Guang Wang Lei was greeted by a group of annoying faces.

"Well well. What do we have here." He chuckled letting out a dubious smile.

Seems like an army led by a face he was familiar with have worked so hard to drag him inside this void.

The bewitching Queen who was the leader of this white group smiled at him. Her face was engraved in Guang Wang Lei's memory since he have crossed paths with this woman quite a few times. But he knew that everytime they met again the woman seemed to have an additional identity added to her body. She was the current queen of the heaven realm. Her celestial body was a vassal of numerous identities poured together in that reeking body of hers.

"I believe this is the first official meeting between myself and you." Queen Leive greeted her enemy sarcastically. Her rainbow coloured eyes glowed beautiful as she curved her lips to reveal a rather lovely smile.

"Mister monster it was so hard to set you up. Now that you have fallen in our trap we won't let you go."

A loud snort resonated in the black space. Guang Wang Lei gave them a pathetic stare as if he was looking at a group of useless ants.

"So for that purpose you sent those representatives to set the trap at the cost of their lives?"

"They serve me and I have the right to use them as I please. Thanks to their sacrifice we have indeed succeeded this time." Queen Leive replied leisurely.

The thousands of people on her side were tensed, after all that horrible monster who have destroyed their heaven realm once was standing before them right now.

"Hm..." She hummed lightly. "As of now some terrible shit might be unfolding in another world somewhere....I guess..." Tilting her head to lean on her lover's shoulders she gave the monster a creepy smile.

The veins on Guang Wang Lei's forehead popped out angrily. His eyes slanted with a murderous glare. "I have never seeked trouble against you people on my own. Every fucking single time its always you guys coming after me."

Saying so he discarded the current body he was in. A tall man appeared before them. He had blazing red hair, the strands long, curling down to his hips. His pair of glowing eyes narrowed at the group.

Revealing his true identity to his enemy at this point meant only one thing.



Guang Wang Lei's cold voice as he declared this to his enemy made some of them shiver.

Queen Leive and her army did not say anything to refute him.

"GOD. This man is yours to eat." She called out to something.

In the pitch darkness Guang Wang Lei could feel a monstrous presence. He saw the black space distort from time to time as if something enormous was gliding around the void. Then he saw it.

Numerous pairs of golden eyes leering out from the void, the eyes rolling from all sides, like stars decorating the night sky those golden eyes were staring at him.

"Hah!" He snorted. "What kind of creature have you been raising here?" He couldn't believe it, that these people entitled as "Gods" were raising such a vile, vicious being.

This being had no form or shape. It was like the space building up the void itself.

His lips curved to form a devilish smile.

Guang Wang Lei disappeared from where he was standing.


A loud scream resonated in the space.

Blood spattered on the side profile of his face as he held a dismembered arm in his hands, the flesh was overflowing with a thick red liquid pouring down onto the black space.

In a split second no one said or spoke anything. The group of army narrowed their eyes at the monster as everyone began to attack him, each strike they made was aimed at the nape of that man.

The numerous white auras clashing with one individual distorted the black space, everytime the two forces collided against each other the leering eyes making up the void followed suit, locking its gaze on Guang Wang Lei.

"Tsk." Guang Wang Lei clicked his tongue. That creepy ass gazes falling onto him annoyed him for some reasons.


Smashing the heads of the white amry with his hands he threw away the limp bodies to the side. The dangling bodies of these gods were covered in their blood, the blood vessels and part of their brains falling out of their heads.

Guang Wang Lei slanted his eyes towards the queen.

She had a graceful smile on her lips as she stretched her hands forward.

"Thunder Baby, come to your love."

The man who called her honey turned into a weapon, it immediately bolted into her grip. She raised her hands swinging the staff in her hand towards the approaching monster.


The shockwave resonating inside the void shook those who were inside it.

The army of white were blown away by the huge shockwaves shaking the void everytime those two figures clashed with each other.

The army aided their queen, attacking the enemy from afar.

Tsk. Nuisance.

Guang Wang Lei slashed his hand towards those pesky gods.



The black space was tainted with another river of blood. Dismembered limbs and hands were lying on the ground, the dead bodies of the gods were slit open, their internal organs falling out of those wounds.

"Rain of the rulers."

Thousand streaking lights of the seven shades of the rainbows travelled the expanse of the void, all of them curving towards its target. The head of red lights transformed into dragon heads, their mouths slit open blasting laser lights at their target. Guang Wang Lei dodged the lasers twisting his fingers he flicked at the direction of the dragon heads.




Like exploding watermelons the dragon heads were blown apart every time his fingers flicked.


Sharp glinting blades slashed towards him. Guang Wang Lei's eyes shone with amusement as he stared at the seven shades of the rainbow lights diverging and curving towards him diving at him from all directions.

The heads of the blue lights were transformed into gigantic chunks of swords. The tip of the red lights were shaped into the heads of red dragons. The green streaks shooting towards him transformed into vicious snake beasts, breathing out poison from their fangs. Each streaks of every shades were transforming into different headed beasts, the shape of the lights changing everytime it attacked him, ranging from swords to beasts to other weapons.

