Emperor Wang. The whole world knew him. He was the infamous emperor who dethroned his father at the young age of twenty, seven years ago, dyeing the imperial palace of Da Lao kingdom with blood. He was the cold, ruthless man who had put an end to the late emperor's tyranny, not even sparing the empress and the officials who had their hand on corrupting the kingdom. In normal cases someone like him would be seen as a war hero who have saved the kingdom but the ruthlessness of emperor Wang and his thrist for bloodlust made it impossible, instead gave him the nickname of the bloodthirsty emperor. Rumour has that he didn't even blink his eye before beheading someone with his sword. Staying in his own majestic palace alone, without any concubines or any wife, the palace of the emperor was rumoured to be dyed in red, smelly blood almost every night, as he killed off the servants working in his palace to quench his bloodthirst.

But now the same man rumoured to be the devil was smiling brightly hugging the academy's cold beauty, both of them staring lovingly at each other, with their eyes leaking honey.


"!!!" The crowd was stupified to see the bloody emperor giggle like a teenager, his eyes locked onto Sheng Yan. What's more shocking was how Sheng Yan was also giggling like a little kid as he hugged the taller man.

"Geez....why are you laughing like an idiot?" Ivar chuckled, his face lighting up visibly. As he spoke he tilted his head upwards, ogling at Wang Lei.

"Because I am happy to be with you."

Ivar tiptoed on his toes. At the same time he pulled Wang Lei down a bit by his shoulder.


Ivar immediately kissed the other person on the cheek. His white teeth were showing through his parted lips as he smiled happily. "Mee too! I am also very happy."

"Hng!" Guang Wang Lei could barely contain the urge to carry his kitty in his arms, kissing him out of breath as he would carry him through the crowd.

Ivar was very happy to see his man. Guang Wang Lei was blushing upto his ears, the tip of it tinted with a light blush. He forgot about all the bad things he was planning. Now that this person was before him he was going to spend as much time as possible with Wang Lei and be happy with him. Back then Ivar thought that no matter how hard this person might grow on him he thought that he would inevitably end up choosing his revenge over Wang Lei. But now....he finally got his answer.

"Lets be happy."

He whispered to Wang Lei. He interwined their hands together, clasping them with a grip, as if unwilling to let it go.

Guang Wang Lei was very happy to see his kitty purr at him so lovingly. He bent down to kiss him on the forehead.

*Kiss* "We will."

The crowd was shocked speechless as the two people disregarded their presence as if they were dust particles in the air. The two people kept glancing at each other as they left, their hands tightly joined together, even the atmosphere around them was oozing with blooming spring.

"Oh my gosh!"

What the hell did they see?

No one could comprehend it. Not even in their dreams.


"Huff...huff.....Xiao Ming!" Her eyes widened when she saw her son stare down at her with cold, ruthless eyes. The blade in his hand was shining with a lustrous glint, its tip leaking with a cold aura. The hilt of the sword had a red dragon imprinted on it, a pink flower keychain attached to it.

Then the tip of the blade slightly moved.

"Son! Why are you doing this to me! I am your mother!"

She knew that this was a dream. The nightmare that haunts her almost every night.

Her eyes were red from the tears she had shed, her voice was coarse from all the shout. Her body was in pain, because of the wounds on her body. Even through the clothes she could feel the wound. With a heart-wrenching appearance she kept shouting at her son.

"Xiao Ming! Why?"

Her son snickered at her. His eyes were curving up as if he was seeing the greatest amusement in her current condition.

Then he said these dreadful words:

"Don't make me laugh! You are not my mother! If you were you wouldn't try to harm my person! You are nothing but a cold, pathetic woman who have been trying to use me for your selfish purpose of coveting the throne! How can you call yourself a mother after trying to harm my person?"

She widened her eyes with shock. Her eyes steered towards the shadow next to her son. It was a young boy. Although she couldn't make out his face properly she knew that this person was extremely beautiful. She did not knew this person!

"Who are you! Who are you speak!"


A loud slap fell on her cheek making her scream in pain. To her surprise the hand that hit her was her son's.

"AHHHHH...Xiao Ming how could you hit your mother!"

Her son let out a menacing laughter. His crooked eyes slanted towards her, his death glare falling on her exposed nape.

"Mother! You tried to harm my person. The only punishment for trying to do so is your death!"


The sword on his hand moved. It slashed towards the powerless woman dressed in red.


A pair of eyes flung wide open. She was sweating profoundly, the heartbeat against her chest palpitating as if it was about to jump out of her chest. Cough. Cough. She choked on her breath, struggling to inhale and exhale.

"H....huff.....huff....." Calm down. "It was just a dream....gulp."

Empress Ming hit her chest trying to keep her composure still. She has been having these nightmares every night. Initially it started with a very short dream with a brief moment of her watching her own death unfold but now...the details was getting more and more vivid, as if foretelling her something. The way Xiao Ming looked at her, the way that sword fell on her....the way the details were so vivid.....

"No!" She shook her head. A dream was just a dream and so was a nightmare. " can't be! Xiao Ming doesn't even possess that kind of sword! Its just a dream!" She tried to reason herself back to calmness. But the nightmare remained in her mind as she was unable to shake it off. The awful feeling of something unsettling sitting in her heart made it impossible for her to fully ignore it.

She had no idea that a big shock awaited her in the next few days.

"We won't be staying here for too long."

