"The queen is dead."

"What should we do? The divine realm has lost half of its arm!"

"There is nothing we can do but attack that monster again!!"

The remaining forces of the higher realm were having a heated debate on their next move.

"Of course, we take revenge for our brothers who have been killed by that monster!!"

"That's right! Trace him down and kill him!! We want revenge for every damage he has done to our realm."

Some wanted revenge while some wanted to withdraw, and rebuild their realm back to what it was before. However the discussion was going no where since their statements were conflicting with each other to the point that they couldn't even talk out the difference properly.

A man with a red crown in his head appeared at the entrance of the realm. He stared down at the messy realm which was very different from what he remembered in his memory. His lips curved up when he overheard the people of the realm argue over something very earnestly.

"Hahahaha!" He laughed disappearing from where he stood.

"Are your brains made of cow dung cakes?"

A sudden voice interrupted them. Everyone turned their eyes towards the one who spoke. At first their eyes were full of wariness and I'll intent but when they noticed the red crown on his head and his red robe draped around his shoulder everyone froze, their mouths gaping loudly.

The smile on that man's lips grew wider.

"" One of them uttered. He was unable to process his own thoughts at the moment because of the shock he was receiving. However they did not even request an audience with "Him."

"Shhh!" Gesturing with his hands telling them to shut up he smiled brightly. The aura leaking from his body was suffocating. "You are not allowed to address me by any name. Its forbidden. Its for your own good."

Gulp. Everyone were shaking nervously. They all stared at the man before them, unable to hide the terror they felt towards him.

The man sneered at them. "Why are you all so afraid? I am on your side. Aren't I that being who bestowed you the roles of Gods?"

The people widened their eyes. They knew that they shouldn't fear this man who made them gods. But...the presence of this man was too terrifying, even his aura was suffocating their souls. This huge gap of power between that man and them made them very fearful of him right now. Moreover, this was the first time ever in a hundred thousands years that "He" has made an appearance before them.

His curving eye smile turned into a chilling gaze. "Anyway, Your queen is dead. The realm is broken beyond recognition. Half of the army has died." When the next sentence fell on his lips a very unpleasant aura radiated from his body, and this suffocating feeling was directed at the people of this realm.


"!!!" Everyone shivered, falling down on their knees. Their throats were becoming dry, as if their chest were running out of air.


Everyone heard that man ask them the same question repeatedly, their faces were turning red, blood rushing up to their brain because of the lack of air in their lungs.

He stared at them. The intention he wanted to give them was made clear so he withdrew his aura.


As if their souls have been freed everyone began to gape widely, inhaling and exhaling heavily.

"Stop messing with that man. You guys can't beat him. He has the legacy of the god who created him so we cannot meddle with his bussiness anymore. Unless you want the enitre realm destroyed."

Turning around he was ready to leave.

"Stay put for a while. Don't interfere with the other worlds for a while. Instead rebuild your realm and bring it back to its initial glory. Do you all understand?"

They heard him speak. The last part was a threat to them. It wasn't a warning but a threat that if they did not listen heavy consequences awaited them.


He disappeared from their sight, leaving them gagging on their breaths, their souls trembling with the taste of fear they just had.

The same man with a red crown appeared in a strange place. He stood on a palace made of clouds. A bit away from him was a long hallway, the side walls dangling with shining starlight. This alley lead to a high flatform where a gigantic throne was seated. The crimson red colour of the throne stood out from this enitre set up since it's crimson colour contrasted with the pale luster of this palace.



"Your power has been drained. It has weakened you so much that it brought you to death." He talked loudly, facing the figure seated on the crimson red throne.

With a chuckle he added, "Of course I had a hand in your assassination."

When he walked up to the platform he now stood before the owner of the crimson red throne.

He stared at the sullen eyes of the figure seated on the throne, his back lumping down on it. A sinister smile appeared on his handsome face.

"The balance has been broken. Chaos will enter this universe now. Hehe." He stretched out his hands placing them on to the skull of the dead figure.


The entire bony figure seated on the throne was crushed to minced powder. Throwing away the clothes that remained, he flicked his finger. A loud wave struck down the crown of the thorne, destroying it beyond recognition. The impact blew away the white clouds nearby.

