
1.Become strong.

2.Top the academy.

3.Make friends.

4.Never let Ansel find out about his feelings again.

Sorrel was traumatised after he was rejected by Ansel. Ever since then he regretted his decision of confessing every night, thinking if it was possible for him to go back in time and never confess to that person. If the confession never happened maybe he could have remained by Ansel's side just a a lovely young brother, being close to him and being happy just with that. If he had never confessed he wouldn't have been sent away from that person for two years. He should have been happy just with the little place he has in Ansel's life but because of his greed he was rejected and pushed away from his hero. For this reason Sorrel wished how he should have never let his feelings out in the surface and instead admire him from a far, adoring him in secret. For a cannon fodder with such a strong inferior complex towards the son of fate it was a miracle that Sorrel didn't become a villain bearing a grudge against Aouli.

Sorrel might not have been the brightest but he was definitely a person of good character.

Ivar let out a heavy sigh. He contemplated for a moment. Since he was inside Sorrel's body now the the fourth mission was already done. Because Ivar wasn't sorrel and he had no what so ever feelings for anyone except his man. The fourth mission could be said to be done the moment Ivar took over this body. However the thrid mission was rather difficult.

Making friends? How was he supposed to work that out when he had never ever had any friends before? Or maybe he did but he couldn't recall any at the moment. For Ivar to complete the third mission he would have to appeal to the people first before befriending anyone. Bonding with someone was the hardest thing for him.

Hm.....but he had to do this. He frowned. Perhaps this was going to be the first time when Ivar was going to act out of his character to appeal to those around him. It was going to be nerve wrecking of him.

As for the first and the second mission, Ivar was going to go all out. His current goal was also to become strong just like Sorrel so he was going to whip himself up as hard as he could. Naturally he was going to top the academy and fullfil all the missions. Not only would he top the academy, he also had other plans outside of the academy itself.

"Okay." I got it. Ivar thought to himself. First he was going to collect points to help Nulis recover. Once the system comes back to life he will think of a way to look for Wang Lei. Guang Wang Lei is strong. He was going to be fine. And even if something were to happen to him Ivar was going to think of another way.... If he were to be injured he will flip the world upside down to heal him....and if the case was the other way around he will risks his life to go down the forbidden path.


"Kitty kitty can I kiss you?"

The husky voice of his man kept playing in his mind.

Guang Wang Lei lying down next to his pillow, with his chin on his hand, his other arm resting on Ivar's cheek, caressing them lovingly, as he stroke his face, the fingers sliding down to his neck then to his hand as he bend over and smoother Ivar's lips with possesive kisses, their hands entwining together as they stared into each other's eyes, bathing in the presence of each other.

The memory of that handsome man kept appearing in his mind making his beautiful red eyes tear up again.

"Babe.....I am so happy."

"Sniff...." Ivar wiped away his tears. Crying here so helplessly wasn't going to get him anywhere. He has two people who needed him right now. The closest to him at the moment was Nulis. He must save his partner first before going to his Wang Lei. For a few worlds to come next he was going to do everything he can to stock up points to buy that expensive potion. Even if the cost was to behave out of his character he was going to do it anyway at any rate.

He closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself, mourning in silence.

When he opened them again they were as serene as the calm blue sky.


He was currently lying on a bed. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. The reflection of a young beautiful boy faced him. He had shimmering red eyes. His hair and skin were pale white. The appearance of the boy somehow looked a bit similar to Ivar's original face. Specially his red eyes. They were almost identical to his real self. He scooted near the mirror staring at himself.

Then he did the dreadful thing.

Parting his lips his white teeth were on display as the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a lovely smile except that the smile looked forceful, empty as if it lacked the warmth people had when they usually smile.

"Fuck." He cursed at himself. He looked like a clone. The smile was too terrible to even pass off as a fake smile. He tried to do it several times over and over again but each time the reflection of the beautiful boy smiled it caused him to frown harder.

Sigh. This was hard. He was now sure that he could never fake a smile. At this rate making friends was going to be the hardest out of the four missions.

Ivar went silent for a long time. His eyes drooped as he thought of something. As soon as the memory came his lips curved up to form a naturally bright smile, the smile so dazzling that it could blind those who were to see him. He tried this method over and over again.

This was going to work. He was going to make it work somehow. He thought to himself.

The sound of footsteps approached the door.

Knock. Knock.

"Sorrel, are you awake?" The voice of a female spoke. She was standing outside the door. Her face had a rather uncomfortable look as she was about to knock the door once again but before she could do so the door creak open.

"Yes. I am. Commander Hitty."

Her eyes were wide with shock when she heard the other person respond to her. She then looked at the other person.

"!!!" Her brain was buzzing with the highest level of alarm. Her eyes were about to pop out of her eye sockets when she saw the expression on Sorrel's face. She couldn't believe it. Her jaw was dropping down in shock and astonishment.

In a very serious tone she yelled at him.

" Yo...u, did you hit your head? Or are you drunk? No wait are you really Sorrel?"

"Commander Hitty. I am perfectly fine and I have never tasted alcohol in my enitre life." Replied Sorrel in a very pleasant voice.

She was in utter disbelief. "Ahhh...." She screamed clenching her own head. "Is it me who drank a lot last night? Right I must have hit my head Instead....Ahh..."

Her reaction was baffling to the other person.

