A week went by.

During this time a lot has happened.

From what Ivar had heard the student who was involved in the previous incident with Lord Mao, who started the ruckus first was expelled from the school. He was kicked out of the school because he had been hiding illegal herbs in his bag stolen from the academy's greenhouse. Of course this was obviously a ploy staged by those bastards. People began to gossip more about this incident and the previous ones as well, seeds of doubts beginning to rise in their hearts. Although their mouths shrugged it off as a coincidence but behind close doors they were gossiping about it.

Since they loved staging people into things they have never committed Ivar was going to stage the perfect ploy for those bastards including that white lotus for something they always do in the bedroom. This was going to be the last string in tarnishing Yue Ling's pure image and his reputation.

"Partner, General Xian and Yue Ling has met. They are currently banging each other in a narrow alley down the street."

Ivar heard the system say. Everything was going smoothly. Even the banquet where he would set his remaining plans into motion was approaching. The banquet where all the current emperors as well as the princes of the fifteen kingdoms would attend was going to be held in a few days. There he was going to end all his preparations. Thinking so his attention was brought back to the person seated next to Wang Lei.

Ivar stared at the man with keen eyes, his gaze a bit chilling.

"Babe." Guang Wang Lei called him out.

Ivar moved his eyes to his lover. Upon seeing him he could tell the man was riled up for some reason. He saw Wang Lei pout as he walked over to him. Siting down next to Ivar he squeezed their hands together.

"Priest Du. Meet my lover." Gaung Wang Lei spoke proudly, huffing his chest out as he gave his kitty a light peck on the cheek.

"Pffttt....." Ivar let out a light giggle, his voice sounding melodious. The cold look on his face was replaced by a very bright smile, his beautiful persona felt like that of a living fairy.

"~Wang Lei!!~."

"~yes babe~"

Priest Du, who was sitting across them closed his eyes. He couldn't handle how his king was flirting with another person, the bloodlust in his eyes replaced by an indulging, affectionate gaze, directed towards a ger, who was of unparalleled beauty. He had heard of the name Sheng Yan before. The Zheng kingdom's most beautiful man. His beauty was renowned across the kingdom, ranking second in appearance. What's more intriguing was that the beauty who took the first place from the ger before him was also in this same kingdom. Yue Ling, the most beautiful man in the world. That's what the rumours said about him. However now that he was witnessing Sheng Yan's appearance he couldn't even imagine how the ger called Yue Ling would look like. Sheng Yan was already extraordinarily beautiful in his eyes.

Cough. Cough.

"Emperor Wang I hope you haven't forgotten that we have a banquet to attend in a few days."

Without moving his eyes to look at him, "Yes I remember. We will be attending it together." He replied looking into his Kitty's curving eyes.

Hah! Prest Du sighed inwardly. His emperor is so hopeless. Now he wasn't even looking at him while replying.

"Then I will take my leave." He stood up and walked away. He felt like he was interrupting the two.

After he walked away Guang Wang Lei smooched Ivar over and over, pecking him on the lips playfully, sometimes sticking in his tongue and sometimes kissing Ivar's face.

With a laugh, "You are acting as if you are going to eat me up. Am I that sweet?" Saying this he put his chin on Wang Lei's shoulders. His eyebrows arching up in amusement.

Guang Wang Lei could feel his heart race. "So cute!" He said this out aloud. Pulling him onto his lap he smacked those red lips, kissing him as if he was about to gobble it up.

"So sweet! Babe you are sweeter than honey!" It made him want to lick his babe all over.

They flirted for a while before going down to serious business.

"What do you plan to do with that priest?" Ivar had told him to summon Priest Du because he had plans on that guy so Guang Wang Lei did as he said. That priest was a kin of this body. They were cousins. From the body's memories they seemed to get along well.

Ivar had a charming smile on his face as he answered his lover's question. "I am going to use him to kill a few of those sons of fate."

