Nulis felt an intense gaze falling onto him. Just as he was about to look towards the direction of the gaze he heard a stranger say something.


Nulis lifted his eyes at the person who was saying something with a hoarse voice as if he was about to cry. When he looked at the stranger it was a man. He was very tall and masculine. His body build was very big. His pair of eyes were looking at him with a pained expression, tears welling up in his eyes. His lips were trembling lightly. The tall man took a step forward towards him, but after taking a step he stopped, his hands and feet shaking lightly. His lips parted in between, the hesitation obvious in his eyes.


Nulis could feel his soul reverberating excitedly. His soul always gave him clues about the people who were related to his past. Like the division leader and the guy called Levi. Back then his soul was trembling like this. But this time he could feel an immense excitement coming from the shaking, causing his soul to be flooded with a very warm feeling, a deep feeling of longing accompanied this tremble.

The tall man was frozen on spot. He wanted to run up to Elm, the person he has been missing for so long, searching for him all these years. He wanted to run up to him and hug him taking him in his arms, kiss him and whisper him about how much he missed him and loved him. He always thought that if they meet again, that day he would run up to him and kiss him, telling him about how lonely he has been without him. But when the time has finally come he couldn't muster up the courage to do the things he wanted to because.....the person holding his affection was looking at him as if he were looking at a stranger.

That's right. Elm's soul was almost destroyed.

There was no way he remembered him. After all he has lost his memories. The time they spent together to fall in was all gone from his memories.

He was in pain. But he was very happy to see him safe. Tears began to fall out of his eyes.

He couldn't take another step further, and was frozen on the spot.

Then he saw his person walking towards him.

His body was currently made of a push doll. But he still looked so lovely.

Nulis saw the stranger bend down on his knees when he approached him. He carefully studied the man's profile. Upon looking closer at this man, he felt his soul brimming with a strong urge to cry.

"Do you know me?"

When he asked this question he saw the man on his knees look at him.

Their eyes met. The white haired man bit his lips, his eyes began to tear even more heavily.

When he tried to speak his answer choked on his throat and all he could do was nod with a 'Yes.'

Nulis stared into the man's teary eyes.

"Is Elm my name?"

"Yes." Came a low reply.

"But I am Nulis."

When he heard Elm say his name he let out a pained expression. Following this a smile graced his lips.

"Nulis. Nice to meet you." He spoked, handing out his hand. "I am Danyi. Danyi Nova."

Nulis stared at the hand stretching out before him. He did not hesitate to take his hand. When their skin touched aganist each other a nostalgic feeling arose in him.

Now Nulis was half sure that this guy before him was the one the gods have promised to him before. He wasn't hundred percent sure but the possibility of Danyi being the one was very high.

However...Elm was his past. Now he was Nulis. this regard even though his past did matter, it was his present which mattered the most.

Danyi also understood this point. So what if he has forgotten him? They can just restart over again. No matter how many times or years it may take they can take their time to overwrite their story.

Two people, one push doll and another human looked at each other, their hands still held together as neither of them let go.

Danyi's companion stared at them from a far. He remained here to see the face of the mysterious Juliet. So now that he has seen him he was ready to leave immediately.

But before leaving he walked over to them.

"He has been flipping the world up side down looking for you."

Nulis heard someone speak to him. When he titled his head to the left he saw a black haired man standing a little away from them.

Although this person did not say it out straight he got the meaning behind his words:

"This guy loves you a lot."

Was the message behind his words.

Danyi glanced at him.

The black haired guy couldn't believe what he saw. This buff guy's eyes were red because of his crying. He looked kind of pathetic.

"The power of love sure is scary." He thought to himself. Never thought that he would see this mighty guy in such a pathetic situation.

"I am leaving." He said.

Danyi did not react much. "I see." Was all he replied. "Good luck with your next life."

The black haired man did not reply to him. He stared at their hands that were still enterwined together. This instant he knew the sail was going to be smooth.

He closed his eyes letting his soul leave this world.

A body collapsed on the ground.


Ivar gazed at Nulis and the person called Danyi. Every decision to be made was up to Nulis himself. He turned his gaze back onto his man. As usual Guang Wang Lei still has that look on his face.

"Shall we?" He asked, a smirk curving on his lips as he lend out his hand to his kitty kitty.

Ivar smiled as he took the hand. "I will never say no to you."

The two couple left the spot to do their own thing.

Of course that was to show his lover around his kingdom.

This kingdom which was called Gracia, which was named after the name of the God who created this world.

Gracia, the kingdom where Guang Wang Lei was the supreme king.

And this was going to be their home.