After all who wouldn't freak out like her when they would see the colder than ice sorrel greeting her with a slight smile. The cold aloof Sorrel was smiling at her first thing in the morning. This was the biggest nightmare anyone could have, knowing the type of person sorrel really was.

Ivar could feel his face muscles twitch painfully. He kept applying the same method and everytime his method worked there would be a lovely smile blooming on his beautiful face.

Ivar was in a hurry. He was going to work into the missions right from this moment. At the very least he was going to complete them within a month. Because he needed to hurry up. He was tight on time.

"Uaaaghhh..." Hitty was almost going to faint from shock. Her eyes were literally about to fall out her eye sockets.

"Commander Hitty." She heard Sorrel speak to her.

"Thank you so much for looking out for me during these two years. I am very grateful to you." She saw the boy bend over bowing to her thankfully, with genuine thoughts, thanking her for looking after him all this time. He did not raise his upper body, bowing to her with utmost respect and gratefulness.

This scene made her feel as if she was bullying him. When faced with someone thanking her she was always weak to it. Cough. Cough.

She cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Raise your head Sorrel. Its only natural for me to look after people of my unit."

Ivar did as she said. He rise upfront. This woman in front of him was Hitty Lamer. The commanding officer of the unit where sorrel was sent to after being rejected by Ansel. She was the male lead's best friend. A person of great character. As well as one out of the three people who would checked on Sorrel's well being from time to time.

"Ahem. Anyway. Thank you to you too." She could only smile at this reckless boy before her. "For thanking me that is."

What a strange person. Ivar thought to himself. Nevertheless he still flashed her a smile of good will.

Pang! Her heart almost froze. Now that she was back to her normal self, that smile..... What a dangerous smile! It was even causing her to feel uneasy for some reason. It was as if the surrounding around this boy was lighting up with a halo, the air around him sparkling like glitters.

Gulp. "Woah...what a devastating smile! Geh! So bright!"

"Commander Hitty I believe we are heading back to the academy right?" Ivar asked her knowing what exactly was going on.

"Yes. The Festive tournament is finally here. All of the units will be returning to the academy to participate in the tournament."

Ivar had transmigrated to the time when Sorrel was returning to the academy after being apart from Ansel for two whole years. Two years ago Ansel had rejected Sorrel then he sent him over to Hitty's unit who were stationed to the west of Liard. Today they were going to travel back to Liard of the east. The academy was holding its yearly festive tournament where the students would enter the tournament and compete for the king of the year crown. The people placing under top 10 in this official tournament were going to participate in the upcoming mage extermination mission along with the ten demon lords of liard. So it was one of the biggest official events as the reward itself was a big deal.

This was the tournament where Ivar was going to set his other goals in motion.

When he walked out of the building there were a group of people waiting for him and the commander.

"Yo, Sorrel." A red haired man called out to him.

Ivar looked at him. He walked over to the red haired man as he greeted him back. "Good morning Lytch."

"Pfft....." Lytch spat out the water he was drinking at the moment. His eyeballs were about to fall off the ground as he stared at Sorrel in complete utter shock.

"You...can you repeat what you said again?" He couldn't believe what he just heard. Maybe his ears were ringing too much so he had heard it wrong.

Infact he was not the only one who had their eyes falling out of their sockets. Everyone who heard the Colder than ice King greet Lytch back were in utter state of shock and disbelief. Did they heard him wrong?

What they saw next made their soul leave their bodies because of the overwhelming shock before them.

Handing out a handkerchief to Lytch Sorrel calmly greeted him again. "I said good morning Lytch. Also your mouth is dripping with spilt water. Feel free to use this handkerchief."

Wide eyed the red haired replied in a state of astonishment. "Ah..? Ah.... Ah? Oho....Thanks. I will give it back to you after cleaning it."

"You are welcome." His face lit up considerably as he let out a rippling smile.

"!!!!" Avdkdbdkslsbdksvsksksbdksbdvdksb.

Everyone were shocked speechless. They rubbed their pair of eyes to check if they had seen it wrong. Some of them even slapped themselves to check if they were drunk or were dreaming. But the pain that hit them implied they were not drunk not were they dreaming.

Meaning the white haired boy smiling before them was real.

"S....Sorrel? Are...." Cracking up like a robot. "" Lytch's hoarse voice muttered as he approached Sorrel.

This reaction was inevitable. Ivar thought to himself. Sorrel was a really aloof person. He was a true lone wolf who have never shown any kind of expressive faces to those around him. Even Ansel wasn't an exception. Sure he adorned that guy but he have never smiled or laughed even in front of his hero. His lack of expressing himself earned him the title "colder than ice king." A befitting name for him who appeared like that in their eyes.

Lytch and Hitty were two out of the three people who actually cared for Sorrel even though they never got even a peck of reaction from the original in return while trying to initiate a conversation with him. The real Sorrel was very introverted. He was unexpressive and was awkward with words. Moreover his heart was closed off after being thrown away by Ansel. So even though he wanted to atleast greet them back he was never able to do so. Because of this the two actually thought they were being hated by him. Nevertheless this did not stop the three people to check onto Sorrel from time to time.

The mission board did not specify the number of friends he needed. Theoretically even Hitty and Lytch would suffice. From what Ivar could understand Sorrel wasn't a greedy person so even having a few friends was going to be more than enough. Befriending those who cared for you was very natural for anyone specially if it was someone like sorrel. So he was going to move right into it.

Too bad he didn't knew that his smile was too much to handle for the unit. The blinding halo around him was blinding them, making their jaws drop.