In the original world, Priest Du was one of the love interests of Yue Ling. He was described as a pure, righteous, upright man with strong moral views who believed in the existence of almighty God, a servant to the temple. Moreover he had the gift of vision bestowed on him. This priest Du was a keen servant of the god to the point that he would erase those who he deemed as a threat to the peace of the world going as far as to sending

assassinations to get rid of those possible threats. In the book he fell for Yue Ling so hard that he ended up throwing away his faith, killed the emperor and became the next emperor of Da Lao kingdom. All of this was just for Yue Ling.

Ivar was going to bet on this priest's righteous character and his dark devotion towards the god as well as his role as a messenger of God. His character as written in the book and his character as a person was obviously going to differ and given that he hasn't met Yue Ling yet it was going to be easy to twist his impression of Yue Ling and the other princes as well.

His faith on God was going to be the key to twisting his fate as a potential love interest. For this to happen, first of all today's stage had to be successfull.

Guang Wang Lei could see the wicked glint in his Kitty's eyes, just like a beastly wild cat ready to snap their prey into two his kitty was also locking his eyes on his preys. One by one. He kissed Ivar's fingers one by one. Licking them lightly.

Ivar softened his eyes. His revenge was not going to get in his way with Guang Wang Lei. His time with him wasn't going to be affected by his revenge in anyway. Afterall they have promised to be happy together.

Meanwhile in the academy his plans were already set in motion.

In a room the sound of a person moaning could be heard. The voice moaning sounded sweet, the arousal of the person obvious to anyone who would hear his moaning voice.

" deeper...moree...." The moaning person kept begging for more. When he demanded he felt the long, hard thing penetrating him go harder and deeper into his ass. His misty eyes looked at the four men licking him. One of them was thursting his dick inside his ass, stirring up his inside. The other was playing with his nipples, licking them with his tongue, sucking on them. Meanwhile the other was kissing his lips. The hand of the fourth person was pleasuring him down there, rubbing his cock.

"Yue Ling babe...your insides are squeezing so tightly around me. I am going to fill your insides with my cum...hng..." The one thrusting inside his ass moaned as he let out his cum inside.

Yue Ling moaned. "Lord Xiao.....hng.....ahh...Lord Xiao....."

Xiao Ming pulled out his length from inside. He moved to the side. The person standing to him took over. Positioning himself against the entrance he began to thrust inside.

"Ahh...Lord me more....." Yue Ling moaned when he felt him enter inside. He steered his eyes to the side. "Lord Mu....." His eyes watered as he moved his head closer. Opening his mouth he took Lord Mu's erect dick inside, sucking on them. They loved him so much that he felt like doing this with them all the time. It made Yue Ling feel as if he was the most luckiest man in the world being loved by such handsome, powerful princes.

The group continued to do their thing.

"Lord Chen....please come inside too.... I want you to be inside me....both of you....."


The princes swallowed heavily. They were so turned on by Yue Ling's current stage. He was drenched in cum. Their cum. Lord Chen pushed through the hole that was already taking Lord Mu's length inside him.

While doing so Lord Chen slanted his eyes towards Lord Mu. He wanted only him to be inside Yue Ling.

Double penetrating Yue Ling had become a normal routine for them so the hole took them in both without much trouble. At the same time Xiao Ming was kissing the swollen nipples decorating his bare chest with love marks. Yue ling noticed that Lord Jing was absent minded at the moment. His eyes looked out of focus..

"Lord Jing please look at me...." Yue Ling moaned as he began sucking him off.

All of them were his!

Lord Jing made a troubled expression but in the end he gave in to the pleasure he was being given by his love's tight mouth.

They were so engrossed in fucking Yue Ling that they didn't realise a bizzare thing. The communication screen above the wall have been turned on since a few minutes already.

The group had no idea that their steamy session was being broadcasted on the school's communication crystal.

"Oh my god!"


"What the hell!"