Seating himself down on the broken throne he rested his chin on his hand, his eyes radiating with a very terrifying aura.

"Guang. Wang. Lei." He murmured the name of that person he saw. The man who have destroyed that realm. "Its such a sad thing. I feel like we will get along very well., I have to remain here and watch the world change. Fufufu!"

This seat, he was now going to sit here and watch the world rewrite it's rules. The rebellion he has stared eons ago has now started to bear it's fruit. So, of course he was going to watch this world and let it entertain him. After all, he was proclaimed death ages ago.

No one would know....Not even a single soul.....would know that he never died and was always here.

The chattering in a certain world was getting more and more rowdy.

"Nee! Rushtaf!! Let's go and visit some world!! Master probably won't be back for a while. Its been a month already, Nee?" Hanging on his twin's shoulder, Gaya couldn't help but keep bothering him until he would give in to his request like he usually does. As long as he was persistent, his twin would give in to his request. That's what he thought.

But....Rushtaf wasn't having it this time.

"He might come back anytime any soon. So I am not going anywhere. Just Leave alone if you want to rampage."

"..." Appm couldn't help but frown at the twins. He couldn't stand the sight of two people sticking like a glue next to each other. Specially Gaya who was practically sticking on Rushtaf's neck, as if he was strangling the other.

Just go somewhere already!!

Thankfully Ronn was also tired of watching their brother play. "Rushtaf just take him to a short trip already. His whining and crying is way too annoying to hear."

"Oh?" The one being addressed glared at him with ill intent. He was about to say something but something else attracted his attention.

Infact, it attracted the attention of every person in this world.


Those who were nearby quickly gathered near a certain spot. While those who were still farther away from that spot remained still. Everyone got down on their knees, their heads bowing down lightly.

"Welcome home, our King."

Their king was finally back. Even though they did not raise their heads yet some of them could feel the additional presence of two more people. One of them was weak and small while the other was blazing vigorously with an alluring power.

"Babe." They heard their king speak in the sweetest voice they have ever heard.

"Welcome to my kingdom."

"...." They never thought their king could speak so sweetly even in their imaginations. Now they were very curious. Very Very curious.

"Our new home." Guang Wang Lei smiled hugging his kitty kitty closer to himself. He completely forgot about his people kneeling before him.

Ivar scanned his eyes around. His heart was quivering with a warm feeling. Right! This was going to be his new home strating from now. Wang Lei and he were going to live together here. He then noticed the people kneeling down before them.

Cough. Cough. He gave his lover a knowing look.

Guang Wang Lei was oblivious. He winked at his kitty kitty, flirting like a young boy.

"Pfft!" Nulis couldn't help but laugh when he saw this funny interaction between them.

"...." Ivar pulled his lover down with the intention of whispering it into his ears. But who knew that this brazen man's mind was full of dirty thoughts, thinking he was being pulled in for a kiss he closed his eyes and puckered his lips with anticipation.

Ivar was stupefied to see his man do this. It was quite a sight, making him smile a bit.

Well....let's not embarrass him.


When their lips touched Guang Wang Lei was hot with desire again. But after a light peck he felt his kitty pull back. Instead his breath fell on his ears.

"Won't you tell them to get up?" He heard Ivar whisper into his ears, causing his ear to tingle with a burning sensation.

What? Guang Wang Lei was confused momentarily. But when he turned his gaze forward he finally got the meaning.

"Right." Cough. Cough. "Everyone, get up already. How many times have i told you not to kneel down before me everytime I return."

They heard their king berate them lightly like he usually does.

Rushtaf was the first to raise his head. Because he was very curious to see who was the person causing their king to speak so sweetly, he rushed this action a bit.


The sight that greeted them, no one was ready for it.

A tall man with long blonde hair was standing beside their king. He had beautiful crimson red eyes that were radiating with an amusing aura. He was dressed in western clothes. His skin was pale and his body was on the slender side. Judging from his flat chest, he was definitely a man.

Yup! 100 percent a man.

They were not ready for this.

Their king looked at the blondie with sweet eyes, his look drippling with honey.

For a moment they did not notice the lovely push doll on the blondie's shoulder.


Nulis jumped down on the ground.

This garnered everyone's attention.

A certain tall man was on the verge of breaking down when he saw his person.

"El.....m....!" He choked.