Xing Chu Lin couldn't bear it! She couldn't bear Guang Wang Lei ignoring her even though she could see him everyday. She tried to approach him but everytime this happened Yang Lu stopped her from doing so. From afar, she could see Guang Ru bonding with Guang Wang Lei. The scene of them siting closely as they sat together enraged her with envy.

So hateful! That spot was supposed to be hers!

When she first saw Guang Wang Lei she immediately fell in love with him. It was like fate to her. It was like destiny, as if they were meant to meet and fall for each other. And they did. Guang Wang Lei and she became lovers very early. She gave him her everything and followed him on his journey to the upper realms. On their journey together she saw Guang Wang Lei get entangled with different women. At that time she didn't think much about it, thinking, how can one not fall for him. Xing Chu Lin even recalled one conversation she had with other women, saying that they were going to form a harem together for him, and that they were going to share him, as his concubines. Back then they got along very well. Ming Xiao Yu and Ming mei in particular were very close with her. After Guang Wang Lei became the supreme king he made her his empress. Meanwhile even Ming Xiao Yu and Ming mei weren't given an official title. So xing Chu Lin formed the harem that she had promised with the other women. Now that she thought about it, it was very strange. Why did she do it? Feeding food to snakes that bit her back! Something must have been very wrong with her mind back when she said things about sharing Wang Lei with others because now, xing Chu Lin, could say for sure that she never wanted anyone else but her to be Wang Lei's only one. And she was! Guang Wang Lei did indeed treat her special. In the first year after he became the supreme king, Guang Wang Lei, however began to change. It was like he became a different person. Even when they slept together Xing Chu Lin could see it: that her Lei Lei was becoming someone more and more distant. This became more evident throughout the year when the harem conflict escalated. Deep down in her heart she knew that the man she wanted was going to leave out of her reach very soon. When Xing Chu Lin was pregnant she lost her child. Later she found out that it was Ming Mei's doing. Because she did not wanted the first born to be Xing Chu Lin's. Almost every harem member was wishing for the same. So when Ming Mei became pregnant Xing Chu Lin threw back the stone at her. Then Another member got pregnant. And another. Everytime she heard the news, Xing Chu Lin felt like she was going to explode of jealousy. No! She did not wanted the other girls to have her Lei Lei's child. Only she was allowed to have his kids. Xing Chu Lin was the empress. She held the authority to manage the harem. She then began to take action aganist those who threatened her place. She went as far as to drive some of the harem members infertile. Ming Mei in particular.

Then suddenly one day Guang Wang Lei gave the order to dissolve the harem. He withdrew from visiting any of their bed chambers. When Xing Chu Lin heard that she panicked. She wanted to bear his only child, but then this.

In a panicked state she went to meet Guang Wang Lei. When she came over to meet him multiple times he always welcomed her. So Xing Chu Lin thought perhaps, they could still.

When she tried to sleep with him, he refused her.

"Lin. We have both changed."

At that time Guang Wang Lei had said this to her.

She pretended to not understand. And kept insisting on seeing him. They talked and interacted like always. Except that Guang Wang Lei never touched her.

Xing Chu Lin knew Guang Wang Lei still cared for her. But only as a friend and not as a lover anymore. Every night she became more and more hungry, starving for Guang Wang Lei. Then she overheard some of the harem members discussing about something. It was a plan devised to drug Guang Wang Lei.

Xing Chu Lin was enraged when she learnt about this. Then suddenly an idea formed in her mind.

She wanted him. At any cost. Before any other women could get him she wanted to get him back for herself.

So she took advantage of the trust between them. She made the required preparations. Then she invited him over. Once the aphrodisiac began to take effect she felt nothing but joy. She took him to the bed. Then she undressed him and began to make love to him. When She was finally able to have him, she saw stars around her. Happiness embraced her once more. However, no matter how much she tried to get him aroused the body underneath her never reacted. She panicked again thinking that all of this was going to be for naught. So she added more drugs. Still...the body underneath her didn't react. It was only her getting highly aroused.

That memory of her forcing herself on Lei Lei remained a painful nightmare to her. Because the next morning when she woke up Lei Lei was not beside her.

After that day she lost any little thing that was between them. Their trust, their good feelings and everything.

But Xing Chu Lin still didn't wanted to give up. She wanted him at any cost. So she took the worst road to get the man's attention.

To get pregnant with his child. She was hopeful at first. Thinking she might conceive his child after that fateful night. But she was wrong. She didn't conceive.

So she searched for a man who would have red hair just like Wang Lei's. This path she took wasn't easy. But it was successful. When she saw the child being born her heart was filled with joy. The little baby has red hair, bright and red just like Wang Lei's. His face on the other hand looked just like hers. His pale skin to his blue eyes.

She became ecstatic after that. Knowing that the bet she had placed was now on her side.

However several years passed by and yet the child she had nurtured had failed to get the attention of the man she wanted. She was very angry. Enraged everytime she thought of the pain she had to go through to conceive this little guy, she was full of malice. Her malice began to take the form of abuse in a short while.

"You useless thing! Why did you had to be born!"

Everytime she was angry she took it out on the poor boy. Even when Xing Chu Lin discovered that the little guy was being abused by the other harem members she did not prevent them from doing so. They seemed to be directing the hatred they had towards her onto the little guy. She did not stop it even though she knew about it . If anything she wished that they would drive him to death.