It was Ivar who spoke. He was sleeping on the bed with his man lying by his side. Wang Lei was playing with his hair, he even kissed the long strands of his hair from time to time. When he spoke Guang Wang Lei looked at him. He did not ask anything and instead hugged his kitty.

"Doesn't matter. So long as we are together." As he said this he kissed his babe on the head. He noticed his lover look up at him.

Ivar stretched his hand placing them on Wang Lei's lips. Rubbing them with his fingers he moved his hand to touch the cheeks of the taller man. His eyes lingered around Wang Lei's face.

"I had a lovely family."

Guang Wang Lei heard his kitty speak. As soon as he heard him speak his eyes became serious.

"Tell me more." Although serious his hands were playful as they rolled the light blue strands of hair in his fingers.

"They were my foster parents. I was abandoned as an infant, left to die by my blood parent. But they saved me and raised me as their child. They gave me a place to call home, showered me with so much love that I was the happiest child in the world, they gave me a wonderful name, a lovely child who treated me like his real brother and a sweet sweet baby angel. They gave me everything I needed and I couldn't be happier more than I was.

My family was not rich but we found happiness in our company."

Guang Wang Lei felt his heart being squeezed painfully. He watched as his babe struggled to keep his composure. He took his hand and kissed it. With a slight smile he exclaimed.

"You were deeply loved."

Ivar chuckled lightly. "Right. I was loved so much by my family." He took a deep breathe in before continuing. "The world I was born took them away from me. One by one. First it was my father and my brother. was my mother. And Bella..... In the end I was left with nothing...but a raging hatred towards the world, towards the demons and towards"

"Hey....take it easy babe." Wang Lei caressed his Kitty's back, trying to comfort him. The shackles that kept binding his lover now he knew the cruel side of his story. Like sharp thorns those shackles binding him kept him enclosed, trapped in his own world, keeping everyone at bay. The wounds inflicted on him were much deeper than what Guang Wang Lei himself had went through in his past.

Opening up about himself was a good thing because it was going to be his Bar's first step to step out of the walls he has built around him...but the steps he needed to take can be little, one step at a was okay to take things easy after all Guang Wang Lei could wait for as long as he could.

Ivar whimpered a bit. He felt so comfortable and squishy when embraced by these strong, masculine, sweet arms. He shook his head. Pausing for a bit he snuggled into Wang Lei's chest closer.

"This belongs to the same god who created me. When I first spoke to her she said that she wanted me dead.....She admitted that she was the one who staged my family's death one by one...."

Guang Wang Lei heard his kitty continue. When he heard the details of his babe's story he frowned. These gods really knew how to toy with souls. The power of the shackles that their legacy bore was always biased towards the sons and daughters of fates. The rest of the people were just tools to satiate the protagonist's halo, shimmering them with their blessings. Even he himself as well as his parents were a victim of those shackles. The only difference in his case was that the god who created him had a reason for creating him.

He heard his kitty telling him about his original world and his story of how he was forced to bind with a system when he almost destroyed that world and how he had to travel to different worlds and how those gods were trying to kill them both.

"Nulis. That's his name for now. We still don't know his real name yet."

The presence of the system was alway on Wang Lei's radar. He always thought that the system was forcing Bar but now he knew that the system called Nulis was yet another victim. Guang Wang Lei was very patient, giving Ivar to go at his own pace as he continued to tell him about his past.

"I am going to destroy this world."

At the end of everything Ivar was going to stick to his revenge and destroy this world. He was finally going to do it!

Guang Wang Lei felt his anger rise too. But he kept his killing intent sealed off. An amusing ploy flashed across his mind. He was going to find that God and kill her for good. It was easy for him to trace those gods, afterall he had been to that side of the world before. But for now...he was going to focus on his lover.

"Let's do it together."

Ivar blinked his eyes at Wang Lei. "I have already prepared most of the stages. Now all there is left is for the eggs to hatch. If I need any help from you I will ask."

Fair enough. Guang Wang Lei was aware of his Kitty's potential. If he said that he was enough to destroy this world it meant that he had the power to do so. And if he needed help, he was going to ask it from him. Guang Wang Lei wanted to give him the space he needed for his revenge. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't act behind the shadows. As long as he wasn't caught it was going to be okay.

"Okay. But promise me you will not hesitate to ask me for help when you need it."

Ivar nod his head as he replied. "I promise. Afterall, I have no one but you by my side."

"That's right. I am all yours, babe."

Nulis, the pervy system watched as his partner and Guang Wang Lei snuggled themselves to sleep. They didn't even kiss or did any H stuff this night. All they did was talk about Ivar's past and Wang Lei's. They held their hands tightly, enclosed in each other's embrace, their fingers stroking their heads, gently as they fell asleep. It wasn't as if they had an intimate night yet the level of intimacy their closeness brought was something that made the system dizzy with immense fullness and satisfaction. This night was so beautiful and the most fulfilling moment he had ever witnessed between his partner and Guang Wang Lei.

"Sigh. Huwaahhh..... Their connection is so beautiful. Sniff. Sniff. Papa is so proud of you both!" If Nulis were a human he would be blowing his nose right now.

Thinking of that...

The main mission board of this world was rippling with money right now.

All of Sheng Yan's wishes were almost fulfilled by now. So the piggy bank was piling up really fast.

Heh! Very soon he was going to afford the lowest level of solid body. It was nothing compared to a human host but he would be able to move out of his host's soul, and would be able to wander through the streets of the worlds they visit.

He couldn't wait to explore the streets of this world and eat lots and lots of delicious things.....