"Jesus calm down. Why are you so hysteric whenever it comes to this person?"

The black haired man snorted at his companion. He clicked his tongue helplessly. "Besides didn't you say that he might not remember you? If he lost his memories and he comes to know that the reason why he was punished was because of you, what if he will hate you or want to kill you?"

The tall man made a rather bitter expression as he replied. "Doesn't matter. If he ever hates me I will still gladly follow him and if he wants to kill me I will gladly die by his hands. His safety is all that matters."

The other person couldn't help but roll his eyes at his statement. "Jesus your story is even worse than Romeo and Juliet. Instead of dying by his hands just think of a way to stay by his side since you love him so much."

With a bland question mark, "What's Romeo and Juliet?"

"Its a love story of two fools I suppose. But don't worry I think you are even more foolish than them." Replied the black haired man.

The tall man glared at him. "Its because you have never fallen in love before. Once you fall for someone you will understand how it feels to give your everything to the person you love."

"Ah yes. Yes." It was indeed true. He have never fallen in love with someone other than his family before. For him his family has always been his first and foremost. They were his everything. Aside from them he have never felt any form of attraction towards another person before.

"So what now?"

Sigh. "I want to hurry up and reincarnate to my next life but I guess I will stick around for a little bit more. I am curious about this person so I would like to see him with my own hands at least once." The black haired man replied. His reincarnation could wait for a little bit. Afterall he was curious about his companion's Juliet.

The tall man didn't reject him. He scanned the enitre realm but couldn't find any traces of his person nor the Queen herself. He went silent for a while before finally reacting.

"Let's go. I think I know where to find her." He spoke.

The two figures disappeared from the realm. No one knew or were aware of their visit.



Prince Levi tried to cast a shield to stop the punches racking down on him but everytime he summoned a shield the barrier was shattered by the force of the enemy's overwhelming magicules. The bone crushing fists hit him on his face, causing his jaw to bleed heavily. The enitre face of this body was shattering under the crimson red mana that was eroding Levi's current body.

Cough. Cough. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Crackle. Crackle.

An abnormally powerful presence suddenly made Ivar's shoulders jolt up.

So they have succeeded. Levi thought to himself. Through his bloody vision he could see the gateway of the void opening in this world. The huge black shadow rapidly spread itself wider.


Ivar stared at the black thing on the sky. He threw away the boy in his hands. His entire attention was fixated on the strange thing on the sky.

"What in the world is that?" He uttered to himself.

The system did not knew either. Nulis was also staring at that thing. His senses were telling him that this black thing in the sky was bad news.

Ivar widened his eyes. He sprinted towards the direction where the black thing was perpendicular to the land. It was where Wang Lei was fighting those men in suits.

Crackle! Crackle!

The black hole in the sky was thundering like a roaring beast. From the hole shot down majestic lightning bolts down on the world. One strike of the bolt was more than enough to crush the ground to ashes, the particles of it turning black the moment the bolts touched the ground.

The momentum and the interval of the bolts grew more and more fierce. Ferocious black sparks were crackling from the black hole.

Ivar was horrified. His eyes were wide with horror as he increased his speed. Faster....Hurry. Faster. Faster.


The black hole let out a strange animalistic roar as if it was coming from a living beast.

The area falling under the vicinity of the black hole began to rumble heavily. The ground was shaking fiercely as the debris was being sucked up towards the black hole.

"!!!" Ivar was horrified at the scene before him. He have never seen anything like this before! What was that thing?

"WANG LEI!" He screamed as loudly as he could. "GUANG WANG LEI!!!!"

Crackle! Thunder!

The black hole let out a loud, deafening roar causing the air to clash with the gravity. The entire space nearby was falling apart due to the magnitude of the power oozing out from that hole in the sky above. The land as well as the atmosphere was distorting underneath this ominous pressure.

Ivar casted a layered shield around himself. But the surface of the shield was shattering. He multiplied the layers, intensifying the magicules in his shield. He saw the black particles of the black hole stretching out of its eyes, like elongated hands the black material of it smashed down onto the ground. The black material latched itself onto the ground.

The next thing happened so fast in a split second that Ivar couldn't even see what just unfolded.



The black material exploded ferociously, its particles covering the enitre expanse of the sky as well as the land below.

Ivar's vision was dampened by the black material. Everything around him turned black for moment as if the world was swallowed by the darkness.

When the world was finally cleared what met his eyes made him speechless of shock and horror.

His eyes widened, a feeling of complete helplessness made his spine heavy, as if he had lost all the strength on his knees he fell down onto the ground.

