courage to do his next move.

He smacked his lips at Ivar's. Sliding his tongue inside his mouth he plunged deep inside Ivar, licking every nook and crane of his mouth. While doing so he changed the kissing angle from time to time, gnawing at Ivar's moist lips drippling with his saliva, licking them, sucking onto them then he would push his tongue inside to plunder Ivar's pretty little mouth.

Squelch. Squelch.


Wet sounds of kissing filled the silent area.


Ivar moaned at the intensity of the kiss being delivered to him. So sweet. It was so intoxicatingly sweet. This feeling of his soul being electrified by the kiss made his body tremble with heat, his body temperature rising up rapidly.

He felt Guang Wang Lei's tongue licking his teeth, his own tongue, the inner walls inside his mouth was not spared. It was as if a living organism was squirming inside his mouth, stirring it up. At times Guang Wang Lei pulled out his tongue from him, then he would gnaw at his lips from the outside, sucking them provocatively before sliding his tongue inside him again. Wet saliva was starting to gather at the corner of his mouth, ready to drip down.

He then felt something slide inside his clothes. It was a hand. The hand touched his back, four fingers of the hand slid up his bare skin, sending electrifying shivers allover his body.

"~Fuah~...." Ivar let out a moaning gasp when he felt his lips being freed. His tongue was sticking out of his mouth as if it was about to fall out, the slick pink tongue of his drenched in his own saliva mixed with Guang Wang Lei's. He gazed at the overbearing kisser with cloudy eyes.

"Ah..." Guang Wang Lei feasted upon his kitty's sexy expression. His eyes misty with pleasure, his lips and tongue drenched in their saliva....the soft and supple skin against his hand...all of these was enough to send his heart to a frenzy. He bent down and licked Ivar's lips, licking off the saliva. Then he proceeded to lick Ivar's tongue, getting rid of the excess saliva sticking to it by chugging it down.

He used his other hand to stroke Ivar's hair.

"Am I forgiven?" He knew when to strike.

Ivar was still recovering from the drowsy kiss he had just had.


Placing a sweet kiss on his forehead Guang Wang Lei repeated himself.

"Am I forgiven, Bar?"

"....." Ivar snuggled himself closer to Guang wang Lei's chest. He let out a low whimper.

The other person chuckled hugging him back.

Ivar clenched his palm, encircling them around the broad back embracing him.

His cheeks were tinted with a light blush.

"I wasn't angry with you to begin with." He spoke in a low voice.

Turning his head up to face Guang Wang Lei he spoke, "I was just disappointed with you. You didn't come to find me even after you came here."

Figured! Nulis commented in silence. Guang Wang Lei did not knew. Only Nulis knew because he saw it.

He saw his partner, Ivar, sitting up on the bed in the middle of the night, whispering to himself saying:

"Did he give up on me?"

"Guang Wang Lei you liar! You big fat liar!"

"Did he just ditch me?"

"After spouting all those nonsense you gave up so easily."


"Did he really give up on me?"

That happened for the entire six years.

The system never knew that Ivar could be so dramatic. But because he had seen it he knew that his partner was indeed disappointed with Guang Wang Lei for not coming to se him sooner.

And well, his anger was justified given that Ivar was beginning to connect with another person other than Nulis for the first time in his enitre life.

Specially after going through something so tragic Ivar had it in him to give Guang Wang Lei a chance.

So Nulis was on his partner's side. And he even wanted to let Guang Wang Lei's punishment drag on for a longer period.


Since he got to witness a juicy, hot, steamy kiss.....and Ivar's hissing and scratching...well....


The system squealed to himself, recalling the two people kiss the soul out of themselves.

More... I want more. This system wants more!