

Transfer complete.

A computer voice rang in his mind.

He was in another world right now. Even though he have transferred to a new world he did not even want to open his eyes right now.

I am afraid.

What should I do?

I am so scared.

Through his closed eyes the tears kept falling out of his eyes wetting his lashes.


"Kitty kitty did you miss me?"

The husky voice of his handsome lover kept ringing in his ears, causing the trauma to relive in his memories.

"Ivar." His mother's voice calling out to him.

"Hey handsome, come on." His loud voice Cheering him up.

"Brother hurry up." The little boy running after him.

"Ibar..... I love you." Her angelic voice repeating to him.

All the happy memories of his past lives replayed themselves in his brain causing his body to go numb with sorrow. The most precious thing have been ripped away from him once again. And all he could do was watch just like those days when he was so helpless against the forces binding him. He had thought that he was stronger now but...he was weak. He was still so weak! So weak! He was still that damn weakling who couldn't protect his loved ones.

"Ugh....." He hated it. This feeling of helplessness and emptiness embracing him again... He was dying to fall into this despair he was feeling.



Even the person who would always wail and complain to him was not responding to him anymore. As if he had also left him.


Maybe he should just give in....


Maybe he should also just end his own life....


What was the point of living at this point? Wasn't he better off...


His body jolted up when he heard a cracking sound in his mind. His eyes flung wide open, the tears fanning his lashes caused the droplets to drench down his cheeks.

"Ivar.....It...s...m..." His hoarse voice spoke.

"Nulis!" He screamed out his voice for the system.


"Nulis answer me!" He kept yelling out aloud.

The voice was silent for a while. But it spoke again. "Can't....contr..ol... Need res...t."

Ivar noticed that Nulis's speech was becoming more rigid as if he was losing his ability to speech. His palms were sweating nervously. His eyes were still red because of the crying. He could feel his heart beat racing like it was about to fall out of his skin.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

His heartbeat was accelerating faster and faster.

"Nulis." Ivar screamed. "Talk to me."

His agitation was causing even his fingers to tremble as if someone was shaking them up.

"Ugh...." Nulis could barely speak right now. He was in coma mode. All he could do for now was hint some words to his partner. Ivar was smart. He would know what to do.

" Re...turn Heal. Ea..r..n poin..."

Ivar heard Nulis speak in a more vague manner. It was as if he wanted to tell him something but because of his strange way of speaking....the words were coming out in fragments. It was as if his speech was becoming more and more automatic making it sound more robotic with every word he uttered.

Okay. "Okay. I got it. Okay." Ivar muttered to himself. "So you will be in coma for days and you want me to rack up points, right?"

"ung....." The voice died down at the end of the last word.

Ivar waited for Nulis to speak but he did not respond.


The system did not respond.

"Nulis?" He kept calling his name but the system did not reply.


The soul has been frozen for the time being due to lack of soul potion.

These words flashed in Ivar's mind. He read the sentence carefully. He tried to operate the system and the computerised functions of it were working fine. Except that Nulis was dead right now. The soul was frozen meaning it was in coma.

Okay. He repeated to himself. "Okay. I got it."

Ivar went through the treasure shop of the system. He was the never the type to scroll through the system. Infact it was his first time operating it. His eyes were glued to the screen searching for the thing called "Soul Potion." He kept scrolling and scrolling down.


He found it!

Ivar read the Infromation written on the screen. He let out a heavy sigh. All right. He thought to himself. His heart was still heavy and sullen. But knowing Nulis wasn't dead eased his agony even by a little bit.

Ivar then swapped the data folder where the Infromation of the current world was stored.

For him to fulfill his responsibilty to Nulis he had to read the data first.

SUN OF THE LIARD. Read the name of the world.

This world was set in a fantasy world. The entire story setting revolved around a military academy. LIARD Of THE EAST. That was the name of the academy.

LIARD was a planet similar to earth. It was the replica of the planet itself, like a mirrored dimensional version of the planet Earth. The only difference that remained between the two was the existence and the practice of magic in LIARD unlike on earth.

Mages and the Military army.

These two were the clashing forces in LIARD. The mages were the anti-liard faction disrupting the peaceful coexistence of both the planets. They wanted world domination, dreaming of creating a new era ruled by mages alone.

A long long time ago when LIARD was created the land was blessed by gifted mages rulling the planet. But as time went by with the advancement of artificial mana manifestation the gifted were ruled out by the created. This caused great dissatisfaction amongst the mages and they began to revolt. Soon a war broke out. The two forces participating in the war were the mages and the military unit of the created mages, which was later given the name military army. The war ended with a devastating defeat of the gifted. They were overpowered by the never ending army of the created and were driven to a corner. In utter dissatisfaction the mages fled to the another world. They concealed themselves in the newly discovered planet, going into hiding for several centuries before rising again. The revolts of the mages caused the spark of yet another never ending conflict.

Amidst the never ending war dragging on for centuries a genius was born.

ANSEL DELLUN. This was the name of the genius who shifted the course of the war in favour of the military army.

At the young age of twelve he skyrocketed the hierarchy within the Liard of the east. In another four years he was already an S class commanding officer. At twenty he had won several battles, killing hundreds of anti-liard mages earning him a spot as one of the Twelve Demon Lords of the Liard, standing at the top of the rank in another few years.