His eyes were wide, the pupils fluctuating intensely as he stared at the Hollow abyss before him. The was gone as if it never existed.


Thump! Thump!

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

The sound of his heart beat reverberating aganist his chest felt heavier than ever. It was as if his heart was about to pump out of his chest caused due to the horrible emotion he was feeling right now.

Ivar remained kneeling on the ground for a few minutes.....

No! That wasn't Wang Lei's real body. That's right. There was a chance of him being still alive.

That's right.

It was okay.

There was still a chance of him being safe.

Ivar's serene eyes changed. He needed to know....he needed a way to get to him.


Somebody....there must be somebody who knows where.....

His serene eyes froze. Wide eyed he stared at a certain direction. Raising his hand he clenched his fingers as if he was holding something.

Rumble. Rumble.

His body was leaking with a menacing aura.


The body of a young boy was yanked forward as he was being sucked towards his enemy.


Iron grip like fingers dug into Levi's neck, the nails digging into his skin causing him to bleed. The fingers clenching down on his nape tightened.


The sound of the neck bone being crushed was heard.

Levi frowned. He grunted because of the pain but compared to the wound on his neck the pair of eyes leering at him as if he was about to skin him alive made his soul tremble with an unknown fear. The rebel was looking at him with a look that caused him to stop breathing for a minute.

The rebel's eyes looked empty as if his eyes were devoid of any emotion. His round pupils were vertical at the moment. They were reeking a strange smell of mercilessness, the menace obvious in the look that this rebel was giving him.

"!!!" Levi was alarmed by the monstrous aura that was begining to rise from the rebel's body. It was as if the enitre essence of this world was being sucked into the rebel's body causing a sudden outbreak.

He was familiar with this scene. He have seen this happen before.

"Where did you send him to?"

Levi heard the dreadful rebel demand an answer from him in an authorative voice, as if there was no room for refusal.

When he did not answer he felt his head being smashed against the ground. The bitter taste of soil invaded his nose and mouth.

"Cough. Cough."

Blood spattered from his head.

"Tell me! Where did you send him to!!?!!"

The rebel yelled at him as he threw him like he was a ball.

As Levi felt his body being yanked with the friction he spat at his enemy.

"I am not obligated to" He had yet to finish his sentence when he felt something enter his body.


Cough. Cough.

Levi's vision was curtained by red thick liquid. He looked down to see the hand that had impaled through his body. The hand inside him twirled it's fingers. It grabbed one of his lung and pulled them out.


He let out a loud scream when he felt his internal organ being yanked out.

This is bad! He must leave. He thought to himself.

He saw the rebel grab his head. Squeezing them angrily he screamed asking him again.


Levi have never met someone who have ever wielded so much destructive force in their palm. The magicules seeping into his head was so strong that it was sucking away his holy powers. This crimson red mana was dangerous! No wonder the gods wanted this guy dead. If he were to evolve to a god the heaven will have to face the birth of another monster.

He frowned. That's it. He wasn't going to stay here any longer. Or his soul might sustain some damage.

Ivar noticed the lips of the boy move. His small hands twitched a bit.

"We have sent him to somewhere no one has ever returned from. Hopefully he also di....Aaahhhhhhhhhhhh...."

Ivar ruthlessly smashed the boy's head. The brain of the young boy spattered to pieces, the blood and the flesh of the human head rained down on the ground.

His lips were still trembling lightly. His heart was heavy with worry.

No! Wang Lei is strong! He will be all right!

That's right.

Wang Lei was strong. There was no way he was going to die just because of that thing earlier.

The more he comforted himself with this thought the more horrified he became dreading of the possibility....

Afterall no one was truely invincible in the face of death. Everybody dies someday. Even the trillion years stars burn to death someday.

His lower lashes were fanned by something heavy. The heavy thing trickled down from his lashes down to his cheeks.

"Wang Lei....Wang Lei.....Wang Lei..." Please be safe.

He couldn't stand this feeling. It was as if his world was becoming dark again.

"Ivar I will send you over to the next world. We need to leave."

He heard Nulis say.

Ivar bit into his lips. That's right. Nulis was also injured heavily. His hand tightened around his chest. Hitting his chest repeatedly he scooted down on his knees. The force against his chest intensified with every hit.


Ivar was crying. His eyes were drenched in tears.

The system went silent.

"N...Nulis....Wang Lei...He...."

The system was silent.

"Nulis." He called out again.

But there was no reply. Not even a single word.


He screamed again and again but Nulis did not reply.

Nulis...say something....or I feel like I have been left behind again....

Don't leave.

Don't leave me behind again.