"Is that Yue Ling our angel....being...."

"Oh my god look at that...he is taking in two...."

The scene was so disgusting that some of them even threw up at after glancing on the screen.

"Oh god....that is our angel right?"

Their angel, Yue Ling was giving head to Lord Jing while taking in Lord Mu and Lord Chen inside his hole and even Lord Xiao was.... The sight of it was so disgusting. They could clearly see everything being displayed in the screen. His body drenched in white liquid, the cum leaking from his hole down to the floor.....

However the most outrageous of all was the fact that the place where they were doing this disgusting sex stuff was...

It was the Holy Room of the academy's founder!

It was an outrageous act to do that kind of disgusting activity in that holy room.

The group was still unaware of this as they kept banging Yue Ling taking turn after turn. It was as if they were bitches in heat. They were so into it.


The sound of the door pushed open with a loud sound was heard.

This was when the group finally reacted. They froze on spot. Hurriedly they covered Yue Ling from their sight.

Too bad they had seen it all.

A group of people along with some teacher were standing through the door. The head master of rhe academy had bloodshot eyes as he walked inside followed by some teacher.


The head master yelled at them.

Yue Ling was still aroused. He moaned a bit and breathed heavily, his cheeks flushed red as he stared at the crowd with misty eyes.

"Oh my god....He has no shame...."

"I never thought that....."

"Look at their clothes drenched in semen...."

Everyone began to whisper.

The head master was very angry. "Xiao Ming!" He shouted at the top of his lung. "I did not give you the key to this room so you could sully this place with such disgusting act.....don't tell me you have been doing this everytime you asked the key from me to clean up this place!!??!! Answer me now!"

The four princes covered Yue Ling with their clothes. Xiao Ming carried him in his arms. He did not reply to the headmaster. Ignoring the questions being thrown at him he and the other three princes walked through the door, only with their pants on.

The head master kept yelling at them from behind. The crowd began to whisper more as they saw the group of men walk away without paying them any attention.

This incident spread like wildfire across the kingdom and even beyond to the other places as well. Where there were people a big incident such as this was bound to spread very fast.

The world's most beautiful man was having an ambiguous relationship with four men at once, even having a gang bang at the academy's holy room, tarnishing the purity of the institution, even ignoring the academy rules, going as far as to use their family's power to keep everything under the warps. More and more rumours began to spread regarding the person called Yue Ling, questioning his character as his worth as a ger.

For the people who have heard that he was purer and holier than any was a great disappointment.

"Hmph!" Nulis scoffed at Yue Ling. "Who told that bitch in heat to have sex in such open, random places. He even did it once with Lord Jing in the school cafeteria, in the school courtyard...and Xiao Ming and the rest of them even did him in the holy temple. Hmph! Ivar did not even have to drug them since they were all bitches in heat. All we did was show the world their dirty little secrets...."

With this Yue Ling's reputation was bound to be affected somehow.

During this time....

"Let the people of this world be known....the destruction of the fifteen kingdoms is near."

The voice kept speaking to him.

"He who is the fairest of all will bring forth a disaster onto this world....causing the destruction of this world....."

Images of the kingdoms going to war was in his vision. There he saw the princes of the kingdoms riding horses with armours covering them from head to toe, weapons held in their hands.

"He will bring catastrophe, ruining lives, causing innumerable deaths, accounting the downfall of the kingdoms...heed my words....."

The vision changed from warzone to a spacious room. A figure stood by the window of the room. The face of the figure was zoomed.

"He will end the world for the worst!"

With a low gasp he flung his eyes open. Sweat dripped down from his forehead to his chin. He took low breathes.

"That vision....the god is warning me." Priest Du uttered. He had never seen an ominous vision such as this. This was god's message to him. He chanted his prayers to his god.

"Boon my lord for giving me path to this vision."

The face of the figure the god showed him looked out of this world. It was a face that could cause the downfall of the world.