"Pride of the Protectors." That was the name given to Ansel who was standing at the appex of the world. His beautiful blue hair fluttering in the wind as he would slay his enemies, the touch of the blood never tainting his ponytail, his emerald eyes glowing in the dark like a beast, waiting to rip off the necks of his enemy.

For the mages he was the reincarnation of the devil himself. Their plans were ruined by him over and over again and thanks to this man three of the anti-liard camps on earth was annihilated by this one single man. For the mages who were facing him he was like the "Son of Devil."

That was the son of fate of this world. Ansel Dellun. The war god of this raging world.

The wheels of fate began steering when the wargod who was on a mission stumbled across a little boy with a tremendous concentration of magic. The boy was a blessed. He was the only survivor of an attack initiated by the anti-liard faction. Ansel stretched his hand towards the little boy who was barely alive, his body thin and skinny as bones. The boy who had nowhere to go took his hand. And followed the wargod back to where he belonged. The academy.

Ansel enrolled him as a student there placing him under his wing. The boy had pale white hair. His skin was almost white like his hair. And his pair of red eyes highlighted his blessed origin.

"Your name will be Sorrel." His saviour blessed him with a name befitting his appearance.

Sorrel Inaha. Ever since that day the boy was a reborn person. He had a new name, a new place and a new identity for himself. Given by his rescuer. His hero.

As Sorrel remained in the camp his attachment towards Ansel grew stronger and stronger. He saw his hero as his everything. As expected his admiration as well his attachment grew into something stronger, shaping an even more stronger emotion.

"Love." "Adoration." Even these words were not deep enough to express the feeling Sorrel felt towards Ansel. For him who was saved by his hero, Ansel was his everything.

All would have been fine if he were to recieve the same amount of adoration he held for Ansel.

Until that day.

Holding a person in his arms, another boy of his same age, Ansel appeared before him one day. The child was like an older version of Sorrel himself. His body was all skin and bones, his cheekbones were crushing under his pair of blue eyes. Bruised body. Dirty clothes. Cocoon like muddy hair covered it brown. Even the dirt wasn't dark enough to hide the radiance of the golden strands of hair on the boy's head. Sorrel stared at the boy with wariness. The moment he saw him he was hit with this fearful feeling of having lost to this boy who have suddenly appeared before him.

This threat proved to become reality for him several years later.

Several years passed by. Both the young boys were grown up. Originating from similar background and faced with similar circumstances the two were always constantly compared by the others.

Both were rescued by the hero of the military army. Ansell. Both of them were brilliant magic wielders. They were blessed mages. One was a wielder of the destroyer while the other was a wielder of the lighter. Thanks to these two boys the academy had two rising stars in the attribute of fighting magic.

However between them one had to be the better one. The better one in their case was Aouli Lumoah.

He was the other son of fate of this world.

Aouli Lumoah was a wielder of ice magic, a lighter. A fighting attribute mage. Ice element magic was one of the rarest magic in the world. Even during the ancient times very few mages were blessed with ice magic. Coupled with his devastatingly handsome looks and his likeable personality he was always flocked around by people. He was the popular one in the academy. His magic was top notch. His looks were top notch and so was his easy going personality.

Compared to him Sorrel was like the darkness illuminating the bright sunshine.

Sorrel was an aloof person, a lone wolf in the academy. He had friends but only a few of them remained by his side because of his indifferent personality. Even though he had a very enchanting face his personality appeared gloomy in the eyes of those who saw and spoke to him. He was cold, uncaring, lacking the warmth and comforting presence Aouli possessed.

The drastic difference of treatment directed towards him when compared to Aouli never bothered Sorrel but everytime that person was involved his inferior complex cut deeper and deeper within him.

He began to believe more and more that he was indeed inferior to Aouli. Because he was never able to earn the affection of that person.

Unlike him Aouli had the attention of that person.

Dreading for himself he finally mustered all his courage to confess to that person. But what he got in return traumatized him for all his life.

"I will never see you in that way. Sorrel. You are like a younger brother to me."

After Ansel rejected Sorrel he sent him away to a different unit under his friend's command with the excuse of letting him gain experience in a totally different environment.

This broke Sorrel's heart. In the end he locked his feelings away from Ansel, never letting them resurface again because of the fear of being thrown away. But he never stopped loving him. Aside from this his inferior complex towards Aouli grew stronger and stronger resulting in a huge gap between the two when it came to capabilities. The rift cut deeper when Ansel and Aouli began became lovers.

What he couldn't do and couldn't have, Aouli had all of it. Unlike him, a weak, pathetic person who was all alone by himself Aouli was surrounded by people, embraced by Ansel and was rising to fame as a new star.

They were both individuals possessing similar capabilities as well as similar circumstances but in the end their lives diverged creating a huge difference between them.

One was bathing in the joy of fame, love and youth while the other was falling deeper and deeper in despair until he became nothing but just a by stander to the amazing story unfolding before him.

That was the stroy of Sorrel Inaha, who was once one of the two rising stars of the Liard.

The cannon fodder Inside which resides Ivar's soul.

And all his life was filled with nothing but regrets.