
The stadium ground was covered in ice in an instant.

"Ice wall!"

Two blue magic circles appeared above the ground. It drew out gigantic ice walls in the air, the chilling coldness of it was overflowing with Aouli's magic essence as it slammed down on its opponent letting out loud crushing sounds.

Amidst the surrounding area covered by ice ring a slender figure draped by red wisps of magic energy was dashing upfront. He stretched his right arm backwards redirecting the flow of the red essence into his entire arm. He pointed his fingers towards the gigantic walls of blue diving down onto him.


The red magic energy shoot up towards the ice walls hitting them. When the two forces collided there was a huge explosion causing a Storm of mist covering the enitre stadium. The thick mist of melting ice disappeared after a few moments revealing a rather spectacular scene.

"Ice spear."

Aouli summoned hundreds of ice spears at once. The place where he was standing was covered by numerous magic circles. Gesturing with his hands he flung those spears towards his opponent.

Sorrel pulled himself back. He opened his mouth collecting his magic into one place. Then he shot it out.


A ferocious raging ball of energy was shot forward travelling at a straight line. The Icy ground that crossed paths with it was reduced to dusts, the manipulated ice magic melting to nothingness. The overwhelming energy reached the proximity of its opponent.

"Shield." Aouli chanted as he trapped his surrounding with a shield to deflect the attack. But when the raging ball was at his vicinity he widened his eyes. He immediately dispelled the shield and sprinted to his left. From the corner of his eyes he saw the red energy ball drawing nearer and nearer. Aouli barely dodged it in time but when he did so he felt the power grazing past his cheek, causing his right profile to bruise immediately. His eyes widened when he saw Sorrel standing before him, his fist clenched tightly as he punched his hand towards him.


Aouli summoned three ice walls to shield himself from his opponent's attack. But the ice wall broke under the punching fist of the other person.

"Hah!" Aouli smiled happily. Sorrel was a destroyer. He was a repelling mage. His red magic energy had the power to destroy other magics with its tremendous nullifying capacity. The repelling magic essence of a destroyer have them the power to destroy other magic circles as well as different magic forms. For him that one attack that missed his face told him that if he hold back against this person he was going to lose to him.

Sorrel have become stronger than the last time he saw him. Upon this realisation he broke the chains he had been pulling back.


"Forst Bridge."

The ice ring began to rumble slightly. Sharp blade elongations projected out from the ground diverging towards Sorrel who was sprinting towards Aouli.

"Stars of snow." Aouli added another spell bound against his opponent.

Blue snows flickered around the surrounding air. It glowed brightly as blue lights shot out from the hundreds of the small snow crystals.

Ivar dodged the rain of blue ice blades showering onto him. The blade projections elongating from the ground was thrusting up towards him from all directions. He dodged those blades swiftly while stomping on some of it. A huge shadow fell upon him. He looked up and was greeted by a rather gigantic chunk of ice mass crashing down on him.

"Lock bridge." Aouli added his final spell. He manipulated his magic energy onto the two feet touching his ice domain. The freezing ice trapped its opponent in place.

Ivar stared down at his feet that were bounded by huge chunks of frost. He stared up at the massive chunk of ice that was rumbling down with an overwhelming pressure radiating with a chilling breeze.

Ivar clenched his hands together. Directing the flow of his magic into his two hands he hammered it down on the ground, ultimately Chanting his first spell.


All the magic particles covering the ground was dismantled in a blink of an eye, the icy ground came undone bouncing up to form massive chunks of ice blocks.



The ground exploded aggressively reducing the ice domain turning it into mists of vapourizing water. Because of the pressure of the attack the water vapour shot out ferociously in the form of hot, scorching steam.

The entire stadium was engulfed by the hot steam. Those seated around the stadium couldn't see it because of the mist covering the arena but they heard the sound of something being punched. It caused another loud explosion to erupt. The ground shook for a little bit.


The hot steam was dispelled by another shockwave of a powerful attack.

Everyone who saw the next scene couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring unblinkingly at what happened next.

Ivar have been solely using Sorrel's power during all these fights. He was not going to use his own magic. He chanted another spell. His right arm was covered by a scaly gauntlet made of Sorrel's magic energy. The gauntlet was oozing with an overwhelming nullifying force. This is it. He thought to himself as he charged forward.

Aouli casted five forms of magic circles at once. Cold breathe, Frost slices, ice spears and ice blades. Additionally his familiar, A phoenix blazing with freezing ice cold breathe was also summoned. The phoenix dove towards its target. Howling like a crying Siren it shot out a huge ball of ice breathe towards its opponent.

Ivar punched his armed hand against the Phoenix's breathe. The collision of the phoenix's breathe and his magic gauntlet caused rapid explosions. He summoned Sorrel's familiar, a small red creature. Ivar channeled the red creature into his hand then he punched his fist forward.


The phoenix was exterminated in an instant. The shockwave of that punch was so strong that it destroyed the blue magic circles in an instant. The overwhelming power of the punch did not stop there landing a direct hit on Aouli. His body flew back a few distances away from where he was standing. Ivar pursued him at once. He sprinted towards his opponent. It happened in an instant.

Ivar was already near Aouli in a flash of moment. He dispelled the gauntlet on his hand. Clenching his hand into a tight fist he gave the final blow using his raw strength.