So when the little guy told her about Guang Wang Lei inviting him to live with him she was shocked.

Once again, she was brimming with joy thinking that they have finally been accepted by him.

When she went to meet him the next day it turned out that she was wrong.

The entire time from the begining to the end Guang Wang Lei never looked at her. He was always looking at the little useless guy. He even gave the useless thing a name.

Guang Ru.

Xing Chu Lin was very jealous! Everytime she came over she was ignored and obstructed to even have a little chat with her lover.

Guang Ru! All because of him! All because of him the enitre attention was given to him alone. None! No one spoke a single word to her everytime she was here.

She felt horrible. She felt angry. And it was driving her nuts.

Xing Chu Lin then began to think of different ways to try and get Guang Wang Lei's attention from that useless thing. Every night she thought of many ways but in the end she would discard them because the plans weren't perfect. That was until she discovered the ploy of the harem members who wanted to harm Guang Ru. Xing Chu Lin smiled. This plan was going to be perfect. All she had to do was create opportunities for these women to strike meanwhile she would keep her hands clean.

Fortunately the opportunity came very early. Guang Wang Lei left for somewhere. Although Yang Lu was still beside Guang Ru she knew of a way to drive him away. She used the minions of the former head of the jade palace to disrupt some conflict within the capital. Just as she has anticipated Yang Lu left real quick. She then made sure to let the harem members get a word about this.

It was a bliss for Xing Chu Lin to see those women trample upon Guang Ru. Those women made the useless thing drink something. Some of them slapped him. But they didn't inflict much physical wounds on him. Then they stormed off.

She waited. And waited to see the end of this ploy. The boy was slowly dying. His body twitched from time to time. But he was still alive.

Why not just kill him for all?

Xing Chu Lin could hear her soul whisper this to her.

Just swing the knife in your hand down at him and he will be a goner for sure.

Kill him! And Wang Lei will be only yours!

Don't you want him for yourself?

Yes! I want him for myself. Only me!

She walked out of the place where she was hiding in. Walking over she stared down at the body of the child. His eyes, mouth and ears were bleeding blood. His pair of blue eyes looked just like hers. She hated it.

She raised her hand. Then she hit it down on Guang Ru.




The twitching body stopped moving. The groaning sounds fell deaf. Only silence kissed the atmosphere.

Xing Chu Lin stared at the bloody scene before her. She did it on an impulse. A creepy smile graced her lips.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a thought hit her.

Oh god!

"What have I done!"

"What have I done!!"

Fear began to form in her heart.

No wait! If she got rid of the evidence maybe things were going to be okay.

Besides, during the past no matter what kind of offences she and the other harem members made towards each other Guang Wang Lei never punished them.

"Right....all I....."


Something grabbed her from behind. A hand gripped onto her slender neck, strangling her with a mighty force. She immediately lost her breath. Her face and body began to burn up as if she was lit on fire.

Xing Chu Lin was horrified when she found out that the owner of the hand strangling her belonged to the man she wanted to have.

The image of a silver haired woman being strangled by a red haired man stood at the centre of the darkness.

Guang Wang Lei dropped her on the floor.

Cough. Cough. Xin Chu Lin coughed out a mouthful of blood. She saw something lustrous flash by her head.


Blood spattered on the ground, making a whoosh sound. A silver haired head was flying off the ground. It landed on it with a loud thud. Because of the fall of the impact the brain was falling out of the head.


Guang Wang Lei was feeling an unquenchable rage. His shallow eyes looked down at the child lying bloody on the floor. Guang Wang Lei got down on his knees. He stretched his hands to touch the body but...he stopped.

"Revert." He chanted. But the time did not budge.



He kept yelling the same word over and over again!

Yet the dimensional space showed no signs of tracing back the time.

Guang Wang Lei didn't realised that his eyes were welling up with tears. Perhaps this was the only time ever since he could remember that he cried for someone else.

"..." His golden eyes growled with an overwhelming rage. Then he disappeared from the spot.

Right....those pests... Only if he had killed them sooner....




The sounds of women screaming followed each time the sound of the sword striking fell.

One by one more and more dead bodies fell onto the ground.

No one was spared.


Guang Wang Lei killed off all of these annoying pests. He was on a brutal massacre right now. No matter how many times he killed it didn't quench his anger.

Perhaps if he had done this from the begining then Guang Ru might still...

No.....he was to blame.....he was to be blamed for being careless....

The more he thought the more disgusted he was with himself.

A pile of thousands of dead bodies laid on the ground.

Guang Wang Lei was drenched in blood from head to toe. His clothes to his face to his hands....and his sword.

This wretched world!

"What in the....."

As soon as he heard that voice he sprinted towards him.

Yang Lu wasn't even given a chance to react when he felt a blade pierce through his heart. Immediately his breathing stopped and his body droped on the ground becoming one of the dead bodies lying there.

Guang Wang Lei killed everyone he saw. Not a single soul was spared.

In the end he found himself standing before Gyang Ru's dead body.

He took him in his arms.


The space didn't move.

He began to cry....muttering..... "I AM SORRY.....I AM SORRYY...."

The world was slowly eroding away.

It was breaking apart.


"I AM SORRY....."

That was the first time Guang Wang Lei heard the god's voice.