The fluctuation of these persistent lights was an amusing contrast to this void, lighting up the space everytime it flashed with a blinding glow.


The monster eyed creature howled everytime the bright light flashed inside the void. Each time the creature led out a loud roar the space of the void distorted.

"!" Guang Wang Lei stared down at his feet that was almost swallowed by the black liquid travelling up his legs. He slashed the disgusting matter of the black liquid off his body. Dashing upwards he sprinted towards the queen again.


The creature rumbled angrily when the flashing lights travelled the expanse of the space.



Queen Leive slashed her staff at her enemy. The amber head of the staff glowed brightly as it shoot out a loud beam of fire light towards that man. The person sprinting towards them twirled his fingers clawing at the beam of light. With his bare hands he squeezed the fire light, refracting it to a different direction he sent it towards his other enemies.


A group of army was annihilated in an instant.


Queen Leive tossed the staff in her hands. The staff changed its form, draping itself around the queen's body, it transformed itself into an armour, shielding every nook and crane of her exposed skin. The armour glowed brightly empowering the queen's strength.

Her rainbow shade eyes glowed brightly. Making swift movement she sprinted towards her enemy at the same time Guang Wang Lei unleashed a powerful punch towards her.


The shockwave of their collision caused the two people to fly back some distance. Guang Wang Lei was the first to recover his stand. The void stopped moving for sometime as if time had stopped at that point for a split second.

Queen Leive widened her eyes when she felt a terrifying fist fall right before her eyes.


Thunder made it in time. The armour protecting her projected itself out of her back, shielding her from that killer move. However the shield wasn't durable enough. When the enemy forced more strength into his fist the shield shuttered under absolute force.



Her body flew backwards, the momentum at which she was punched away caused a rift to appear in the void.

"Revoke!" She yelled. The armour on her body cancelled itself. Pair of strong arms embraced her from behind. Thunder killed the horrifying momentum of this attack from that person. He frowned when he saw his honey spit out a mouthful of blood. Just one punch was enough to incur damage to Leive. As expected this man was not to be underestimated.

Guang Wang Lei was about to make his next move but he stopped immediately when he noticed an abnormal occurence happening.

The space was distorting, as if it was trying to suck everything inside it towards itself, as if trying to mold them one with it.

His eyes flashed with disgust when he saw the dead bodies and the river of blood being gobbled up into the space, the pile of trash was sucked into it.


The numerous eyes peeking out of the black space began to shake heavily, their eyes rolling 360 degree as if they were dancing to something.

"Let's leave the rest to GOD." Thunder whispered to his honey. Queen Leive have already healed herself. She stared at the creature called GOD, which was the void itself. The remaining army of the heaven realm scooted near her in an instant.

Although it was frustrating but they were not a match for that man. So they had no choice but to leave the rest to GOD.

"Okay." She uttered. "Let's leave."


A loud scream caught their attention.

Everyone flinched when they felt a domain restrict their movements. The weaker ones dropped down, half kneeling at the bottom.

"!!!" Leive and Thunder both Widened their eyes when they saw a subtle change in that man.

"What exactly made you guys think that I would let you escape?"

His authorative voice boomed at them. Even from this distance they could feel the pressuring atmosphere surrounding that person increase at an alarming rate. His eyes were wide with rage, his eye sclera were turning to golden, his eye pupils were sinking smaller as if it was engulfed by his pair of eyes that were turning to a bright white color. The horrifying aura oozing out from his body travelled the distance between him and the heaven army.


Everyone felt the air around them sink. Their eyes were wide with shock when they saw the true form of the man standing before them. Nausea and fear gripped some of the people, when they felt the fear shake them before they could even realise their bodies were ripped apart into pieces like tearing papers. The process happened so fast that not a single scream was heard.

Queen Leive frowned staring at their enemy. They had no idea!! She had no idea!! Never in a trillion years did she or any of the heaven realm ever thought that the creature that they failed to create.....they would see someone create one, standing before them, the threat so big that she had finally realised that they had been overlooking the real power of this man.

Guang Wang Lei have used this power only once. He separated the power residing inside him from his body. The breathtaking power shaped itself into a strange being. It had no shape, no face and no limbs yet at the same time this being held a matterial body that couldn't be seen but could be felt. This bizzare form of the being was brimming with a bright golden light.

Slanting his eyes at the army he smirked saying.

"You are going to pay for scheming against me."




Five figures appeared inside the void. They were all kneeling down before him.

"My KING, we heed your summon."

The five replied at the same time.

With a bloodthirst look on his face he gave them his order.


"!!!" The white army froze.

The five summoned people raised their heads to look at their king. Facing him with devilish grins each and every one of them smirked terribly, their hearts trembling with extreme lust for violence.

"Does this mean we can feed on their souls too?"

With a sickening smile he replied. "You can have their bodies too! Feed your several decades of hunger to your fills on their fresh meat walls."