Everything was too fast for Aouli to comprehend at the moment. The only thing he felt was a painful sting incomparable to anything he have ever felt in his enitre life hit his face, causing his body to twist, distorting the barrier he have casted for protection. The taste of something metallic hit his tongue and the next thing he knew his view went dark, causing his vision to die out.

His slender figure droped down onto the ground with aloud 'Flop.'

The remaining ice domain shattered to nothingness.

Everyone waas silent.

The deafening silence was broken by a loud clap from above. Following this the audience broke into an applause, cheering the owner of this year's crown.

"Yo! You did it freaking amazingly!" Lytch whistled as he shouted at his pal who was helping up the conscious body of the other person.

Ansel stared down at the two boys with pride in his eyes. They have given them an excellent battle. Both of them were worth his praise.

"Never expected that kid to use his raw strength in that last attack." Senk remarked staring at the winner of the festive tournament.

The sound of loud applause continued for a while.

His blue hair fluttered in the air as he appeared before Sorrel. "You did well." He spoke while stretching his hands to pat the boy on his head. But again sorrel pulled away from his touch.

"Thank you brother Ansel." He replied with a slight smile while frowning on the inside.

Don't touch me so casually.


The audience almost had a heart attack when they saw that dazzling smile again.

Ansel also widened his eyes. This little guy was smiling more frequently these few days. His snow white skin beaming with a lovely glow as his red plump lips curved to from that sweet smile. was a good thing that Sorrel was learning to smile more often.

Ansel looked at Aouli. He didn't say anything as he directly healed the boy from inside out.

When Aouli opened his eyes he gasped loudly.

"Ah! I lost!" He have lost the fight. Still now he could vividly remember that terrifying punch falling onto his face. He turned to face sorrel his eyes sparkling with admiration as he exclaimed, grabbing his two hands.

"Sorrel that was amazing! Specially that last blow. I can't believe that I completely blacked out to that attack!"

"...." Ivar was taken aback. He stared at his hands that were being squeezed tightly. Withdrawing them he smiled replying. "You were also amazing. Specially with how fast you were casting magic."

This was the first time Ivar was flattering someone. Faking it was a shitty thing to do but he had no choice. Besides it wasn't a lie that Aouli's magic chants were fast.

Aouli smiled brightly. "I will have to train harder. Hmph!" He said. "Let's fight again someday."

It took him a second to realise that Ansel was also here. When he finally noticed him he made a rather sorry expression as he added.

"Brother Ansel sorry but I lost so the promise doesn't count anymore."

"Its alright. I will treat you to something delicious for your hardwork." Ansel replied ruffling Aouli's golden hair.

The other boy smiled brightly like a little puppy.

Turning to Sorrel Ansel asked him again. "Is there really nothing you want as a reward?"

Ivar paused for a moment. He was about to reject him again but something flashed in his mind. He was curious about how strong Ansel actually was. In the data he was entitled as a genius. Meaning he must be a very skilled fighter.

Looking up at him he finally demanded the reward that he wanted to have.

"If brother insists then I would like to have a duel with you."

Pfft.. Cough. Cough.

Those who heard him stared at him wide eyed, their eyes bulging out relatively.

Even Aouli was not an exception. He was shocked by his words. "Sorrel do you really want to have a duel with brother Ansel?"

"Yes I want to have a duel with him." Came a fast reply.

Aouli's eyes gleamed with fascination as he steered his eyes towards Ansel, looking at him with anticipation.

Before the person being asked could reply a woman interrupted their conversation. Walking towards them she stopped before sorrel, staring at him with keen interest.

She laughed lightly saying.

"Hahaha! Little one you have a rather bold nerve to ask Ansel for a duel. If you want to fight him you should atleast pass through me first." She added. "After all if you can't stand a chance against the second most strongest in this world there is no way you stand a chance against Ansel. How about it?"

Ivar stared at this woman. Senk Trein. The person right behind Ansel in terms of power and ranking. He didn't mind it.


His quick reply surprised Senk for a moment. Taken aback she stared at Sorrel. Those pair of red eyes held a mysterious presence. His courage made her burst into a laughter.

"Amusing." She exclaimed making a thrilling face.

"Let's settle this real quick with one attack each. I will let you attack me once and I will aslo attack you once. The choice of combat is yours to decide." Afterall this boy was younger than her so she had to give him the advantage he needed.

"Fist. Let's go with fist." Came a quick reply again.

His reply sure was fast and definite.

"You first." Senk suggested.

Both of them walked towards the stadium. The crowd tensed up with anticipation, while feeling nervous at the same time. They were thrilled and excited yet worried at the same time.

Who wouldn't be? When the young and green sorrel was going up against Lady Senk, the woman who can rival Lord Ansel.

Ivar positioned himself for his attack. He was going to use one of his orginal moves for this single punch.

The audience saw him raise his hand. There was no signs of him activating his magic nor any signs of his body directing his raw power into his hands. All they saw was Sorrel swinging a punch casually towards Senk, the berserker demon lord. Moreover there was still a distance of one yard between the two when sorrel launched his attack.


Senk widened her eyes, her pupils slanted into vertical slits, the colour of her eyes changed from green to blue as she stared at her own body. From the corner of her eyes she saw a glimpse of something behind her.

"!!!" Her eyes were wide with shock.